Sometimes Moments (Sometimes Moments, #1)

Jenny rolled her eyes. “He’s glad he married me is more like it. Don’t worry. I have the insurance paperwork going. I have a list of guests I’ll call soon, too. I’m so sorry this happened, Peyton. The County Authority will be here soon to investigate the cause of the fire.”

Although she wanted to know the cause, Peyton didn’t answer. Instead, she looked at where her hotel had once been located. It looked like the remains of a bushfire that had rolled into town. There was nothing else to do but rebuild. It would take months, but she’d see it through. She had grown up within the walls of the hotel and she wanted to rebuild it and make it her own. No town to hold her back. The community had turned their back on her. Last night had made it obvious.

After letting go of Callum’s hand, she walked up to the sign that had previously been bolted above the hotel’s entrance. The ‘Dayle’ had burned, and all that remain was ‘Spenc.’ Crouching in front of the sign, she wiped away the ash and debris from her surname. One of her fondest memories was when they had hung the sign her mother had spent months creating above the hotel’s main entry. Her mother and father had stood back a few metres from the door and smiled at the sign that signalled their hotel.

Peyton wiped the tear that ran down her cheek. Rebuilding the hotel was more than just for her. She wanted to do it for her parents. She wanted to take a step back and watch a brand-new sign being bolted up on the new hotel.

Upon turning around, she was met with a tired and concerned Callum Reid. She gave him a small smile. “Do you think you could talk to Oliver and Marissa? If I talk to some of the businesses I’ve previously worked with in Creswick, we can have the guests stay there. The dance floors are almost complete, and I could get Nigel to build anything else we need for the wedding. I know it’s not what they would have liked, but if they want to go elsewhere, I’m more than happy to refund them the entire wedding out of my own pocket.”

Callum dug out his phone from his pocket and said, “They don’t care about the money, Peyton. Believe it or not, Marissa is very much in love with Oliver. She just wants to marry him. I’ll call now.” He turned and walked down the path away from her and Jenny.

She watched him talk on the phone, aware that, somewhere down the line, she’d blink once and he’d be gone. That was all it would take.

“I saw the fear in his eyes last night, Peyton. He was scared for you,” Jenny said.

Peyton spun and looked at her before she gave Jenny a tight smile. If anything, she was scared for him. He had punched Jay last night, and that was something she couldn’t forget. Callum had never been a violent person. But she understood why. With a sigh, she looked up at the clearing sky to see specks of blue through the lingering smoke. It amazed her how pure and beautiful the world was once it had taken something away from you. It played innocent. Acting oblivious to the mess it had made.

“I need to be somewhere,” Peyton said, shifting her attention to Callum.

“Are you okay?” Concern laced Jenny’s voice.

She didn’t take her eyes off Callum as she said, “I just need to be alone for a minute. Do you mind keeping him busy? I won’t be long.”

From the corner of her eye, she could see Jenny nod.

“Thanks, Jenny. I have my phone,” Peyton said before she walked towards the back of the hotel, taking the longer way to town.

The guilt added further pressure to her chest. Peyton hadn’t stepped foot here in a long time. She passed the office and kept walking. When she reached the graves under the large oak tree, she sat on the grass.

As soon as she noticed the cherry blossoms on each of their headstones, she smiled. She didn’t have to guess. Callum had visited her parents’ graves while he had been in town. It touched her heart. He wasn’t the cold, guarded person that he was trying to be. Deep down, he was the Callum she loved. Fears and insecurities hindered his freedom.

“I’m sorry that I haven’t visited in a while. It doesn’t get any easier as the days go by. You probably know that Callum’s back. I fought him off for a while until I realised there was no point fighting or denying my heart. You were right, Mum. Forgive and forget. And you were right, Dad. He came back. I wish you were both here to give me that ‘I told you so’ brag.” She laughed at herself as she wiped her face with the back of her hand.

Len Webster's books