Stone Heart: A Single Mom & Mountain Man Romance

I stayed quiet at his question as I began loading bags into my cart.

“You should,” he said. “Stop by the pet store and get you a dog or something to keep you company. It’s gonna get mighty lonely once you get snowed-in.”

“I’ll take it into consideration,” I said.

I paid for my groceries and booked it to my truck. I didn’t want any company. I didn’t want a pet. I didn’t want anything else to run after when I was already running after myself. I tossed everything into the bed of my truck before I handed my cart off to someone else. Then I jumped in and started back for my cabin.

Screw having someone to keep me company.

Alone was what someone like me deserved.



It was my first official day at the resort and the area was already forecasting the snowstorm of the century. Of course something like this would happen. It was just my rotten luck that I would get here only to be snowed-in and not able to enjoy the beauty of the town. The weatherman made it sound like he was trying to get people to evacuate or, at least, take serious precautions. I shut off the television and looked out at the sky. While it looked kind of gray, it didn’t seem like the storm was any more sinister than any other winter storm.

I threw on some clothes, pulled on my hiking boots, wrapped myself up warmly, and headed for the trails.

Even if it did pour down snow on us, areas like this were equipped to handle that kind of thing. I’d still be able to get from my cabin to the main clubhouse, which boasted four hot tubs, two indoor swimming pools, a workout room, and a cafe-restaurant combination. I’d be able to keep myself entertained on the grounds, even if the sunsets would be obscured by the clouds in the sky.

Before that, I wanted to take in the nature around me and it seemed like the only time I was going to get to do that was today.

The place was absolutely phenomenal. Even the studio cabin was sixteen-hundred square feet. It was spacious with an incredible kitchen and I’d stocked it with a few things I could cook for myself while I was there. I unpacked my things when I first got there and settled in for the night, but when I woke up that morning, I realized I couldn’t find the keycard to the cabin.

I’d already lost it, which was just fucking typical.

I bundled myself up before I headed to the main lodge. I walked in and saw a man standing behind the front desk. He smiled at me and readied himself for my question but I could see the way his eyes were fluttering down my body.

Great. Just what I needed.

“Hello, ma’am. Is there anything I can assist you with?”

“Yes, I seem to have misplaced the keycard to my cabin,” I said. “What is the cost of replacing something like that?”

“No cost at all,” he said as he dipped behind the desk. “I can have another one made for you right here.”

“Thank you so much.”

I could feel him sneaking glances at me while I stood at the desk. He was programming a new card for me while I looked around the lodge, taking in its beauty. There was a massive crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling and a roaring fire in the fireplace. There was a dining area with yet another restaurant in the back of the lodge and there was a staircase that led up to a second floor.

“What’s on the second floor?” I asked.

“It’s an entertainment facility. Pool tables, a projector screen to play movies or the game everyone wants to watch. There are a few televisions with game consoles on them as well. Would you like a tour?”

I turned around and looked at him as he held my keycard out for me. I took it from him and our fingertips grazed. I felt a shock that caused me to rip my hand back. I hissed, while the man began to chuckle to himself and, suddenly, I felt the need to get out of there.

I wanted to get on my hike before this bad weather set in.

“That chandelier casts a wonderful glow around your hair,” he said “Thanks,” I said. “And thank you for your help.”

“I don’t mean to be forward,” he said. “But I can’t just ignore the connection between us.”

“Excuse me?” I asked.

“The shock. When our fingers touched. That doesn’t happen in everyday life. It’s like our bodies knew something about one another before we did.”

Was this guy fucking serious?

“It’s called ‘static electricity.’ It happens all the time.”

“Would you like to get dinner with me sometime?” he asked. “Maybe at the cafe?”

I sighed. He was trying as hard as he could and, even though he was falling on his face, he kept on going. In another world, his persistence would’ve been an endearing trait, despite the fact that he was really trying to force it. But I simply wasn’t interested. I wasn’t here to find company or someone to share my bed. I was here to screw my head on straight so I could keep looking toward my future.

“Thank you for the invitation but I think I’ll have to decline,” I said.

I backtracked out of the lodge. I hated disappointing people but I wasn’t about to fall back into old patterns. I wasn’t about to start doing what people simply expected me to do. This was my life and, somewhere along the way, I’d forgotten that I was the only one that controlled it. I gripped the keycard in my pocket as I started for the hiking trails and, already, I could feel the blustering wind setting in.

“Hey! Miss!”

I turned around to see one of the staff riding up to me on a four-wheeler.

“Yes?” I asked.

“You know there’s a storm setting in, right?” she asked.

“I’m aware, yes.”

“It’s going to be dangerous for you to be on those hiking trails. I’ve been going around to all the cabins and informing everyone about the storm. If you need anything from town, I suggest you get it now. And if you want to reschedule your visit, we’re doing that free of charge.”

“That’s very kind of you but I’ll be all right,” I said. “I got a bunch of stuff before I came in and I’m only here for three weeks. The cafe and the restaurant will still be functioning, right?”

“Yes, we have the backup generators in place, but I must warn you—”

“Thank you for your time,” I said. “You’ve done your job. I’m just gonna take a quick hike and then I’ll be right back.”

The woman seemed wary about letting me go but I felt empowered. This was my life and I was the one in control. Not a boss. Not a man. Not the weather. Not anything. I wanted to see a bit of the countryside and the mountains before I was relegated to the compound that was this resort and that was exactly what I was going to do.

So, I turned around and started into the shadowed path that was the hiking trail.

I became so enamored with the life and the sights around me that I wasn’t paying attention to the sky. I hiked and wound around and, eventually, I came to a downed tree in the road. I looked around and tried to find the path I’d snaked in on, which was when I realized I’d carved my own path.

I was no longer sure where I was and I felt panic starting to set in.

I looked up at the sky and noticed the gray clouds were getting darker. I really needed to get back to the resort before I got caught in all this shit. I walked around the tree and started along the road. This couldn’t be just a random road that led to nowhere, right? It had to lead somewhere. If it led to a house, whoever lived there could get me back on track. If it led to the main road, I could hitch a ride with someone and get back. But the road got narrower the farther along it went, and soon, a brush of trees completely overshadowed the small trail the road dumped me into.

I pulled my phone from my pocket and tried to call someone. The reception was spotty and I didn’t have enough of a connection to pull up the internet. I had no idea where I was, I had no idea which direction the resort was in, and I could hear the wind whipping through the trees.

Then, it happened.

Rye Hart's books