Taking Connor

Dragging his gaze from mine he lets out a long breath as if he’s amping himself up for whatever he’s about to say. “It was better that it didn’t go that far.”

I’m wild with anger as I rip my arm from his grip and whip the driver’s side door open. I crawl out, stumbling as I do and slam the door. Humiliation blankets me. I’ve been such a fool. Connor doesn’t want me and he just used Blake as his copout. I make a beeline for the house, tears burning my eyes when I’m jerked back.

I’m wild with anger as I rip my arm from his grip and whip the driver’s side door open. I crawl out, stumbling as I do and slam the door. Humiliation blankets me. I’ve been such a fool. Connor doesn’t want me, and he just used Blake as his cop out. I beeline for the house, tears burning my eyes when I’m jerked back.

He opens his mouth to speak, but I don’t give him the chance. “Fuck you, Connor,” I hurl the words as venomous as possible at him. He flinches but doesn’t let me go. I may be humiliated, but I know deep down I’m not stupid. There is something there . . . something we’ve both been fighting, but Connor isn’t brave enough to seize it. “You spent eight years in prison for a secret that could have possibly freed you. That man you killed deserved what happened to him. Hell, he deserves worse. And Blake,” I’ve never been so angry with Blake. How could he? “Blake was wrong. He was so fucking wrong to let you rot in that prison. I’ll never forgive him for it.”

“Don’t say that,” Connor shouts at me. “You don’t mean it. You have no idea what happened.”

“And you,” I continue, ignoring him. “Don’t use Blake as an excuse to turn down what I’d give you happily. You rejecting me is on you, not him.”

I move to run, but Connor pulls me back and holds me by the arms. The rain is relentless, pelting against us, dripping from our noses when he bends down to meet my line of sight. His voice is calmer, huskier when he asks, “What are you willing to give me?”

I swallow hard, the intensity of his dark stare bearing down on me, sucking the breath from my lungs. “I’d give you every piece of me,” I admit quietly, letting all the fight drain from me as he holds me steady. “My heart, my body, it’s yours Connor . . . if you want it. If you’d just take it.” My voice cracks with emotion on the edge of a sob. “I’d give you my all.” He leans toward me slightly and my belly clenches as I prepare for his lips to meet mine, but then he pushes away from me and rubs his head with both hands, letting out a loud groan as he turns his back to me.


B.N. Toler's books