Spiralling Skywards: Falling (Contradictions #1)

I was totally naked, except for a pair of bright red, five inch heeled Louboutin’s. His favourites.

A smile touched my lips when he came into view, his attention on his phone. He looked exhausted and more than a little worried. I hoped most of it would vanish when he realised I was here and not still twelve thousand miles away and mad at him. He raised it to his ear, still not having noticed me, and froze when my own phone started ringing on the bedside table.

My heart both dissolved and exploded inside my chest.

He was calling me.

I watched his entire posture change as his eyes slid from my phone to me.

The hand holding his phone dropped to his side, and my own phone fell silent. Tired blue eyes took me in.

“You’re here.”

“I am.”

“You’re naked.”

“I’m wearing shoes.”

“Thank you.”

“For wearing shoes?”

“For coming.”

“I haven’t yet, but I’m hoping you’re about to rectify that.”

“I love you so fucking much.”

“Get over here and show me.”

Without taking his eyes off me, he lifted the strap of his laptop case from across his chest and over his head, letting it drop to the floor. His phone followed. He kicked off his shoes at the same time as he pulled his shirt over his head, not bothering to undo his buttons. His belt and trousers were next, then his socks, and finally, his tight black boxers.

I took another sip from my drink and watched as he stalked towards me.

He took the glass from my hand and drained the contents before placing it on the table next to my phone. Then, he sat on the edge of the bed and pulled me around his body so I was straddling him, and he was seated deep inside me.

There was no messing.

No words.

No foreplay.

I was impaled.

I wasn’t sure who groaned the loudest, but mine was cut short when he forced my lips down on his.

His tongue invaded my mouth. His scent invaded my senses. His dick invaded my body, and I welcomed each and every intrusion.

I raked my fingers through his hair, needing him closer to me. My body heated at the scrape of his stubble against my face, and I almost combusted as my nipples brushed across his naked chest.

“Sarah. Sarah. Sarah. My pretty girl. Oh, how I’ve missed you. My heart’s been hurting so bad, so fucking bad, baby.”

He licked from the dip at the base of my throat all the way to my mouth.

“I thought you were mad at me. You were ignoring my calls.”

“I’ve been on a plane.”

“My heart’s been breaking.”

“I’m here to fix it.”



“I think my dicks broke, too. Can you fix that?”

“Absolutely. With these shoes on, I can conquere the world.”

“Fucking oath you can.”

I arched my back, offering my boobs up to him, and he squeezed them together, licking and sucking at them both like a man possessed. My knees were gripping his hips on the edge of the bed, and I raised myself on them slightly before lowering back down and grinding against him.

His hands were everywhere—my hair, my hips, on my either side of my face. He kissed, licked, sucked, and tasted me. It felt as if he had only just started to touch me, and I was already primed to explode.

“I’m gonna come.” I panted.

“Yes. Come, baby, please. Let me feel ya squeeze around me.”

As the first jerks and shudders took a hold, I felt him let go inside me.

“Sarah. Sarah. Sarah.” Was all I could hear. Over and over again, he chanted my name.

We both finally stilled. Hot, sweaty, and tired but nowhere near satiated.

Liam reached around me and grabbed the champagne, offering me the bottle first. I swigged straight from it, giggling a bit as the bubbles made my nose tingle. He did the same and drained it before dropping it to the floor and crashing his mouth back down on mine.

I could feel him getting hard again when there was a sharp knock at the door.

“Room service,” a man’s voice called.

“Shit,” we both said together and giggled like children.

“It’s the other bottle of champagne I ordered,” I whispered.

He lifted me off his lap, grabbed his boxers from the floor, and pulled them on before opening the door. He was back in seconds and poured us both a glass. He sat on the bed with his back against the headboard, I kicked off my shoes and I crawled up his body again so I was straddling him, before I lifted one of the two glasses from his grasp.

“Here’s to my beautiful, amazing, sexy shoed wife and her dickhead of a husband. I’m so sorry for what I said on the phone. It’s no excuse, but I was scared, angry, and just missing you so fucking much. I lashed out, and I shouldn’t have.” He kissed my lips, chin, eyelids, and cheeks as he spoke. “Thank you so much for coming. How long do I get to keep you?”

I smiled against his lips that were pressed against mine.

“As long as you need me.”

“You took unpaid leave?”

I let out a long breath.

“I handed in my notice.”