Sweet Hope (Sweet Home #4)


The night seemed to drag by as I listened to all the conversations my friends made, but I felt disconnected. In my head, I was back in that kitchen with Axel. I was being stripped of my clothes. I was being devoured by his hungry mouth and wet tongue… And I was clutching onto his back as I cried out my release.

Molly and Rome left after a few hours, Molly finally admitting that she wasn’t feeling too well. She’d looked uncomfortable all night. I was genuinely worried for her.

Finally, when midnight hit, I rose from my chair, calling off early under the pretense of having to get up early for the gallery. It wasn’t completely a lie, I would be at the gallery tomorrow, but first I had to spend quality time with the sculptor.

As I got outside, a shadow moved to my side and I smiled knowing that Axel had received my text. As I pressed the fob to open my car, I climbed inside, my pulse thundering as the passenger side door opened too. Axel quickly slipped into the seat, switching off the interior lights, plunging us into darkness.

The air in the car seemed to thicken with electricity. Placing his hand on my knee, Axel squeezed my leg and growled a single command.


Licking along my lips at the heat of his touch, I said, “I just need to go grab my overnight bag from Rome’s. I’m at the gallery early tomorrow for the final positioning of your newest sculpture. Then we’ll be almost done.”

Axel’s hand froze on mine. “I can’t come with you to Rome’s, the fucker hates me, and if he sees you with me....” he trailed off. I could hear the concern for me in his voice.

Drifting my fingers down his cheek, I said, “Just stay in the car, I’ll be in and out in less than five minutes. He and Molly will be in bed anyway. They’ll never know.” I looked across at Axel. His facial expression was glacial. Leaning across the seat, I pressed a kiss to his bearded cheek and assured him, “It’ll be fine. No one will know you’re with me…” I smiled and added, “then you can take me back to the studio where I’ll be all yours, to do with whatever you please…”

Axel grasped my head in his hands and pulled me in for a brief hard kiss. Breathless, he ordered, “Fucking drive fast.”

I pulled out of the Carillos’ driveway as fast as I could, and in record time, arrived at Rome’s electric gates where I furiously pressed the fob for them to open.

Every time we halted at a stop sign, I’d had to fight to not pull back the seat and beg Axel to just fuck me in this car. I’d never had, nor had I ever felt, this before; an irrational need to give myself to a man wholeheartedly for no other reason than wanting him as close as we could physically get.

The gates opened slowly. Seeing Axel grip the thighs of his jeans, I tore down the graveled driveway and slammed the car in park.

Looking to Axel, I said, “I’ll be back in five minutes.” Just as I gripped the handle and cracked open the driver’s door, the house door flew open. I heard a pained groan from Rome and my blood ran cold.

My eyes narrowed on the darkened entrance, trying to see what was happening. Suddenly Rome ran out the door… Molly lying lifeless in his arms.

“ALLY!” he shouted as he headed for my car, fear lacing his voice. I sprinted from the car...

“Rome?” I asked nervously. I caught the gutting expression on his face as Molly, dressed in a long silken nightgown, hung pale and unresponsive in his arms.

“Help me!” he begged, “She won’t wake up! I can’t fucking wake her up!”

Tears began pouring down my face. I froze not knowing what to do. Rome was shaking as he pressed his wife to his chest, sobs ripping from his throat. “Baby,” he whispered, his fingers running over her face, “Baby… please… wake up…”

Choking on my cries, Rome looked up at me. The utter helplessness etched on his face brought me to my knees. “Ally,” he cried, “I can’t lose her, not my Mol, I can’t…” He broke off and rocked her to his chest.

I tried to think, I tried to unscramble my frantic mind as I stared at my unconscious friend. I couldn’t think rationally, couldn't think clearly.

Suddenly, the sound of the car door opening had my head turning to where Axel was walking round the car. Rome’s head lifted up as he spotted the movement. His eyes frosted over.

Before my cousin could speak, Axel threw open the car’s back door, and looked at Rome. “Get in,” he ordered, “I’ll get y’all to the hospital.”

Rome, clearly needing someone to take charge, ran forward and slid very carefully onto the backseat, all the time murmuring to Molly for her to wake up.