Tapping The Billionaire (Bad Boy Billionaires #1)

“I thought we already figured this out, Benny. I might be Big-dicked Brooks, but your perfect, tight—”

I clamped my hand over his mouth, laughing.

He licked my palm, waggling his eyebrows.

“Gross,” I scoffed, feigning disgust and wiping his spit on his own shirt.

He chuckled a few times and then his eyes turned soft and he brushed a few strands of hair out of my face. “I’m glad you brought me this weekend. I had fun meeting your parents.”

I rubbed my nose against his. “Thanks for coming with me and being such a good sport. My mom and dad can be a little overwhelming.”

“Your dad is a riot.”

“He really likes you.” I grinned. “That’s huge, by the way. Dick doesn’t like anyone.”

“After you left the garage, your dad and I had an interesting conversation.”

“What was it about?”

“I’ll tell you, but you have to promise not to freak out or get embarrassed.”

“I’m not sure I like where this is headed.” My nose scrunched up in skepticism.

His index finger tapped my nose. “Just promise.”

“Fine. I promise.”

“Your dad asked me for a few tips.”

“Car tips?”

Kline shook his head.

“I don’t get it. What kind of tips?”

His eyes creased with amusement.

My jaw dropped to his chest. “Oh God,” I whined. “Please tell me what I’m thinking you’re about to say is not what happened.”

“Apparently, your mother encouraged him to talk to me about sex, particularly two-minute orgasms. I’ll be honest, I have no idea why your mom thought I knew anything about that.”

I shut my eyes and buried my face in his chest. “She heard us last night.”


“Well, she heard me last night.”

“Oh, shit,” he said before quiet laughter started vibrating his body.

I rested my chin on his chest, glaring at him. “Thanks a lot, asshole. You and your Jedi sex tricks had me screaming like a lunatic while my parents were two doors down.”

“You didn’t seem to be complaining about my Jedi sex tricks last night,” he teased, grinding his hips against mine.

“Don’t even think about it,” I warned, poking him in the belly. “You will not get all frisky with me in this bathtub.”

He waggled his brows. “What about in the bed?”

“No,” I retorted. “I refuse to go into an orgasm coma again.”

He tilted his head, an endearing smirk highlighting his lips.

“Well, not ever, just not here.” I quickly backtracked because, yeah, no way in hell would I deny myself that kind of orgasm forever. I wasn’t a crazy person.

He laughed, kissing my nose. “Whatever you say, Benny girl.”

As the plane throttled forward and took off down the runway, Georgia screamed like we were on a roller coaster, shrieking at every bump, lump, and wind gust.

“Jesus,” I shouted over her squeals and rubbed at the meat of her thigh. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you’d never flown before!”

We’d both been surprised by the trip, a last-minute meeting with a vendor that wanted to go live on our site ASAP. It didn’t happen often, but when people jumped up and down and waved money around, we jumped back. This was one of those times and the reason we found ourselves San Diego bound this early in the day on the Tuesday after a weekend with her parents.

“It’s different on a private plane,” she yelled back, even though there wasn’t a need. I’d only had to yell before to be heard over her screeching, but she wasn’t concerned. And she didn’t seem tired either. I, myself, was exhausted from a weekend filled with Savannah and Dick. And Georgia and my dick. Truly, the D was everywhere.

Gemma, my regular personal flight attendant, smiled happily from her jump seat. Thankfully, she seemed rather amused by it all.

“Baby, it’s the same as a normal plane,” I argued at a conventional volume. “Just smaller.”

“No. Nuh-uh,” she disagreed. “This is not like regular planes. Regular planes make you feel like a poor, desperate vagabond, willing to subject yourself to any treatment just to make it to your destination.”

“What airline are you flying?” I laughed. “Third World Air?”

She shook her head and smiled before looking out the window again. “It’s more whoopty or something,” she tried to explain.


“Whimsical. Roller-coaster-y.”

I smiled and she laughed, throwing her hands up and pointing to her face in confirmation. “Fun!”

I leaned over and kissed the apple of her cheek. “I’m the fun part.”

“You are,” she agreed with my lie.

She was the fun. Hands down.

“You mind if I take a little nap?” I asked, knowing I’d need my business brain later instead of the current mush.

“Aw, Kline. My old man is tired, huh?”

I had to laugh as I nodded. “He is.”

Her body seemed to deflate all at once as she laid her head on my shoulder. “I am too. I feel like I haven’t slept in ages.”

Max Monroe's books