
I cry out. The hand guiding him between my legs loses purchase and I grip the earth at my side. Thankfully he continues to explore and seconds later sinks one long finger deep into my body. The silken moisture of his tongue circles my breast in delicious ways as he learns how everything he does affects me. I’m on the edge, barely held together. My legs strain to fall open but are imprisoned by my jeans. Greedy, I roll my hips with every thrust of his fingers, reaching to fall over the edge. His teeth rake against my nipple and I’m gone.

Stars burst behind my eyes and my body convulses around him. He moans, a vibration so deep against my delicate skin it extends my orgasm in euphoric waves that endlessly crash over me. He doesn’t let up until I’m squirming and oversensitized.

Stunned, he pulls back, his eyes on mine before a brilliant smile curls his lips. “You really liked that.”

I giggle and nod, slightly embarrassed before I remember that with Lucas nothing is hidden between us. Every new experience we share is cherished.

His eyebrows pinch together and he frowns.

I cup his jaw. “What is it?”

“No Gage.”

My thumb absently runs along his lower lip. “Nope. No Gage.”


I shrug. “I think he’s finally come to trust me.”

Lucas grins, but I only catch a glimpse before he kisses me so deeply and reverentially it makes missing the grin worth it.

Besides, I plan on many opportunities to make him smile again.


I can’t believe she’s here, sprawled out before me and showing me how she likes to be touched.

By me.

Not Gage, but me.

I search my mind for him, seeking out the fog of black that hangs at the edges of consciousness, but there’s nothing. He gave me this moment with Shyann, and if what she said is true and he really does trust her, then . . . we can be together.

The thought sends a thrill down my spine and my chest expands with a joy I’ve never felt before. I sort through it, trying to figure out what it is and all I can come up with is hope.

Hope for a future. A normal life.

A town I can stay in for longer than a few months, surrounded by people who know about me and want me anyway. A job I can excel at, and . . . a girlfriend.

It’s almost too much to hope for. More than I deserve, but still . . . God, how I want that.

Shyann wiggles beneath my leg as she tries to pull her jeans back up.

My hand stills hers and she blinks up at me.

“Let me.” I push to my knees and drop a kiss on her forehead, the tip of her nose, her lips, before moving down her body and pressing my lips to her breast before covering it back up with her bra and sweater. I slide farther down and practically explode at the feeling of her warm soft body between my legs. I pepper her flat belly with kisses. I’m hard and throbbing as I dip lower, overwhelmed by her scent. Gripping her hips, I press a kiss between her legs.

She gasps and pops her head off the ground.

“I’m sorry. Was that wrong?” I can’t explain it, but I’m overcome with the need to taste her everywhere and not leave a single inch unexplored.

“No, it wasn’t wrong. It’s just . . .” Her cheeks flush. “If we’re going there, we need a bed, in a room, with a door, because I won’t be able to stop myself from tasting you too.”

Her words shoot straight between my legs and I groan as the image of Shy’s mouth on me makes me dizzy with want.

I pull her panties up her toned thighs and back into place, followed by her jeans. “Ya know, I have a bed, in a room, with a door . . .”

The light sound of her laughter makes my heart pound. I stand and grab both of her hands, hoisting her off the forest floor. She brushes herself off and redoes her hair that fell loose around her face while I snag my sweatshirt and pull it over my head.

I rub my fingertips together, still able to feel her on my skin and remind myself this isn’t a dream. This beautiful woman wants me. Every single piece of me.

She stands there silent as I stare at her, wondering what on earth I ever did to deserve her. Even if we leave this place and things go back to the way they were, this single moment makes me forget the pain of my past. Makes me believe that miracles are possible.


I blink down at her and smile. “Yeah?”

“I want you to know that I talked to Gage about what happened.”

It takes a second for my mind to catch up with her meaning and then the memory slams into me. The truck, we were talking and . . . my eyes dart to hers. “You know. About my family.”

And she’s here with me anyway.

She stands a little taller and holds my gaze. “Gage told me everything.”

Everything? Even I don’t know everything.

She reaches forward and picks up my hand, pressing it to her chest. “You know he’d never share that with me if he didn’t trust me, and now I need to ask you to do the same, Lucas. Can you do that? Can you trust me?”

I search the recesses of my heart, my mind, and dig back to the depths of my soul. Do I?

I bring her hand to my lips and kiss her knuckles. “Yes. I do.”

Her face lights up in a smile so brilliant it’s almost too bright to look at, too much to behold. “Really? You usually say no.”

I run my knuckles along her cheek and she sighs and leans into my touch. “Guess you could say you’ve proved yourself trustworthy.”

“Thank you. That means a lot to me. I know you don’t trust people easily, especially women.” I lose her smile and miss it instantly.