Sweetest Venom (Virtue #2)

Weak-kneed, I’m barely able to stand straight by the time he pulls away. “Good morning, darling,” he says huskily.

“Whoa,” I manage to say in a daze, slightly shaking my head.

He tightens his arms around me, infusing my body with warmth. “Damn fucking right.”

“Modest much?”

“I wouldn’t know.” He grins crookedly. “What’s that?”

“Impossible man.” Standing on my tiptoes, I grin and place a soft kiss on his chin. “Good morning … Wait, aren’t you supposed to be at work already?”

His gaze unwavering, he raises a hand, letting the back of his fingers trace the curve of my jaw. “Fuck work. Spend the day with me.”

“Again? So soon?”

He shrugs carelessly. “Why not?”

Oh, Lawrence, my friend, if you only knew how happy you make me. “And what would you like to do?”

He surprises me by scooping me up in his arms. As he nears my bedroom, Lawrence leans down so his mouth is close to my ear and whispers huskily, “You. All—day—long,” scattering shivers down my spine.

By the time he steps inside my bedroom, I notice that Dust to Dust by The Civil Wars is playing in the background. I step away from him once he places me gently on the floor. Suddenly feeling shy, I walk toward the windows to pull the curtains closed.

“Don’t,” Lawrence commands. As my hands grip the fabric, Lawrence steps behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. “I don’t want to miss a thing. Dance with me.”

I let out a shuddering breath. I nod and wrap a hand behind his neck as the other falls naturally on top of his, bringing our bodies much closer than before. And in this fashion, we begin to sway slowly to the melody. My room and everything inside of it disappears. Nothing remains but Lawrence and the feel of his arms around me.

Slowly he unties the belt securing my silk robe and spreads it open until my naked body is exposed to him. One of his hands begins to travel a leisurely path across my body, caressing my hips, his fingers sliding across my stomach, grazing the edges of my hot core, driving me wild purposefully. He cups my breasts, pinching my nipple as he bites into my neck hungrily, making me cry out in pain. His touch is teasing—taunting—divine—revering. Our breathing becomes labored, shallow.

“Here, Lawrence,” I reach for his hand and guide him to where I need his touch the most. Want and lust emanate from our bodies as we get lost in the heat of the moment and the erotic rhythm of our hips. “I need you here.”

Lawrence lets go of me and pushes me against the window. Belatedly it occurs to me that someone could be getting an eyeful but I can’t bring myself to care. With my back pressed against his front, I close my eyes when I feel Lawrence’s magic hands spreading my ass, rubbing me in that forbidden place, setting me on fucking fire.

“Do you like this?” he asks, his voice husky with desire. I turn my head to stare at him as he slides down my body, kneeling behind me. I watch him bring a finger to his mouth, lubricating it with his saliva, and then he rubs me, massaging in small circles until he slowly enters me, stretching me. It’s painful. Beautiful. Forbidden. He adds another digit, increasing the pain, increasing the pleasure.

“Do you like my fingers fucking your sweet and tight ass?”

I nod desperately. “Yes, God. I need your mouth there.”

Lawrence chuckles and withdraws his fingers, replacing it with his mouth over my tight hole, kissing, probing, and lapping with each relentless flick of his tongue. Lust flows through my veins.





He eats me as though he is starved and I’m his last meal. Spreading my ass wider, I feel his tongue getting lost inside me, pumping in and out of me, the pace ruthless. And when he adds his fingers once more, the earth shakes underneath me and I see stars. Without saying a word, I push myself away and turn to face him. My breath is uneven and my body hurts from the lack of an orgasm, but I feel like flying.

Placing my hands on the lapels of his suit jacket, I say throatily, “Lie on the bed. I want to make love to you.”

Once Lawrence is undressed, he lies on the bed and watches me closely. His green gaze, sparking with lust, roves over my figure. I stand in front of him and deliberately allow the robe to slip down my body, leaving me completely naked. There’s nothing between us but the invisible walls protecting my hardened heart. But even those are slowly being chipped away by him.

His eyes on me, I make my way toward him, each step bringing me closer as something inside me that I don’t understand desperately calls for him. It’s not the way he touches me or the way he makes me feel when he takes me that makes me tremble with fear or with exhilaration—it’s him.

Calling for me.

Mia Asher's books