Seven Nights Of Sin: Seven Sensuous Stories by Bestselling Historical Romance Authors

"A man with a wagon, coming through here. Thin, lanky, simple-minded," Lucas said, moving closer. "We know he came here, wondering if you know him."

"That's Billy Charles ain't it?" the man at the table asked the startled barkeep whose eyes moved back and forth between the three men.

"I don't know anything," the barkeep finally replied. "Ask him."

Lucas went to the man at the table, leaving Brogan to deal with the barkeep. "Where does this Billy Charles live?"

"Big house on the north end of town. They ain't there though. Heard they're riding out to Silver City."

"Shut up Fred," the barkeep called out. "You're gonna get us killed."

Fred chuckled and once again stared at his glass. "Could be, but I don't care no how."

No other information could be gleaned from the men in the saloon. Either out of fear or because neither seemed to know anything about a woman with Billy Charles and from what Lucas could tell, they didn't lie about it.

Minutes later, they rode close to the house the man described. No one was about, the front door locked and when Lucas walked around it, the only peculiar thing was a boarded up window. Both he and Brogan tugged until they removed a plank. The room was empty, the door to it open. Lucas called out Camille's name, but no one answered.

"No one's there." An older woman came from around the side of the house holding a basket. "They've all gone out of town."

The woman's face drooped on one side and she glared from Lucas to Brogan. "Lawmen," she stated simply before turning and walking away.

Lucas caught up to her. "Do you know where Billy Charles is? I'm looking for a woman he brought here."

The haggard woman stopped and let out a breath. "What do you want with her?"

"I'm concerned for her. She's important to me.” Desperation grew at the thought something horrible had happened to Camille. Surely the men didn't take her with them back to Silver City. And from what they'd been told, the men were, for some reason, heading back there. No doubt to bring trouble. "Please lady, do you know anything about her?"

The woman studied him for a long moment. "Camille is gone. Headed south. I helped her escape. If she's important to you then find her and make her happy. If Bill Burns gets ahold of her, he'll kill her this time."

"I don't understand. Why did Billy Charles bring her here? Is she related to people here?"

The woman nodded. "Unfortunately. She's my niece. Was married to Bill Burns’ son. Ran off years ago. Probably doesn't even know the boy is dead now. He got killed in a shootout with lawmen just outside Silver City." The woman's dull gaze honed in on his star but she did not say anything else.

Married. Lucas could only stare at the woman, realizing who exactly Camille's husband had been. He'd shot and killed several of the outlaws during the shootout near Silver City. One of the dead had been a Burns. He'd killed Camille's husband.

"Thank you." He turned on his heel and rushed back to where Brogan stood with the horses.

Brogan kept watch, his gaze scanning the surroundings. "I need to go back to Silver City."

The implication was clear. Brogan knew Lucas would keep searching for Camille.

"She is alone and probably frightened. I have to go after her." Lucas was torn. He didn't want Brogan heading to danger alone. "What do you plan to do?"

"Don't worry about that. Go on find her and bring her back home."

Moments later, the men headed in opposite directions, each with a grim determination and knowledge things were about to change drastically.


DUST ROSE, CREATING A CLOUD around Silver City. The wind had picked up considerably, blowing across the area as Bill Burns and his son looked down from a nearby hill. "Don't see much commotion yet," Bill grumbled, wondering what took the men he'd sent so long to find the lawmen.

"Lots of people about," Billy Charles commented while fidgeting with the horse's reins. "They got lots of candy at that mercantile."

Bill reached over and smacked him on the head. "Yer not going to the mercantile. Don't even think about it. Once we leave the bank, hightail it back home. You understand?"

Billy Charles rubbed at his head and nodded. "I know Pa. I was just talkin' to talk."

Two shots rang out and people scrambled towards buildings. A grin etched across Bill Burns' face. "Let's go."

They rode to the bank, bringing the horses to the side of the building. Bill listened for more shots and, moments later, one single shot sounded. Once again, several people ran past and Bill pulled Billy Charles' shoulder. "Come on, let's go."

The front of the bank was empty as expected. What he didn't expect was for the door to be bolted shut. Bill Burns went up to the window and peered in. The bank was empty.

Damn it. He'd not counted on the bank folks locking up at hearing a commotion. Now that he thought about it, it made sense. Not a big problem. If the men he'd hired killed the sheriff and brought him McKade, he'd just have to pay up from his own money.

A shot sounded, followed by ringing in his ears.

Victoria Vane & Sabrina York & Lynne Connolly & Eliza Lloyd & Suzi Love & Maggi Andersen & Hildie McQueen's books