Seven Nights Of Sin: Seven Sensuous Stories by Bestselling Historical Romance Authors

He ran his fingers down the neatly tightened row. “That’s clever.”

“If you lace them like that, you can pull the tapes tight without looking.” At least they weren’t talking about them. At least he wasn’t asking her to stay. She had to be grateful for that.

He tugged the gown from her lax hands. When she turned her head, she saw he was holding it out for her. Without argument, she shoved her arms through the sleeves and he settled it on her shoulders.

He wore only his breeches and the shoes he’d shoved his feet into in order to go downstairs. She, on the other hand, was almost ready to face the world.

Leading her to the chair before the dressing table, he sat her down, and dragged another across so he could sit, too. When he reached for her hands, she placed them in his automatically. As if it was his right.

His warmth soothed her, but the guarded expression in his eyes roused her again. “I want more,” he said. “We deserve more.”

“You’ve had me every way I can imagine.” That was only the truth. “We did it all.”

“Not nearly all.” His lips curved. “There are so many more ways. But I don’t ask you so I can prove my prowess as a lover. I just want you, that’s all.”

“We’re to be married,” she reminded him. “To other people.”

He sighed. “I know. I have to, to give my sisters what they deserve. I’ve shirked my duties for far too long, and you, my dear one, forced me to see that. But separating from you is too much. Don’t ask it.”

”I don’t ask it; I demand it.” She could not. “You said you meant to be faithful to your wife.”

His lips flattened. “I will amend that. I will be honest with her. If she is amenable, and I believe she will be, I can continue to see you.”

“And you think Joseph will agree to let me see you?” She huffed a dry, humorless laugh. “What Joseph Stephenson has, he keeps. And I will not dishonor him by deceiving him. He’s a powerful man with a long reach. He could easily reach to Mayfair if he exerted himself.”

“So you would allow him his own way? Let him dictate how you live your life?”

Her laugh bore more humor this time. “I would be married to him. My husband is my owner.”

“No.” His hands tightened on hers. “A husband is his wife’s protector, her partner.” He swallowed. “Have you taken steps to protect your children?”

Why should he care about her boys? It touched him that he did, despite having nothing to do with them. “Yes. They will inherit what their father left, if not more. Joseph is a brilliant businessman.”

“Who gets by on bullying tactics. I have been researching him.”

Fear clutched her. “He will know.”

“What does that matter?”

“He saw you at my house, and now you are asking about him?” She was astounded he did not realize his vulnerability. Joseph could destroy him. He had the ear of many wealthy, influential people.

“Hush, sweetheart. I would dare for you. I am still making inquiries, as any potential investor might do. As it happens, my predecessor had some dealings with him, so my inquiries are only to be expected.”

“Not after he saw you with me.”

He lifted her hand to his lips. “Be content.” Releasing her, he fetched her tea and put it into her hands. “Drink and listen. You must be gone soon, or so you say. I would have you stay here forever. I’d lock you up, pamper and cosset you, except that would not make you happy, would it? If you became my mistress I would ensure you lost nothing. You would remain in control of your sons and your own life, and I would ensure you never lacked for anything again.”

When she would have spoken, he tapped her knee. “I said listen. I am not offering you that role, although I considered doing so. But you would not take it, would you? I’m only asking you to meet me here sometimes as equals.”

She felt herself weakening. He knew her so well. “What would you tell your wife? And what happens if he finds out?”

“That’s two questions.” He kept her gaze, far too intimate. Although she wanted to pull away, she couldn’t. This would be the last intimacy they had together. “I will discuss the matter with Elizabeth and ask her if she objects to my seeking comfort elsewhere. I think that’s how men usually put it. And if your—if Stephenson finds out then I will stand with you and support you. I mean it, you will never want for anything again.”

“And if I walk away?”

“Then we will be two people who have nothing to do with each other.”

At least she knew where she stood. She appreciated that in him. She rose, keeping her movements smoothly controlled. He looked up at her, not following suit. “Then you have an answer?”

“I will be no man’s mistress.” She kept her voice firm.

“If you throw your lot in with Stephenson, expect nothing from me.”

Victoria Vane & Sabrina York & Lynne Connolly & Eliza Lloyd & Suzi Love & Maggi Andersen & Hildie McQueen's books