Stone Heart: A Single Mom & Mountain Man Romance

I had to close my eyes and keep reminding myself that they weren’t my family. Lily wasn’t my child, and Cindy wasn’t my wife.

The movie ended, and Lily was passed out against my chest. Cindy moved the popcorn bowl and proceeded to get Lily ready for bed, wiping her down with wipes while the little girl slept. I watched her take the girl’s shoes off and remove the bow from her hair. I admired the mother she was, how gentle she was in her movements and how tightly she cradled Lily against her.

Even though I knew I should be pushing them away, there was something drawing me to them.

And I hated that I enjoyed it so much.

Cindy walked down the hallway to put Lily to bed, and I got up from the couch. I took the empty popcorn bowl to the sink and opened her fridge door. I pulled out a bottle of wine, searched for a bottle opener, and poured us each a tall glass. I turned around as she was coming around the corner and handed the crimson liquid to her, and she sighed with relief.

“I was just coming to open that,” Cindy said.

“Great minds think alike,” I said.

“I didn’t know you drank wine.”

“Only when the occasion calls for it.”

“This an occasion where you need wine? Did Lily wear you out that much with all her questions?”

“Hardly. But sometimes enjoying a glass of wine with a pretty woman is an occasion in and of itself.” Damn, I just couldn’t stop myself.

I watched her blush as the two of us settled back on the couch. We sipped our wine in silence for a little while, taking in the quiet around us. Cindy kept sinking further into the couch, relaxing with each sip she took from her glass.

Her legs were stretched out, and her curves were on display for me in all their splendid glory.

“So. How did the pot pie turn out?” Cindy asked.

“It was really good. Was that your first time making it?” I asked.

“From scratch, yeah. I think the dough was a little too thick. I’ll have to roll it out more next time.”

“I thought it was fine, so you’ve got my stamp of approval.”

“I’m glad you enjoyed it,” she said.

“Did you work today?” I asked.

“I did. Have I told you what I do for work? I can’t remember. My mind isn’t what it used to be.”

“Regale me anyway then,” I said.

“I work at Nicole’s Novelties in town. The owner, Nicole? She’s my best friend. Known her for many, many years now.”

“Do you enjoy the work you do?” I asked.

“It’s a job. It’s money. My dream was to open a bed and breakfast here in town, someplace cozy with a decent view and a hot tub. I’d cook meals, and Bradley was supposed to be the maintenance guy. It was gonna be this whole thing until …”

I watched her sigh as I reached out and took her hand.

“Sorry,” Cindy said.

“For what?”

“For bringing him up.”

“Don’t ever be sorry for something like that. I understand, remember? You can talk about him all you want with me,” I said.

“Even when we’re sharing a romantic glass of wine?”

“Even when we’re sharing an entire bottle,” I said.

I reached for the bottle and filled our glasses back up. Cindy’s body was slowly tilting toward me. I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her close, feeling her nuzzle her cheek into my chest.

I bent down and kissed the top of her head as the chemistry between us began to grow.

“Bradley was a lucky man,” I said.

“What do you mean?” Cindy asked.

“You’re beautiful. You’re a wonderful mother. You’re a great cook. You’re kind and down-to-earth and patient. He was very lucky to have you.”

“Your wife was lucky to have you too,” she said in return.

“Cary,” I said. “Her name was Cary.”

“Beautiful name.”

“Beautiful woman,” I said.

“What was your son’s name?” she asked.

I gritted my teeth as I drew in a deep breath.

“Kason,” I said.

I felt her nod against me as she finished off her second glass of wine.

“They were lucky, too, you know,” Cindy said.

“Not so lucky it turns out,” I said.

I took our glasses and got up to set them in her kitchen sink.

“They were. You’re a generous man, Graham. Handsome. Protective. Calm. Caring. You're nothing like how this town talks about you.”

“They think I’m the big bad wolf?” I asked.

“Depends. You going around blowing houses down?” she asked.

“Nope. I try to keep to myself as best as I can.”

“Why?” she asked

“Because everyone’s better off that way.”

“I don’t think so. And I’m sure Lily wouldn’t think that way either.”

“You have no idea some of the things I’ve done,” I said. “The things I’ve set in motion that are still happening.”

“Then, talk to me.”

I turned my eyes to her as she stood next to me, her gaze holding mine in that determined way of hers.

“I can’t do that.”

“Then don’t,” Cindy said.

“I think you’re the first woman who has ever dropped the subject of a damaged man refusing to talk about his past,” I said.

“Your past isn’t mine to know unless you’re comfortable with it. It’s not mine to demand,” she said.

I lifted my hand to cup her cheek as her eyes slowly sucked me in.

“But know you can talk to me if you wish,” Cindy whispered.

“There are so many things,” I said.

“Then start with one,” she said. “Just one.”

I guided my lips to hers, unable to deny the tug my body felt toward hers any longer. Her hands slid around my waist, locking around me and pulling me into her luscious curves. I felt my cock growing against her as our tongues connected in a sweet, sensuous dance of lust that pulled goosebumps along the back of my neck.

“Just one?” I asked.

“Yes,” Cindy said as she nodded her head.

“I can’t resist you, no matter how hard I try,” I said.

Our eyes connected as Cindy’s hands worked their way up my chest.

“Then don’t,” she said.

I crashed my lips into hers and picked her up against my body as I stood. My hands grabbed her ass, feeling the way she ground her hips into me. I walked her all the way back to her room and piled us onto the bed, my hands stripping away her clothes as my lips peppered her skin with kisses.

I could smell her arousal dripping, calling to me as the animal within me awoke. I could feel my cock leaking for her as I pulled my shirt over my head. I looked up into her heated face and watched her chest heave. Her tits were perfect, pulled into tight peaks as her hands searched for my hair.

“Are you sure?” I asked.

Her eyes rose to connect with mine, and I saw them haze over with lust.

“Yes,” Cindy said. “I’m sure.”



His thumbs opened up my pussy folds, and he plunged his tongue into me. He pressed against my clit and lapped up my juices as his elbows pressed my knees open. I rolled into his lips, seeking any friction I could. I was desperate for him, desperate for this man who understood my pain and wasn’t out to repair it.

His lips sucked at my clit, and it curled my toes. I dug my heels into his back, feeling his muscles twitching for me. He bent forward, pressing my knees to my chest as he opened my body up to him. His tongue kept pressing and licking, flicking and spreading me apart. Heat was cascading in places I’d never felt before, and I knew I was going to unravel. My fluids were leaking down my thighs, and his tongue was perfection. He was face-planted into my pussy, and his body had me pinned.

All I could do was give myself over to him because I couldn't move to do anything else.

I parted my lips to moan his name, but nothing came out. My orgasm crashed over me like a boulder rolling down a hill, and it became hard to breathe. My pussy fluttered, and juices spilled from my body. His tongue kept licking until my toes curled so tightly, they cramped. I whimpered and pushed out choked groans in an attempt to release my sounds.

The garbled sounds that would’ve resembled his name had he not left me breathless.

Rye Hart's books