Sinner's Creed (Sinner's Creed #1)

“Don’t you yell at me,” she says, her voice quiet but shaky with anger. “I know you’re mad about what he said. I know you’re mad because you can’t control the situation. I know it drives you crazy to know that I might be in danger. But have you ever thought about how I feel? If I lose you, then I lose everything. Do you have any idea how infuriating it is to know that you could be taken from me, all because you’re a jealous asshole and can’t keep your temper in check?” She stares at me and I wonder if she wants an answer. But I’m too angry to say anything else. If I do, she might just get her feelings hurt, and I know better than anyone that words are something you can’t take back.

She takes a deep breath and releases it, trying to calm her temper, I think. But when she grits her teeth before she speaks, and pokes me hard in my sternum, I know it didn’t work.

“Now, I’m going to have a drink at the bar. And if you really want to protect me, then be smart and protect yourself. Because if they hurt you, then I’ll give them no choice but to hurt me too.”

Saylor storms out of the bathroom, leaving me so fucking confused and horny that I’m tempted to go to the bar and drag her back in here just so I can fuck her.

I light a cigarette and close my eyes, willing my mind to slow down and process her words. It’s never occurred to me until this moment that she cares for me just as much as I care for her. She doesn’t want to lose me. She doesn’t want me to do anything stupid because she doesn’t want to lose everything. That everything is me.

From what I know of Saylor, she is fully capable of doing something crazy to protect me. She already has. It wasn’t as extreme as this, but it kept me from killing a gas station attendant and some horny independents.

Images of Saylor waving a gun around and bashing heads with a beer bottle are not something I want to see in real life. Chaps was testing me. Pushing me to my limits. He knows he struck a nerve and he is likely to try it again. As much as I would like to kill him for his comment, I want Saylor more. So much more that I am willing to swallow my pride and give Chaps a warning, which is all I need to do. If he fucks up after that, the club will know he was given a chance and will back me if it gets physical.

I look at myself in the mirror, and the man looking back at me isn’t the same man he once was. I open the bathroom door and scan the room, spotting Saylor’s curls immediately. She is sitting with the ol’ ladies at the bar, drinking and laughing. She is happy. She is safe. She is mine. And nothing else really matters.

Chaps is pissed when I walk back outside. I notice the amount of people have doubled while I’ve been gone. They are expecting me to retaliate. I look into every set of eyes around me. The men sent to stop me glare at me murderously, and I’m sure they are pumping themselves up in their heads.

Roach sits expressionless, waiting for me to strike. Once it is stopped, he will confront me, but even he knows not to step in now.

Jimbo looks pissed. By the way his nostrils flare each time he looks at Chaps, I know his anger isn’t directed at me. This could happen how they all expect it to. If it did, I would walk up to Chaps and immediately throw the first punch.

Since he is on his feet, I know it’s what he’s predicting and maybe even what he wants. If this was a regular chapter member, there wouldn’t be an issue. But, this is a National. A man who worked hard to get where he is and is one of the most respected men in the club. And because it’s me who he is up against, everyone knows shit can get bad really fast. They know I couldn’t give a fuck less about his title, and we have history. I won’t do what I’m known for; I’ll do what is right by Saylor. Then Chaps calls me out.

“You got something you wanna say, Dirk? You brought this threat into our world, and I think it’s time you answer for it. So, do what you do. You don’t fucking scare me.”

I’m just about to take a step toward him when I hear Saylor’s laugh carry through the bar. There is no doubt she knew I was fixing to fuck up; she always does. That laugh gives me the strength I need to do what I know is right.

“Saylor is mine. Don’t talk to her. Don’t look at her, and don’t fucking test my patience where she is concerned again. I believe I’ve proved my loyalty to this club, and my word should be enough to stand up for any transgressions you try and accuse me of. She rode with me. She knows nothing. She is not a threat, will never be a threat, and don’t refer to her as a threat again. I’ve never given this club reason to doubt me. And if I remember correctly, I’ve pulled the trigger for you more than once, Enforcer. This is your last warning. You won’t ever get the chance to fuck up a third time with me.”

I don’t know how long I stand there, staring into the eyes of the first man who has challenged me and didn’t get a fight. But it’s long enough to force him to shift on his feet. A patch holder I don’t know assists Roach until he is standing between us. He first looks at Chaps, and when he speaks, there is no denying the warning in his voice.

Kim Jones's books