
What I want is to freeze time. I want to record how she feels in my hands, the longing in her eyes, the heat of her breath. I want to slow every single moment with her down so seconds last hours until her touch is branded into my memory.

A slight breeze carries the scent of her shampoo to swirl around me. My head dips for more, to breathe her in, absorb this little part of her. She smells so good, my mouth waters to taste her. A flash of insecurity gives me a moment of pause, but the draw is too much and I press my lips to her forehead. Her skin is like velvet against my mouth and I moan at the sensation. Her muscles go loose beneath my hold and she sighs, a message meant for only me. My breathing speeds and I lock my hands together even tighter as a tremor of nerves washes over me. I search my head and find nothing but peaceful anticipation.

“You’re okay, Lucas.” Her fingertips sift into my hair at my nape, and her thumbs run along my neck, gently encouraging.

Her touch brushes against my scar, shooting pulses of electricity to coil between my legs. My mouth waters and I swallow hard as I focus on her lips—plump flesh ripe with color, slick from her tongue and calling for my attention. I tilt my head, and our breath mixes as we come together.

The first touch of our lips is tentative, testing. Her mouth is warm against mine and she teases me to take more. My eyelids feel heavy, but I refuse to close them, fear that the dark will steal this from me before I can taste. One sample of her is likely to rob me of what’s left of my sanity, but it doesn’t keep me from wanting it.

Needing it more than air.

I run the tip of my tongue along her bottom lip and she opens enough that our lips converge. They mold together and move slowly as if the world itself has stalled, that time has frozen so this kiss will sear itself into our DNA, become the standard to which all beauty in life will be held against.

She pushes up on her toes, running the softness of her body against the hardness of mine. Having no clue what I’m doing, half following her lead and half following my gut, I dig my fingers into her hips, holding her to me. She moans, low and throaty, and the sound flips some switch inside me. Instinct takes over, and a knowledge I didn’t know I had has me sliding my tongue against hers in a gentle rhythm. It must be what she wants because her fingers bite into my neck and she makes a sound that vibrates against my chest and sets fire to my blood.

More. I need more.

My hands unlock and the desire to learn her every curve, feel the heat of her bare skin against mine, overrides all common sense. I duck my hands under her shirt and the soft skin of her lower back is silk on my palms.

Her mouth devours mine and she fists my hair in an iron grip. I lift her to her toes and back down, rubbing her breasts against me, her body against the hardness between my legs that strains toward her.

God, yes. I’ve craved this, craved her.

A hunger rages within me. I grasp the back of her head and her body bows as I take control and deepen the kiss. A frenzy I’ve never felt before unleashes within me. Every fantasy I’ve had of this moment is nothing compared to living it. Her willing body in my arms spurs my imagination and I picture us twisted together, powering inside her—my vision flickers black.


I rip my mouth away, panting. My pulse thunders in my ears.

“What happened? Is everything okay?” Her voice is heavy with worry and impatience.

“Fine.” My forehead rests against hers, trying desperately to catch my breath. “I’m okay.”

“Lucas . . .”

“Really.” I flutter small kisses along her jaw, wanting so badly to do more but fear Gage will take this away from me. Focusing on my desire, my control, I try blindly to communicate to Gage and hope he doesn’t see Shyann as a threat.

She doesn’t seem as worried and turns to meet my mouth with hers. Unable to deny her, or myself, I groan and give in to this kiss. The warmth of her lips wraps me in security. My fists tremble with the effort to stay still as her fingers explore. She brushes against my nipples. I suck in a harsh breath and my hips jack forward. She grins but continues her delicate assault. My chest heaves, part of me wanting more while the other begs for reprieve from the overload of sensations. Her nails rake along my T-shirt and heat fires in my gut.


My mind envisions her naked in the river while I explore every inch of her body. I imagine my mouth between her legs, her arching beneath me and my name falling from her lips.

Our kiss grows frantic. Blood powers through my veins. Darkness descends, but I push it back, hold it off for as long as I can because I’ll even fight with my own head if it means more time with Shyann.

Naked, wet, heated, and those blue eyes begging.

Her hands slide lower, dip into the waistband of my jeans.

Tunnel vision presses in.

I want this. Want her. Never wanted anything so badly in my life.

I slam my eyes shut.


Stay present.

I push back with everything I have.

But I’m not strong enough.

The veil falls.



Will this woman ever fucking learn?