Taking Connor

Lexi squeezes my leg under the table again, and when I look at her, she smiles sadly. I have no idea what to say or how to feel about these revelations. I need time to process it all. And quite a few questions are swirling through my mind, but frankly, Roxy can’t answer them. They’re all questions for Blake. And Blake can’t answer them either.

“What did Connor tell you when he called you last night?” I ask, deciding to focus on the here and now. I’ll think about my late husband’s secrets later. Right now, Connor needs my help, even if he doesn’t want it.

“We were supposed to meet. He called to tell me he couldn’t make it. When I asked why, he said he’d been arrested. Then he hung up.”

It’s so sad that it makes me feel a little better that he cut her off too. I know how pathetic I am for feeling that way. “So how’d you find out about the bail hearing?”

“A friend of mine works admin for the Sheriff’s department. I called her, and she got me the details. I came by your house first, but you weren’t home.”

“And you told Jim Burgess about the support group?”

“Yes,” she admits, with a nod. “I don’t think Connor would have wanted anyone to know, but I thought it might help. I decided to wait outside because I didn’t want to see him mad at me. Does the lawyer think he can get him off of these charges?”

“I don’t know,” I answer honestly. “He won’t tell me what Connor is saying.”

Reaching across the table, Roxy takes my hand and squeezes. “If there is anything I can do to help, please let me know. Connor is a great man. If he did do it,” she pauses and shakes her head, “there was a good reason for it. I know it.”

Lexi tosses a twenty on the table and slides out of the booth. “We need to go Demi,” she says. “You need a shower, and we need to be ready when Jim calls and says Connor is being released.”

Looking to Roxy, who is still holding my hand, I say, “Thank you for telling me . . . everything.”

“I’m sorry I had to be the one to tell you,” she replies. “I hope you won’t be mad at Blake. Shame makes us do stupid things sometimes.”

I nod once. I’m not sure how to feel about Blake’s secret. Maybe I’m feeling too many other things to focus on it right now. All I know is, Connor needs my help, and he’s getting it whether he wants it or not.

It’s five in the evening before I’m allowed to sign Connor out. When he sees me waiting for him, his mouth flattens, and he shakes his head. Not exactly the greeting I was hoping for. The day matches our mood; dreary. I feel like I haven’t seen the sun in years.

Connor stares out the window as the rain pelts against my car, the wipers swishing on high speed. The windows are beginning to fog, but I’m still able to see after wiping the glass with my hand. The ride home is silent. He hasn’t spoken a word to me—not one word.

Finally, we make it home, and as I park the car and switch off the ignition, he turns his head and stares straight ahead at the garage.

“How’s your head?” he asks, gruffly.

I try to tame my sigh of relief. He’s talking to me. That’s something at least. “A little tender, but better,” I answer him.

“Where’d you get the money?” His words are tight, his voice deep. Clearly he’s unhappy that I’ve bailed him out—as I knew he would be. But I don’t care.

“I took it out of my savings.” I only had to put down 25,000 to bail Connor out, but if he were to run, I’d be stuck with paying the total 250,000.

“And what if I take off? Disappear?”

“You wouldn’t do that,” I affirm.

“But what if I did?” he persists. “You’d be stuck paying 250,000 dollars.”

“Then I’d put the house up to cover it,” I answer simply and unapologetically as I begin digging through my purse. I don’t need a thing out of it, but it’s a distraction—I can’t look at him. But Connor isn’t having any of that. When he grabs my arm, stopping me, I look up and meet his hard gaze.

B.N. Toler's books