Stone Heart: A Single Mom & Mountain Man Romance

The sight made me groan and picture Emily’s mouth. The way her lips had felt wrapped around my dick had been amazing. I’d forgotten how good it could feel to be sucked off like that. Though I’d wanted badly to make love to her, I hadn’t let myself. It had been a bold enough move on my part to take her to my bed at all. I needed to be 100 percent ready to sleep with her before I could. Now, as I laid in bed, watching the morning sun seep through my curtains, I wished had explored her body further, to learn every curve and every freckle on her skin. I closed my eyes and moved my hand to my cock, seeing Emily’s bright blue-green eyes in my mind.

I could still picture the look on her face when she orgasmed the night before. Her eyes flew wide and her mouth hung open in a silent scream. I understood why she buried her face in the pillow, but I wished she hadn’t. I desperately wanted to hear her cry out my name. Just as I began to stroke myself, imagining Emily’s perfect lips wrapped around my shaft as they had been last night, I heard footsteps upstairs. In an instant, the footsteps moved to the staircase and thundered downward. I could hear Sarah and Tommy laughing as they ran into the kitchen, and I knew Emily would be right behind them. I groaned and rolled to my side, hitting the bed with my fist in frustration.

My frustrated desires would haunt me throughout the entire day, but there wasn’t anything I could do about it. If I lingered in my bedroom for too long, Sarah would come searching for me. She always did.

With a sigh, I climbed out of bed and pulled on my sweat pants and a T-shirt. My cock was still hard, but it was slowly going down. I lifted it and tucked it in the waistband of my pants so no one would see before I left my room.

“Daddy!” Sarah said when I walked up to her.

I kissed her head and ruffled Tommy’s hair as I sat down in my usual chair.

“Good morning,” I said. “How’d you sleep?”

“Great!” Sarah said.

“Is Uncle Philip still here?” Tommy asked.

“Yup.” I nodded. “He’s probably still asleep.”

“Can we wake him up?” Sarah asked.

I laughed and shook my head. Emily brought over a full plate of eggs and some bacon. The kids helped themselves, but I waited until Emily was sitting down before I joined in. Our eyes met across the table, and she winked.

I smiled to myself and ate my breakfast in silence, my eyes rarely leaving her face. She looked even more beautiful than she did last night. There was a mischievous look in her eyes that made me wish the kids weren’t around.

When breakfast ended, I sent the kids upstairs to wake their uncle. I knew Philip wouldn’t care. Normally, I would have let him sleep in, but I needed a minute alone with Emily. It was killing me to be so close to her and yet, so far away.

The second the kids disappeared upstairs, Emily stood up and walked into the kitchen. She carried her plate and set it in the sink. I followed her quickly, grabbing her around the waist and spinning her around to face me.

I didn’t give her a chance to speak before my lips descended upon hers with a desperate hunger. She moaned softly and ran her fingers through my hair. I gripped her hips and pushed her backward against the counter. Her butt slammed into it, and I lifted her by the hips onto the countertop. Our kiss was deeper than ever, our tongues moving desperately against each other. My boner, which had only just subsided, came back with a vengeance.

“We can’t do this here,” Emily whispered. She pulled away from my lips to speak, but I immediately moved to her neck.

She giggled softly while I kissed her sensitive skin. Her legs wrapped automatically around my waist and pulled me close while I continued to lick and nibble her neck.

“Sean,” she groaned. “They’ll be back down any minute.”

“We’ll hear them,” I said against her skin.

She groaned again and tried to push me away, but I held her close.

“You’re evil,” she said with a laugh.

“You haven’t seen anything yet,” I said.

My lips moved back up to claim hers. She gasped and then sunk into me, tightening her legs around my waist and running her hands over my back.

She dug her nails into my shirt, scraping my skin and feeling my muscles. I could feel the desire in her touch, and I wanted nothing more than to rip our clothes off and take her right there. She grabbed my bottom lip between her teeth and pulled gently, growling deeply.

I smiled and kissed her again, leaning her back on the counter so I could kiss her neck again. Her shirt was just low enough that I could shove it aside. She wore a red lacy bra. I moaned when I saw it and buried my face in her breasts, kissing and biting them through the material.

When I nipped at a nipple, she gasped loudly, and I reached up to cover her mouth. She was right about one thing, we couldn’t let the kids find us.

I knew it would take a while for them to rouse Philip, but they would be back down any minute. Still, I couldn’t tear myself away from Emily’s body long enough to care. I cupped her tits in my hands while I kissed her lips again. My tongue trailed lightly over her bottom lip. She shivered and moaned, grinding her hips against my hard cock.

“I want you,” she breathed heavily.

“Emily,” I groaned. “You have no idea how—”

There were footsteps on the stairs, and I jumped away from her. She hopped off the counter and fixed her shirt, tucking her tits safely away. I adjusted my pants to hide my erection and then turned on the sink while Emily rushed over to get the other plates off the table. By the time the kids and Philip appeared, neither of us looked like anything at all had happened.

“He’s up!” Sarah announced as Philip walked in behind her.

“I see that.” I laughed. “How’d you sleep?”

“That mattress is a fucking dream,” Philip said.

“Language,” I said, shooting him a look.

“A freaking dream,” he corrected. Tommy laughed but Sarah didn’t seem to notice.

“Are you hungry?” Emily asked. “I can make you something.”

“Nah,” Philip said. “Just coffee will do.”

“Are you sure?” Emily asked.

“Yup.” Philip nodded. “She must spoil you, Sean. Always cooking and cleaning and taking care of the kids. Do you do anything around here anymore?”

“Not really,” Tommy said honestly.

I ruffled his hair, and we all laughed easily.

My mood had drastically improved after Philip’s arrival. Our conversation last night really made me see how stupid I was being. Emily was the best thing to happen to my kids in a long time. She helped them in ways I never could. Without being their mom, she mothered them well. Plus, it didn’t hurt that her presence made me happier than I could remember being in years.

As I watched her joke around with Philip and the kids, I didn’t know why I’d spent so long fighting it. She obviously wanted me just as much as I wanted her. Being cold and distant with her was a waste of time. I couldn’t wait to spend another night buried between her legs.

Her moans played through my head the entire day, and when the afternoon rolled around, I was desperate for the kids to go to bed.

“I need a drink,” Philip announced. “Any good bars around here?”

“You guys go,” Emily said. “I got the kids.”

“Are you sure?” I asked.

“Of course.” She smiled. “Have fun.”

Philip and I said goodbye to the kids and made our way into town. I hadn’t had a chance to check out the bar scene in Telluride so we walked through town until we found something appealing. It was a small, hole in the wall place that looked to be about a thousand years old. When we walked through the door, the light from outside immediately disappeared. The bar was covered in a layer of grime, and there was dust on the liquor bottles.

“This is nice,” Philip said sarcastically. “I can see why you moved here.”

“The bar scene wasn’t really a deciding factor,” I laughed. “Besides, this place has character.”

“Hey,” Philip said. “If they serve booze, I’m good.”

We each ordered a doubt shot of whiskey and sipped it slowly. Philip told me about his work back home and the women he’d been dating. In fifteen years, I’d never once seen Philip come close to settling down, but it never seemed to bother him. He was free. Independent.

“So,” he finally said when we exhausted all the subjects involving him and his life. “Are you going to tell me what happened last night?”

“Nothing,” I said too quickly. Philip snorted and waited for me to tell the truth. “Fine, you got me, but I’m not giving you details.”

“I don’t want details,” he said. “We aren’t chicks, man. I just want to know if you closed the deal.”

Rye Hart's books