Seven Nights Of Sin: Seven Sensuous Stories by Bestselling Historical Romance Authors

Bill Burns recognized the man as Raymond Childs, a man wanted for murder. "Not much, kill the Scotsman and bring me back the blue-eyed lawman. Billy Charles and I will be there to make sure the job is done."

There were soft chuckles from several of those gathered, but Raymond Childs only nodded and turned his horse to leave. "Seems unnecessary to have this many to do the simple job. It'll be done.” He spurred his horse away, a second man alongside him.

The other two men shook their heads and left without speaking, obviously not interested in the job.

Billy Charles watched as the men left, seeming to ensure not to remain too close to each other. "Why ain't you sayin' nothin' about the bank?"

"Because it ain't necessary for them to know everything. While they're distracting the lawmen, you and me are taking the money."

The skinny man chuckled. "Gotta have money to pay 'em."

"Yep,” Bill said looking to his eldest son. The boy was slow, but he was loyal. Not like his second born at all, who was quick minded and only cared about himself. A quality he admired. He'd pinned his hopes on Timothy to take his place one day and run things. Now he had no successor, thanks to the lawmen McKade and the bitch back at his house.

He'd not go to her again until after it was all done, then each day he'd make her pay for leaving his son. No one left a Burns, especially not a woman. For now, he had to keep his head clear. Consider what had to be done. How exactly he'd avenge his son once he had McKade.

The wind became brisk as he spurred his horse forward. They'd be near Silver City in a day. All he had to do was wait for his men to attack so he and Billy would have easy access to the bank.


"The trail shouldn't be too hard to follow," Brogan said hours later when he and Lucas arrived at the area he'd seen the lanky man. "Seems he'd hidden the wagon over here."

They guided their horses to a nearby stream so the animals could drink and rest. As urgent as things were, there was no need to mistreat their mounts. It would be dark soon, so they only had a couple hours of riding left that day.

"You didn't have to come," Lucas told the Scot who returned from relieving himself. "I appreciate it though."

"You'd do the same for me," Brogan replied. "I didn't know about you and Camille."

The statement made Lucas study his friend. True, until lately they'd shared everything. Lucas had been aware of everything that happened when Brogan and Sarah got to know each other. "I'm sorry. It sort of just happened. I was going to share with you. Especially when it became a bit more apparent she returned my affections."

Brogan's lips curved. "Once we get her back to Silver City, I want all the details."

The words surprised Lucas enough to chuckle. "Since when are you so interested in someone's love life?"

"Only in yours. You are my friend."

Lucas walked around in a circle stretching his legs. "I don't understand why that man took her. Other than she may have caught him attempting to steal her wagon and confronted him. Maybe it was a spur of the moment reaction."

"I agree. Makes no sense."

They lapsed into silence as they mounted and, once again, followed the wagon trail toward Montana. Lucas looked off into the distance. "Seems like there's more to this. She was planning to leave. She left notes. Almost as if she was running from something."

"Or someone," Brogan interjected. "Could be she'd spotted the man and hoped to get away before he saw her."

"Yeah. Could be. Sarah told me Camille rarely speaks of her past. If she does, the subject is changed immediately."

"Whatever is going on, we’ll know soon enough. Look, the wagon trail turns here. From what I remember, there's a small town, Blairsville, about half a day's ride from here. Could be that's where they're headed."

Lucas nodded. "Isn't that where we caught the bank robber, Miles Baxter?"

"Blairsville has always been a harbor for outlaws and their types. Not a place to be caught off guard."

"Why would he take Camille there?"

"Could be he's from there. Was stealing the wagon and brought her as a boon."

Lucas didn't like the sound of it. It made very little sense. "We should keep riding. We can scout around and see if anything's going on."

On they continued in silence, each man in his own thoughts. Lucas looked up to the late day sun and prayed Camille was still alive.


The silence was almost as horrible as hearing the men on the other side of her door. Her mind raced, pictures tumbling of what her future would entail. There could not be a more horrible way to live. If it was what awaited her, Camille decided she'd rather die. No matter how many times she'd be beaten or worse, she'd never stop trying to escape and she'd fight whomever it was to keep from being taken like a whore.

Victoria Vane & Sabrina York & Lynne Connolly & Eliza Lloyd & Suzi Love & Maggi Andersen & Hildie McQueen's books