Stone Heart: A Single Mom & Mountain Man Romance

“Yes! Please!”

Again and again, it happened, him sliding out and slamming back in. My ass jumped for him, causing me to plant my hands into the headboard of his bed. With every move he made, it knocked against the wall, threatening to shatter into a million splinters before I came on his cock. His hand wrapped steadily into the tresses of my hair as his hips continued their assault and soon his thrusts were coming so quickly I wasn’t sure I would be able to breathe in between them.

My pussy was fluttering and my juices were dripping. His cock was growing and his balls were smacking my clit. I wrapped my feet around whatever part of him I could feel while that electric sensation shot down my back, my body begging for more of him.

And then, it happened again.

“Yes! Shit! Don’t stop. I’m coming, Liam.”

My body popped, sucking Liam’s cock deeper into me as he drove himself inside one last time. He dropped to my back and pressed kisses up my spine as my body shook. I bit down on the pillow, stifling my moans and whimpers while his cock spilled itself into me.

“Whitney. Holy hell.”

It was the first time I’d heard my name drip from his lips. I closed my eyes and allowed it to wash over me as my pussy trapped him inside. My toes finally uncurled and my body dropped to the bed and soon I felt his body resting on top of mine. The light sheen of sweat that had gathered upon his skin coated my back and, as he slowly slid out of me, I could feel our intermingled juices trickling from between my legs.

He pressed kisses into the back of my neck before he finally released my hair. Then, he slid off to the side and gathered me in his arms.

I was waiting for him to slip out. I could feel my eyes growing heavy with exhaustion and I assumed he would try to find his way to the living room again. But instead of moving, he slid his leg between mine and wrapped me up tightly in his arms.

I sighed at the sensation as I scooted my body back into his.

“The man at the shop told me something interesting,” he said.

“What wonderful pillow talk,” I said, grinning.

Liam’s chuckle washed over my body, still able to tingle my toes with electricity even though I was spent.

“He said the main roads should be cleared by Friday. So, if I could get you to the main road, I could get you back to the resort.”

“Ah,” I said. “Well, okay.”

I barely knew Liam but I wasn’t sure I wanted this to end just yet. Friday was only a couple more days away and I was hoping to get more time with him. I’d come to enjoy the seclusion with him. I’d come to enjoy the silence of his presence. I’d come to enjoy the beautiful views he had from this little cabin of his. Up here, there were no worries. I didn’t have to think about my future or my career or how the hell I’d ended up here at this point in my life.

He was a wonderful distraction and I didn’t want it to end.

“Just thought you should know,” he said.

I was exhausted and I could feel my eyes getting heavier, but there was something in his voice. Had I been a little more awake, I might’ve been able to place it, but the only thing I could identify about it before I fell asleep was the disappointment.

I could’ve sworn I heard disappointment in his voice.



My eyes opened and I felt the warmth of Whitney’s body against mine. Another restful night of sleep where the nightmares were kept at bay. I knew it was Whitney’s presence doing this. I knew she was the one driving my nightmares away. There was something about her I simply couldn’t place. A soothing component my body simply gravitated toward. I drew in a deep breath through my nose as her hair danced along the pillows of my bed. Then, I drew her body into mine and held on to her tightly.

I knew most of the roads would be cleared tomorrow and I wanted to make today special for Whitney. I knew she was on vacation and I didn’t want this snowstorm to have spoiled anything. I racked my brain as to what in the world we could do but, before I could come up with an answer, I felt her turning around in my arms.

“Good morning, beautiful,” I said.

She groaned, her body turning to face mine. There was a smile on her lips but her eyes weren’t open yet. It took her a while to finally peel them open and, even when she did, I could see how tired she still was.

“You can go back to sleep if you’d like,” I said.

“No, that’s okay,” she said groggily. “What time is it?”

“I’m honestly not sure but my inner clock usually gets me up around seven thirty.”

“Balls,” she said flatly.

I laughed and pulled her to my chest. The way she instinctively nuzzled into me was something I was going to miss. Running my fingers through her hair, I felt her sigh into me. Her arm was lazily draped around my waist while her leg wiggled its way in between mine. It was like her body had to be connected to me for her to feed off my energy.

And I soaked up every single moment of it.

“Anything you want to do today?” I asked.

“Is there anything to do?” she asked.

“Well, I’m sure the snow’s starting to melt somewhat. How’s your ankle feeling?”

“It doesn’t suck nearly as much as it did.”

I reluctantly pushed myself away from her and scooted down toward the foot of the bed. I slipped the blanket away from her legs and took her foot in my hand. I unraveled the wrappings and started to work it in slow circles. For the first time, Whitney didn’t wince when I did so. The swelling had gone down and the joint was much stronger than it was.

“You’re about ninety percent there,” I said. “Can I get you to stand on it?”

“You want me to move?” she asked.

“I promise you can lay right back down.”

She let out a hefty sigh that caused me to laugh. I took her hands in mine and slowly pulled her upright. She was not a morning person. Not by a longshot. Honestly, it was a little cute. I helped her up to her feet and she tried to put pressure on her ankle. I could tell by the shocked look on her face that it felt much better than it had previously.

I watched her take a few steps and noted that her limp had gotten significantly better. It was hard for me to keep my sights trained on her ankle when I had her entire naked body prancing around for me but I was able to do it. She lifted her tired grin to my face and came right back to me. Then she threw her arms around my neck and kissed my skin.

“Thank you for taking care of me,” she said.

I wrapped my arms around her body and simply allowed myself to get lost in her voice.

“Would you like some coffee?” I asked.

“Definitely,” she said.

“What about breakfast?” I asked.


“What would you like to do after coffee and breakfast?” I asked.

But then I felt her shake her head “no.”

“What?” I asked.

“I don’t want to ask,” she said.

“Why not? Come on. We can do anything. Anything that doesn’t require my truck.”

“I just don’t know how you’ll… do with it,” she asked.

“Try me.”

She looked up at me with hesitant eyes and I knew what she was going to ask before she even asked it. She might be a country girl but she was that city kind of country. Fancy dinners and barbecue you ate sitting in a restaurant. She wasn’t the bonfire and beer bottle kind of country.

Which meant she’d probably never shot a gun.

“I noticed you had some deer meat in your freezer,” she said.

“I do.”

“Did you hunt that down yourself?” she asked.

“Just ask, Whitney. It’s okay.”

I could tell she was nervous but I finally got her to ask.

“Would you teach me how to shoot a gun today?”

“I can do that, city girl.”

Rye Hart's books