Taking Connor

“Don’t embarrass me!” I shout after her.

Staring at myself in the mirror I try to give myself a pep talk. “You can do this Demi. It’s okay to want to be happy.” I wait a few minutes before heading downstairs and find Lexi and Vick in the kitchen each with a cold beer in their hand.

“Hey,” I smile and give an awkward wave. I don’t know if I should hug him or . . . what? And Lexi being here is causing me to overthink it even more. If I hug him, she’ll probably make some obnoxious ‘Aww’ sound. So, I do nothing. I just watch Vick as he runs his eyes up and down me, and I can’t stop the butterflies I feel when he gives me a thoughtful half smile that borders on a look of appreciation.

“Wow,” he breathes. “You look amazing.” However apprehensive I may be about how to appropriately greet him, Vick apparently doesn’t share that sentiment. In three short strides, he’s in front of me, pulling me to him, placing a chaste kiss on my cheek.

“Thank you,” I manage when he pulls away, heat blanketing my face.

“Well, I’ll be heading out now. It was nice to meet you, Vick,” Lexi interrupts before chugging the remainder of her beer and tossing the bottle in the trash.

“You too,” Vick smiles and waves.

“Call me tomorrow, Demi.” Then she’s out the door before I can respond.

“Your sister is nice,” Vick notes turning back to me. He’s still standing inches away, close enough that I have to fight the urge to back up. It’s not that he’s making me uncomfortable that makes me want to react that way; it’s a feeling of inexperience. It’s been years since I’ve been this close to a man, and I feel like a young girl about to be kissed for the first time ever. It’s ridiculous that I feel that way, but I can’t help it.

“She’s something all right,” I chuckle. “You look nice.” And it’s true. He’s wearing a black polo shirt with khaki shorts, and his hair is mussed in a sexy surfer guy kind of way.

He looks down at himself and smirks. “I’m not great at dressing up. This is about as nice as it gets. Pretty low-key.”

“I like low-key.”

His blue eyes meet mine and watch me for a moment. Then . . . he steps toward me. This time, unable to fight it, I back away a step. His smile grows. “Do I make you nervous?”

Darting my eyes away, feeling silly for stepping back, I answer, “I’m sorry.” Then I meet his gaze again. “I’m just . . . out of practice, I guess.”

He steps toward me again, but this time I remain planted in place, even when he takes another step toward me. Now he’s barely an inch away, and my heart picks up its pace. He leans in, his mouth millimeters from mine.

Don’t chicken out, Demi. It’s okay to kiss another man.

“I have thought of nothing but what it would be like to kiss you; really kiss you.” A part of me wants to kiss him, to see how it feels, test my limits, and another part of me wants to run upstairs and hide. “But I won’t kiss you until you’re ready.” Then, remaining close, his eyes hooded as he stares down at me, he sips his beer as my screen door opens and slams closed.

“Demi, that copper piping is shit!” Jeff yells as he enters the kitchen wiping his hands. Today was his first day of repairs, and he’s been outside all day cursing up a storm. Vick backs away, and I look around him as Jeff does the awkward glance between the two of us realizing he walked in on a moment.

“Oh, uh, sorry,” he clears his throat.

I laugh nervously, attempting to play it off, and failing miserably. “Do you need money for more material?” I ask, rushing for my purse.

B.N. Toler's books