Stone Heart: A Single Mom & Mountain Man Romance

“God,” I said with a low moan. “That feels so perfect.”

“You are perfect,” he said softly.

Sean kissed me as he started pumping his hips back and forth. He moved slower than he ever had before, and soon, my body was shaking beneath his. He never pulled all the way out. Instead, he pressed himself in so deep that I swore we were going to fuse together into one body. I moaned deeply as he hit my G-spot over and over. His cock was so huge that he filled me easily. I rocked my hips upward to meet his, pushing us closer together. He groaned and kissed me hard. I nibbled his bottom lip while he moved faster. We were both panting and rocking together, our rhythm perfectly in sync. Sean broke our kiss to breathe. He grunted with each thrust, and soon, I was bordering right on the brink. He pumped so hard inside me that my head was bouncing against the headboard, but I didn’t care. Pleasure was just seconds away.

Ecstasy flooded my body. Sean felt me shake, and he pressed harder, making my orgasm last so long I thought my body might give up. I cried out and buried my face in his shoulder, letting the waves wash through me slowly.

When it passed, Sean still wasn’t done with my body. He kissed me and continued thrusting, but I wanted more. I wanted to bring him to orgasm myself. I wanted control.

Keeping him buried deep inside me, I rolled us over so I was top of him. My body pinned him to the bed as I ground my hips down on his cock. He groaned and held onto my hips while I leaned forward. As I rode him, my breasts slid across his face. He opened his mouth and took my nipple between his teeth.

“Emily,” he breathed against my skin. “Emily.”

I rode him harder than ever, feeling his body tense beneath mine. As he came closer, so did I, and suddenly, we were both panting with exertion. Sean and I finished together, both coming hard and fast. Sean growled and bit down on my nipple, and I cried out his name, throwing myself forward onto his chest.

Sean’s arms wrapped around me, his fingers sliding gently down my spine. I pulled upward, letting him fall out of me as I repositioned myself on top of him. I rested my head on his chest, and he played with my hair, planting kisses on top of my head as he tried to control his breathing.

I’d never experienced anything like that before. Sean held me so close that night that I felt like he would never let me go. My orgasms went deeper than just physical pleasure. They were fueled by our love for each other, and I never wanted it to end. I was desperate to freeze that moment, and to live in it forever.

I rolled to the side so I was lying on the bed, my head still on Sean’s chest. He held me close with his face buried in my hair. When I could finally breathe normally again, I felt the exhaustion take me prisoner. My eyes fell closed, and I listened to Sean’s heartbeat beneath my ear.

“I love you,” he whispered.

I smiled and kissed his chest. “I love you too.”

I felt his smile as we both tightened our grip on each other. We fell asleep that night in a blissful cocoon of happiness.


Emily and I woke up on Saturday morning tangled in each other’s arms. She was snoring softly, and I laughed to myself at the sound. I’d never heard her snore before, and somehow, it made me love her even more.

I rolled her off me, gently laying her head on the pillow, before I slid out of bed to grab a shower. As I stepped under the stream of hot water, I let my muscles relax, and all the stress I’d been feeling melted away. Now that my book was finished and had a publisher, I felt like I could truly relax.

When I got out of the shower, I saw Emily still asleep in my bed. She wrapped herself in the covers and buried her face in the pillow. I watched her sleep for a few minutes, just enjoying the view of her beautiful face and dark curls. I never wanted to look away, but I knew the kids would be up soon. Emily deserved a morning off so I tiptoed into the hallway and headed toward the kitchen. As I got breakfast ready, Tommy and Sarah came downstairs.

They were both moving slowly, dragging their feet and yawning widely. It seemed like everyone was overly tired this morning. I set them both up with some breakfast before I poured myself a cup of coffee and joined them at the table.

While we sat there, they slowly began to wake up and become themselves. Sarah began telling me all about her dream from last night: it featured both a unicorn and a dragon. While she talked, Tommy ate silently, occasionally glancing around the room with a frown on his face. After we were finished, he finally turned to me to ask the question he’d been thinking of all morning.

“Where’s Emily?”

“She’s still asleep,” I said simply. “She was up late last night and needed to rest this morning. I think we should let her sleep as long as she wants. What do you think?”

“Who will take care of us while you work?” Sarah asked with a frown.

“I’m not working today,” I said, smiling. “My book is all done so I don’t need to work. I thought I might just hang out with you guys today. How does that sound?”

“Awesome!” Tommy said. “What are we going to do?”

“The park?” I asked, my eyebrows raised.

“Yes!” Sarah said.

Tommy nodded enthusiastically, and I told them to run upstairs and get dressed. As I waited for them to come back down, a knock sounded at my front door. I frowned and headed over, wondering who it could be this early. I peeked through the peep hole and saw a man about my age standing on my porch.

I pulled the door open and the guy jumped a bit.

“Can I help you?” I asked him.

The guy regained his composure and nodded, tucking his hands into his pockets. “Are you Sean Evans?” he asked.

I narrowed my eyes and nodded. Something about this guy didn’t sit well with me. “Yeah. And you are?” I asked in return.

The guy cleared his throat and looked up at me. “I’m Glen Wilson. Sarah’s father.”

I felt like I’d been punched in the gut. A few hours ago, everything in my life had felt absolutely perfect. Now, I felt the world pitching under my feet.

“I’m sorry?” I said, thinking there was no way I could have heard him correctly.

“I said I’m Sarah’s father,” the guy said again.

I stepped out onto the porch and pulled the door shut behind me. The last thing I needed was for the kids to come down and hear what we were saying.

“What are you doing here?” I asked.

“I sent you an email several months ago. I’m here to take my daughter home.”

I knew I had to do something quick before my children walked in and found out about the very thing I’d been trying to protect them from this entire time.


“Wait, what?” Emily said, shock on her face.

I paced back and forth across the living room, sick to my stomach. After I’d gotten rid of the guy temporarily with the threat of physical violence, I’d taken the kids over to Mrs. Johnston and told her I had an emergency I had to handle. She had looked worried, but gladly took the kids in and promised to let them help her bake some cookies.

I’d woken Emily when I came back to the house and told her what had happened. She sat on the couch looking as stricken as I felt. “I don’t get it,” she said. “Why is he coming forward now?”

“Actually, he emailed me months ago. It’s the reason I brought the kids here, to keep him away. I can’t believe this is happening. She’s my daughter, Emily, mine,” I said vehemently. “I’m the one that was there when she was born, I’m the one who took care of her from day one, I’m her father.”

Emily stood and came over to where I was standing. She put her hands on my chest and forced me to look in her eyes. “I know that. Anyone who’s ever seen you with her knows that. So, what can we do? Stop thinking like a dad for just a second and start thinking like a lawyer.”

Rye Hart's books