Taking Connor

“She’s just happy you’re dating someone, and it’s not Connor.”

I frown with her words. It makes me sad my mother thinks so lowly of a man she’s never met. It makes me sadder she doesn’t trust my judgment. And it makes me saddest that Connor is so undeserving of her low opinion.

Lexi, sensing my dismal thoughts, changes the subject. “Damn I’m hungover,” she sighs.

“You’re hungover every day, Lex,” I point out. “Why don’t you take a few nights off from the party scene?”

She snorts. “Gotta party while I can.”

“Are you seeing anyone?” I ask casually. Lexi is no doubt a very sexual woman. That’s not to say she sleeps with everyone, but she isn’t shy about sex.

She blinks a few times, her gaze drifting away for a brief moment as if in thought before moving it back to mine and smirking. “His name is Bob. You’d like him.”

“Bob?” I question, smiling a little, happy to hear my sister is interested in someone. “What’s he like?”

Twisting her mouth to the side she mumbles, “Hmm.” Then leaning forward, she says, “He’s a solid kind of guy and knows how to show a girl a good time.”

“Well, those are both really good traits.” I smile.

“And whenever I need him, no matter what time of day it is, he’s always there.”

“I like him already,” I add.

She smiles at me. “Oh, you’d adore Bob,” she agrees as she picks up her cell phone and starts messing with the screen. “I have a picture of him.”

I sit up straighter, waiting to see this guy that has my sister so enamored. “Is he cute?”

“He looks like Zac Effron.”


She hands me her phone and when I glance at the screen, my brows furrowing in mild confusion, she bursts into laughter. “Your face, Demi!” she bellows out as her hand slaps the table top.

I look up and glare at her. The picture she has pulled up using the internet on her phone is one of a giant vibrator with some weird looking thing that sticks out.

“Demi, meet Bob,” she gasps between laughs. “My battery operated boyfriend.”

I roll my eyes and slide her phone to her as her body jerks while she tries to stop laughing. “I was excited you had a boyfriend that looked like Zac Effron,” I add dryly.

“Well I picture that sexy son-of-a-bitch every time Bob and I have a go at it,” she jests.

“Very funny, Lex,” I say, shaking my head. “You’re an asshole.”

“I know,” she chuckles. “Sorry. I had to do it.”

Seeing the moment has passed, she moves on once again to a different subject. “How was this weekend with the kids?”

I let out a long breath. “Long and exhausting. Thanks for all your help,” I reply snidely.

She smiles saucily. “Looks like you and Connor had it handled anyway. Were they at least good for you?”

I decide not to tell her my concerns about Grayson until I have a chance to discuss it with Wendy. But McKenzie is fair game and being that Lexi was a bit of a wild card herself growing up, maybe she can offer some insight as to what is going on with Kenz. “Mostly well,” I begin. “But McKenzie is going through some major mood swings. She was just . . . angry all weekend,” I try to explain. “And she was even rude to the Jenson’s when they came over to say hi.”

“The old dude across the street?” Lexi questions and I nod. “He’s always given me the heebie-jeebies,” she shutters.

“Really?” I question surprised. “He’s so sweet, though.”

“I’ve just always gotten a weird feeling about him. I don’t know. Must just be me.”

“Well, I doubt he’ll ever come back over after the way McKenzie treated them the other day. Not to mention she told me she hates my house and didn’t want to come over to begin with but Wendy made her.”

B.N. Toler's books