Sweet Hope (Sweet Home #4)

They stared into each other’s eyes and seemed to speak to each other simply through their connection.

I rocked awkwardly on my feet and moved toward my cases. Molly saw me from the corner of her eye and stood up from Rome’s lap.

“Rome, show Ally to her room, baby. I’m going to go and lie down.” She rolled her eyes at me. “Doctor’s orders. Lots of rest and no stress.”

I smiled at her and watched as she headed out of the room. Molly then stopped and turned round. “Oh, I nearly forgot. We’ve organized a celebration dinner for you tonight, sweetie. Everyone’s coming. A big hello to you and your arrival in the Emerald City.”

“Molls, I—” I went to argue, worried it was pushing her too far.

“Not you too, Ally! I have enough from my brooding hulking Football stud there, treating me like I’m a fragile doll.” Molly pointed at Rome and playfully gave him a scowl. Rome’s eyes tightened, being playful back. “I’m fine.” Her hand went to her stomach. “We’re both fine, and I won’t have everyone stepping on eggshells around me for the next several months!”

“Yes, ma’am,” I said and mock-saluted her.

Molly laughed and shook her head. “And later I want to hear all about this new gallery you’re designing at my school, okay?”

“Sure thing,” I replied, amused.

Molly nodded in triumph, then carefully walked up the stairs, leaving me alone with Rome. Rome picked up my luggage and quickly headed for the stairs, and I followed.

He led me to a room at the end of a long hallway. When he opened the door, my mouth fell open. It was beautiful; light and airy, an all-white room with a huge en suite featuring the biggest tub I’d ever seen.

“Rome… this is…” I whispered and turned to my cousin, who was leaning against the doorframe, arms folded across his chest.

“Now you stay for as long as you want, you hear? Molly loves having you around. And I don’t find it too shabby either.”

I stared at my cousin, hearing the catch in his voice as he tried to cover his apprehension over his wife with a joke. I walked over to his tall frame and took hold of his tense arms. “She’ll be okay, you know. This baby is a good thing. It’s a blessing.”

Rome looked down at the floor. “I know it is, Al, and I am happy. We’ve wanted a baby for so long. You know we have. But, Christ, Al, listening to that doctor talk through the risks again and being constantly reminded that her momma died from the same thing Mols has… and…” Rome stopped speaking, and I squeezed my hand on his arm. His nostrils flared and he went on. “And remembering my girl in that damn hospital bed, broken and lost, just kills me. It could happen again. Or it could be worse.”

“It won’t be, Rome. Everything is different this time. You’re in a much better place, you’re older, you don’t have your parents breathing down your neck and all that stress to contend with. And I know you. You won’t let anything happen to that wife of yours ever again.”

Rome’s lip hooked up into a reluctant grin, and I smiled back.

“I’m gonna be an aunt!” I squealed excitedly, and Rome started laughing. My heart broke at how worried he was but then how excited he was when he finally let his happiness shine through.

“Yeah, yeah, you are. Aunt Ally.”

“And you’re gonna be a daddy.”

He blew out a breath and ran his hands down his face. “Yeah… fuck…”

“And you’re gonna be a damn good, one, Rome. The best damn daddy on the planet.”

Rome gave me a huge thankful smile, and I could see the pure joy in his expression. I could see just how much he wanted that little baby Molly was carrying.

Rome shook his head in amusement and mussed up my long brown hair with his hand.

“Rome!” I yelled. “Get the hell off!” I tried to slap him away, but he jumped back out of my reach.

“Glad you’re here, cuz. It’s been too fucking long since we saw y’all,” he said, becoming more serious. “We’re going out to celebrate in a few hours, so be ready about seven.”

Rome walked off before I could say anything, leaving me in this huge guest room. I sat down on the bed.

I was in Seattle, about to take on the exhibition of my life, and to top it all off, I was gonna be an aunt.

This move felt so perfectly right...

Chapter Three


A few hours later we entered the restaurant, and the waiter took to us to a private room at the back. I was glad, because when we walked through the busy dining room, people began staring at Rome and whispering to one another—star struck on recognizing the Seahawks' starting QB. Molly ducked her head and tried to rush forward, clearly embarrassed, but Rome grabbed her hand, keeping her close to his side. He hated the limelight too.

As we entered the private room, which overlooked the vast beautiful evening view of the Sound, I exhaled, smoothing out my sleeveless black column dress, only to hear my name being called from across the room.