That One Moment (Lost in London #2)

A sob erupts from Leslie, but I refuse to look down. I refuse to break the blurred, tunneled, suspended view of the woman I love.

“It’s 11:11, Vi. And my final wish…my final request to the universe…is that I will save all my wishes for you. Every one of them. Belongs to you.”

Her face crumples as she cups her mouth to hide her sobs. Gareth motions with his head for her to come to me and, instantly, my grasp releases the mic. I rush around the table and slip between the couples still frozen in shock on the dance floor. She bustles over to me, her blonde hair and red dress flowing freely behind her.

Just as we connect in the middle…

Just as my trembling hands take hers in mine…

Just before she presses her lips to my mouth…

…I look into her glittering blue eyes and realise that all of those wishes I made before, trying to change my past, would have kept me from this beautiful reality standing in my arms.

“I love you, Vi. I’ve loved you for so many moments, and I don’t want to waste any more time not telling you.”

She silences me with her lips. Her perfect fucking lips that kiss me harder than I’ve ever been kissed in my entire life. Or maybe it’s just a normal, everyday kiss, but feels different now that everything’s changed.

She pulls away, reverently wiping away the tears falling freely down my face. “You could have just said all that earlier, ya know. Who knew My Hayden had such a flare for the dramatics?” she giggles.

God, she fucking giggles.

She kisses me once more before pulling back and whispering in my ear the words that I’m finally ready to hear. The words that have the ability to bring me to my knees and raise me right back up.

“I love you too,” she says with a sigh.

I smirk.

She loves me too.


Hayden’s voice is loud and demanding. “You are out of your fucking mind if you think you’re going to Barcelona with Vi. I mean it, Booker. This isn’t even up for discussion.”

“Who the bloody hell do you think you are coming into my house and barking orders around like you’re the boss? You’re right lucky I’m not skinning you alive, you fucking wanker,” Booker snaps aggressively.

“Wanker?! Real mature.” Hayden looks at me, his grey eyes going wide like he’s asking me to step in and help. I just continue hiding my smile.

“Yes, Hayden, you’re a fucking wanker. An old fucking wanker and you’re not going to Barcelona with my sister,” Booker barks again.

“Booker…you would tread very carefully if you knew what was good for you.” Hayden’s tone is low and menacing.

“You think I’m afraid of you! What a laugh. Oi, are ya gonna thump me with your calculator? You fucking nerdling.”

“Oh, go kick a fucking ball. I’m taking Vi to Barcelona!”

“Think I should break this up?” I murmur under my breath to Gareth all the while attempting to hide my giggles.

His eyes alight with shocked amusement. “Hell no, this is the best farewell I’ve had so far! Let’s see who draws blood first!”

We’re seated at the end of the long wooden table in my dad’s kitchen, our chins propped on our hands as Hayden and Booker stand nose to nose at the opposite end. They are in the middle of an epic battle of wills for who gets to go with me to Barcelona. I cast my vote silently for Hayden because I feel badly about inviting Booker originally. And damn if I wouldn’t love a proper holiday with Hayden. It’s been three weeks since Theo and Leslie’s wedding, and I am more smitten with him now than I ever was before. There’s just something about a man uttering the words “I love you” while he swats your arse lovingly that makes everything inside of you go all warm and gooey.

“This is actually my house,” Dad finally interjects after he’s nearly licked the plate of Swedish pancakes I made special for Hayden’s visit today.

I hop up when I hear Bruce barking at the door. I let him in from his trot outside. He’s panting ferociously with huge strings of slobber hanging from his mouth. “Good dog,” I say as he nosedives for his water bowl. I squat down beside him and whisper in his ear, “What do you think of him, Bruce? Do you approve of my bulldozing bruiser of a boyfriend?”

Hayden’s heated gaze glances over at my words, clearly no longer listening to my brother who’s still chirping away. He watches me with that possessive sense of ownership that he gets every time he hears me call him that. It’s quite funny, actually…if it wasn’t so bloody sexy.

Bruce suddenly laps at my face happily, soaking my entire cheek. “I’ll take that as a yes,” I cringe and give him a hearty pet. Then I stride over to the sink to rinse my face, feeling Hayden’s eyes on me still.

“Vi, are there any more?” Tanner asks, carrying his plate over to the counter and picking around the dishes still scattered everywhere.

“They’re going with Gareth to Manchester. Sorry, Tan.”

He frowns. “Gareth gets everything.”

Amy Daws's books