Sinner's Creed (Sinner's Creed #1)

“There really isn’t much to tell. I’m in between jobs and using this time to study and explore possible career opportunities in the medical field.” Saylor’s words are as smooth as silk to every ear but mine. I feel my face frowning when I realize that this is something I didn’t even know.

“The club could use a good nurse,” someone adds, but I’m too busy with my own thoughts to figure out who said it. I should have asked her these things. I don’t like that they know more about her than I do.

“I’d be happy to lend a hand anytime.” I notice a nervous tone in Saylor’s voice that wasn’t there moments ago. I look down at her and she looks to me with pleading eyes, but someone is demanding her attention before I can decipher what she wants.

“What I want to know is about your time with Dirk.” My eyes go to a voice I know all too well. Chaps, the national enforcer who helped train me. He was a retired Navy SEAL and believed that a man who governed himself should be able to prove his physical and emotional ability to handle any job.

Chapters had each other to lean on. When one couldn’t perform a task, another stepped in. When the club gave me an order, I had no choice but to execute it myself. No matter the conditions.

But Chaps’s idea of training consisted of leaving me in the dark for a week with a gallon of water and only my thoughts to keep me company. He said mental endurance was more powerful than physical. When they let me out, I proved my strength by breaking his nose as soon as he opened the door. We haven’t got along since then. I can feel Saylor’s eyes on me, but I keep my focus on Chaps. He is too unpredictable.

“I’ve known Dirk for years,” Saylor starts, and her voice is back to normal. “He has always been there when I needed him. When life got tough, it was like he just magically appeared. A week ago, I asked him to take me away with him. The anniversary of my mother’s death hits me hard every year and I just needed to get away. He agreed, although I think my large appetite and unpredictable, untamable hair gets on his nerves sometimes.” She adds the last part on a laugh and I know it’s to let me know she is joking. I hear Roach’s raspy laugh that turns into a cough, giving me the distraction I need to check on her. She shoots me a wink, and it’s all the confirmation I need. I turn back to Chaps, who is wearing that fucking smart-ass smirk while he looks at my girl.

“I bet I could tame your appetite and your hair.”

“Dirk, where is the bathroom?” Saylor is at my side with her hand on my arm before I can react to Chaps’s comment. Jimbo stands between me and Chaps with his back to me, blocking my view of the motherfucker I want to hurt. Bad.

“Dirk?” Saylor’s pleading voice is more powerful than any thought or feeling inside me. I turn to look at her and she shakes her head, begging me to keep my cool. “Please show me to the bathroom.”

I look back at Chaps, but all I see is the back of Jimbo’s cut. He is saying something to Chaps, and if any of them are smart, they will put him in his place before I do.

I grab Saylor’s hand in mine, letting every-fucking-body know that she is with me, and lead her inside. When she goes to piss, I walk in with her. She stands at the sink, taking deep breaths and playing with the necklace at her throat. “Dirk, I really need you to keep your shit together.” Her choice of words are not very wise.

“Nobody talks to what’s mine like that. Nobody. I don’t give a fuck who it is. He’ll be lucky if he walks out of here.” I’m growling and I don’t want to. I’m in her face and I shouldn’t be. Her flinch is the only thing that makes me realize my actions.

“Dirk, I’m trying really hard here to make this right. You have no idea what I’ve sacrificed to fix my mistake. All I’m asking is that you try and control your temper. They’re just words.” Her breathing is fast and she looks like she wants to cry. She knows nothing about sacrifice. I was willing to give up everything I’ve ever known for her. The last person she wants to talk to about sacrifice is me.

“This is my club. You are my problem. If you make a mistake, I’ll fix it. Words will get you hurt just as fast as actions with me. Don’t act like you know them, Saylor, because you fucking don’t.” I spit my words at her. There is so much malice and force behind them that I find myself taking a step back to keep them from physically hurting her. But Saylor doesn’t want space between us. She closes the distance and I feel her finger in my chest as she speaks.

Kim Jones's books