That One Moment (Lost in London #2)

“You’re still not going to Barcelona,” Booker grumbles and everyone bursts into a mix of annoyed groans and laughs.

I smile at my dad and four brothers, who really aren’t all that dissimilar to Hayden in the end. Perhaps that’s how he was able to somewhat win them over. The whole lot of them are all brooding, protective, over-bearing, but completely devoted men, who care for you absolutely once you’ve breached their hardened hearts. I hope someday my brothers can all have their own love stories.

And Hayden has breached my heart for good. My soul sings as I stare at the crinkles in his eyes as he laughs along with the other important men in my life. Those crinkles are the sexiest road map to his happy place. A happy place that includes me.

It’s dark out by the time Hayden and I leave my dad’s. We head straight to my flat where we’ve been spending most of our nights. We do hang out with Theo, Leslie, and Marisa some, but the majority of our time is spent here. I think Theo and Leslie have been appreciating their alone time, especially since Marisa seems to be growing out of her fussy stage.

“Your brothers aren’t as tough as they seem,” Hayden says as we flop onto the wicker sunbed in my rooftop garden. The Chinese lanterns glow down on us, casting a warm, cosy ambience in the dark London night. “They’re all bark…no bite. Booker is lucky that I was feeling generous today.”

I grin as he tucks into my back and spoons me in that delicious way that turns him into the cosiest Hayden blanket. “Booker gets Barca, you get South of France,” I say with a comfortable sigh.

“Mmm, you could have told me you have some time off coming up before I got in a huge battle with your brother, you know,” he moans and nips my neck playfully. “But I forgive you…because I get to see you in a bikini.”

Cupping his head to my neck, I reply while he nuzzles, “Actually, I was thinking we could try one of those nude beaches.”

His nibbling halts instantly. “Like fucking hell we will.”

I bite my lip to stop my giggle. “It’s all the rage there. And I do hate tan lines.”

“Look at me.” Hayden yanks my shoulder back so I’m lying on my back and he’s holding himself over me. All good humour completely evaporates from his face. “I can’t tell if you’re joking.”

My eyes twinkle with mirth. “It’s a bucket list thing I’ve always wanted to try.”

“You’re out of your mind, Vi, if you think I’m going to allow my girlfriend to traipse around a beach bloody naked for all of France to ogle. Christ, I’m actually getting fucking pissed off just thinking about it.” He runs a hand through his hair as my heart does little summersaults over his girlfriend title for me.

It never gets old.

I reach up and clasp his face in my hands. “Maybe we can work out an alternative.”

“What is that?” he groans, his grey eyes watching me in agony. “I swear you just like to torture me.”

I lift my brows archly. “Rooftop sex is also a bucket list item for me.”

His eyes instantly heat with desire. The possessive side of him has to look around first, clearly noting that we’re the tallest building for miles and there’s no way anyone can see us from here.

“Or we could always go back to the cinema.” He shoots me a salacious grin. “I know my Bunny loves the movies.”

His head drops down to my neck and he places kisses down every square inch, all the way to the tops of my breasts. He bites down on my tank top strap and pulls it down my shoulder. His breath stutters with excitement when he sees I’ve ditched my bra for the night. “Fuck…Kissing you will never get old.”

“You know what never gets old for me?” I ask and my breath catches just as he cups the weight of my breast in his warm, rough hand.

“Hmm?” he asks as his lips continue their assault along my collarbone.

“Hearing you call me your girlfriend.”

“Mmm, you like that do you?” he asks, thumbing my hardened nipple. “I’ve got one better for you.”

“What’s that?” I suck in a quick breath and let out a sudden moan as his lips wrap around my nipple and he bites down softly.

“Future wife.” His head pops up to watch my reaction.

My hooded eyes turn wide. My expression drops in shock. “I…I,” I stammer.

“I’m not asking yet, Bunny. Believe me, when I ask, you’ll know. But I want you to know that’s where I see this going with you and me. I told you I wasn’t going to waste any more moments with you, so that’s why I’m telling you now.” His face is deathly serious. His grey eyes warm pools of open sincerity.

“Okay then,” I croak in a lame reply.

Amy Daws's books