Sweetest Venom (Virtue #2)

Sometime in the early afternoon the next day, we stand outside the hotel about to go our separate ways. Both of us need to pack, say good-bye to family and friends, and we have to let our landlords know that we will be terminating our respective leases. My stomach is full of butterflies and my body is blissfully sore. It’s such a high to be together that nothing else matters. Tomorrow.

I wrap my arms around Ronan’s waist, holding him tight, and tilt my head back to take a better look at him. My gaze devours the mouth that knows every secret that my body has to offer, the jaw covered in scruff that has tickled me in more than one forbidden place. But it’s his eyes, the color of chocolate and honey swirling together, that hold me captive.

I smile with lips that are swollen from our kisses. “I can’t believe that we’re going to do it.”

“Are you afraid?”

“No. Not at all.”

“Eight p.m. tonight. And then forever,” he murmurs tenderly.

We agree to meet back here at that time and spend the night in the same hotel room. Tomorrow morning, we’ll take a cab to JFK Airport, and get on the first flight leaving. The thought makes my heart beat faster, excitement rushing through me. I want to burst with happiness.

“Kiss me,” I say.

Ronan buries his fingers in my hair, tugging it slightly, and lowers his face to mine. The warmth of his breath caresses my skin.

He smiles, biting my lower lip. “No.”

I mirror his smile. “Kiss me.”

“Nope.” Ronan laughs. He kisses my temple before leaning his forehead on mine, our noses touching. God, how can I feel so much love for this man? “Trust me, Blaire. I want to kiss you, too. But once I start, I won’t be able to stop. And we both have a very busy day ahead of us.”

I grin. “It’s not my fault you can’t control yourself, Mr. Klein.”

Ronan raises an eyebrow, the corner of his mouth tilting in a crooked smile. “And whose fault is that, Mrs. Klein?” He pauses, his gaze hungrily roving over my face. “Oh, fuck it. Come here, babe.”

His mouth is on mine, swallowing me, breathing life into me with his lips. I feel him so deep in my soul, I tremble with love.

“Happy?” he asks when the kiss comes to an end.

I nod, smiling smugly. “I do love getting my way, you know?”

“You’ll pay for that later. But before I forget,” he says, pulling something out of his back pocket. “I have something that belongs to you.”

I gasp, covering my mouth with a hand when I see what he’s holding. Ronan reaches for my wrist. “Here, let me put it on you.”

With a trembling hand, I touch the Hello Kitty watch he gave me all those months ago. “You kept it? After all this time?”

He runs his fingers through his hair, nodding.

“Why?” I ask dazedly.

“I couldn’t get rid of it. It meant too much,” he says softly.

I close the space between us and hug him once more. “Tomorrow can’t come soon enough.”

“I know, babe. I know. But in just a few hours we’ll be back together, and everything will be all right.”

I hold onto him tighter, drawing him closer into my arms, suddenly afraid to let him go. Life can’t be this perfect, can it?



I’m packing my suitcases, trying to figure out what to take with me, when my doorbell rings. I walk to the door, frowning as I go because I’m not expecting anyone. Elly is still in Vermont, so I have no idea who it could be. My heart freezes when I peek into the peephole and see who’s standing on the other side. Dread settles in the pit of my stomach as I unlock my door as fast as possible and open it.

“MAY I COME IN? WE NEED TO TALK,” Jackie says, her expression inscrutable.

I tuck in some hair behind my ear, nervous. And with good reason. Besides her expression right now, which isn’t the friendliest, I haven’t forgotten our last meeting. “Um … sure, come on in.”

Jackie walks past me and into my apartment. I close the door behind me and watch her inspect my place. Her head moves this way and the other as she takes in the expensive furniture and the décor. All evidence of the person I used to be. Things that a hostess salary could never pay for.

She turns to look at me, dislike embedded in her face. “So this is what Lawrence paid for?”

That’s a hit below the belt. One that I didn’t expect from her in my own home. And one that hurts because of how true it rings. My instincts shout at me to hit back and draw blood, but I bite my tongue. I take a calming breath, reminding myself that she’s Ronan’s sister. And that she has every right to be angry.

“If you came to insult me, I think it’s better if you leave now. I love your brother and I don’t want to say something I’ll regret.”

Mia Asher's books