Sometimes Moments (Sometimes Moments, #1)

I don’t remember how we met. We were just in each other’s lives. But I’ll tell you about the moment that I wanted more from you. The moment that I knew I was in love with you.

I was walking home from town. Mum had me drop off some cakes for some of the businesses. I walked around the lake to see you sitting on the pier. You were watching the sun set. You watched it with this wonder and beauty. You were sixteen. You were beautiful. You had my heart in that moment. I had held your hand at thirteen, but at sixteen, you had my existence. I walked up to you and sat next to you. We were best friends, but this moment was magical. I knew that I loved you in that moment. You made my heart beat for a purpose. I asked you all the time, but this time, it was different. I asked you if you wanted me to walk you home with all my love and with all of my heart. Not because you were my best friend but because I was in love with you. I have been in love with you unconditionally. I have been in love with you for more than forever. You are my one and only love. I will always love you more than the last breath I take in life. I will love you more than the waves hug the shore. I will love you more and more with every day that passes us. I will love you after every star in existence burns out.

My last breath will be of my lungs exhaling my love for you. I will wait for you until I see you again, maybe in heaven or maybe in another life. Heaven may be out of my reach, so I will see you in another life. I will be looking for you. I may not know it, but each breath I take and each step I take will lead me closer to you. My favourite flower will be the cherry blossom. That’ll be our code. And maybe in this other life, I get to grow old with you and love you the way I should have.

No matter what life we live after this one, I will love you in every life we live until the end of time. I will find you again, Peyton. I will find you and I will love you, and it will be right for us. You are the most important person in my universe. You were everything in existence that made sense. You made me love so much that it terrified me to stay when I found out I was sick.

I never want you to be lonely, Peyton. Find him. He’s out there waiting for you. He will love you the way I couldn’t. He will love you until forever. Unlike me, he is capable of doing so. Find happiness, Peyton. Never be lonely. I will be watching over you. I will make sure you find him and happiness. I want you to have a life that gives you everything. Have kids. Have forever moments. Have a lifetime of memories. Love someone more than you loved me. Love him because he will love you through the pain I caused you. He will heal your heart and make you better. Introduce him to your mother’s French toast and make him fall in love with them.

I was your first love, Peyton. But I am not your last.

Your heart will heal and your belief in love will mend.

You will be stronger and you will live a life without regrets.

You are the most beautiful and awe-inspiring woman, who deserves to have the universe at her feet. I’ve left you a box of all of our sometimes moments. I know some people give the love of their life diamonds or jewellery, but they don’t mean as much as the Polaroids that proved our love. I’ve also left you my camera to take Polaroids of your forever moments. I want you to take a countless amount of pictures.

Peyton Olivia Spencer, our sometimes moments were my forever moments. We didn’t have an end; we just had a goodbye until I see you again.

You were the cherry blossom of my life, the bright light that made me great.

But it’s time it was said:


Thank you for your love and for letting me fall in love with you. It has been a privilege.

It was never just a kiss.

You have my heart forever,


Peyton held his letter against her chest as she leant her head back on the tree and stared at their cherry blossoms. Tears ran down her face as she smiled and thought of all the times they’d sat under this tree and forgotten the world. This was their safe haven and the one place in the world where one kiss had changed them.

It wasn’t just a kiss. It was a kiss that started our sometimes. And our sometimes is our forever.

Nine months later.

“Come on, Peyton!” Graham yelled out to her.

Peyton and her best friend, Madilynne, walked up the path together, as Peyton shook her head. “Mads, you are marrying an impatient man,” she pointed out.

The moment Peyton reached the end of the path, Madilynne was grinning like a fool. “We both know he’s excited about today. We all are. This man has the patience of a mountain.”

Len Webster's books