Seven Nights Of Sin: Seven Sensuous Stories by Bestselling Historical Romance Authors

Oh, he loved her sharp mind, the way she understood, rather than assuming she knew him. She watched, she drew conclusions, prepared to change her mind. Flexible, and altogether lovely.

His cock rose, determined to make its presence felt and he laughed. “Enough.” Taking her by surprise, he swung over her, and rolled them both so she lay on top. It pressed against her soft stomach, trying to find its way in. When he undulated, the motion sent the most glorious sensations through him.

When he sealed their mouths together she joined in eagerly. Their tongues mated in a way their bodies would, when he lifted her hips to allow his shaft to slip between her thighs. He unsealed their lips long enough to say, “Put it there,” before returning to the fray.

She needed no more encouragement. After a few seconds of fumbling, which he loved, she found his cock. Her fingers shook when she took him in hand, but he pushed against her in silent encouragement. Her touch sent him soaring, but he let her take her time. She could do this, she could control what they did. All she needed was a little encouragement. When he licked into her mouth, that proved the best of all. With a moan, she pushed him inside her.

Her inner walls gloved him; hot, soft, silky and unique. He had never felt more perfection in a single encounter, never had the overwhelming sensation of coming home.

She moved and his world shifted. He spread his hands either side of her head and kissed her. He moved inside her in an organic way, as though he had just discovered his natural state. Gently, he urged her away, until they were gazing into one another’s eyes. “Sit up.”

Her pupils widened even more.

Lifting his head from the pillows, he touched his lips to hers. “Sit. Up.”


His heart warmed when he realized this was her first time. So many firsts in one night.

He dismissed the reminder that they were also the last times. Everything in him rejected that notion. Nothing this good could end. How could he live his life in one night? But just to make sure he had lived life to the full, he would explore her and give her all the freedom she needed to return the favor.

In an adorable way, she bit her lower lip, frowning slightly as she planted her hands either side of him and pushed up. Catching her thighs, he tugged, urging her to slide them up. She caught on quickly, and together, they got her into the right position, kneeling over him. And he had not left her. He remained embedded inside her, exactly the place he wanted to be.

Her breasts filled his hands perfectly when he cupped them, delicate and pretty rather than blowsily lush. He had imagined he preferred large breasts, but now he knew they were vulgar, far too much for him. The sweet curves tipped by rose-pink nipples that were crazily responsive held everything he needed.

She sent thrills through him when she ground her body down on to his, sending his shaft deep inside. Closing his eyes, he groaned, but forced the lids open once more. He refused to miss a minute of this. He would engage every sense, sate them with her, so that he could recall this night ten, twenty, thirty years from now.

Laughing in sheer joy, he watched her enjoying herself, exploring what she could do and how to drive him insane.

They were both virgins tonight, testing their reactions, discovering new worlds in the other person. He loved sliding his hands down from her breasts to her waist, shaping the curves and the flare out to her luscious hips.

She bore the marks of childbirth, but to his eyes that made her real. He had his own scars, from childhood injuries, accidents. He even had a scar from a sword from a duel in his university days, before he learned better.

The soft thatch of hair at her groin parted, revealing the sweet, pink secrets it shielded. They opened for him, so he could touch her and make her twitch and flinch, as he caressed her clitoris and watched his cock sink deep inside as she took him.

“Gerald!” She sounded breathless, her voice high as if scandalized. He laughed and took her higher, watching her reactions, repeating what sent her wildest.

“Yes, sweetheart. Come hard. Do it. Let me see every bit of you.”

When her movements became uncoordinated he knew she must be close. Grasping her buttocks, he helped her control her actions. If he tipped her back, just so, he contacted the most sensitive part of her passage with every stroke, nudging her higher. Holding her firmly he pushed them both nearer to the ultimate ecstasy. Thrills coursed through him, getting stronger with every stroke, every deep thrust.

If he could have one wish granted, he’d stay here forever, on the brink of orgasm, watching her pleasure and taking his. Giving himself up to her sweet torture.

Words collected at the back of his throat. With difficulty he shoved them back, swallowed, refused to give them voice. They were the result of heightened pleasure, no more.

The fact that he had never wanted to say those words to anyone else before did not pass his notice.

Victoria Vane & Sabrina York & Lynne Connolly & Eliza Lloyd & Suzi Love & Maggi Andersen & Hildie McQueen's books