Seven Nights Of Sin: Seven Sensuous Stories by Bestselling Historical Romance Authors

He'd told her several times not to worry, that he'd marry her. Lucas was a real man. Someone who believed in honor. A man any woman would be very lucky to marry.

As much as she wished it to be, wishing wouldn't change what stood in the way of their marriage. She slammed her hand onto a tabletop and let out a groan. It wasn't fair. Not just that her past continued to haunt her, but also that it ruined every aspect of a happy future.

With an angry swipe, Camille attempted to dry her tears with the back of her hand. She pulled out paper and began scribbling two notes. One to Sarah and one to Lucas. She'd have someone deliver both to Sarah, who'd see that Lucas got his.

Pondering what to write brought more tears.

Before long, she motioned a young boy over and paid him to deliver the notes, instructing him to wait until the afternoon to do so. She'd included the keys to her shop in Sarah's note so that her friend could disperse whatever was left.

She rounded the building, bumping straight into Lacy who eyed her with concern. "Something wrong? You look as if you've been crying."

Camille let out a long breath. "It's not a good day for me Lacy, but it'll be fine. Thank you for asking." She attempted to round the woman, but was held back by a surprisingly strong grip.

Lacy lifted a brow. "I know that look. No matter what you hide or run from, it always catches up. It's best to turn and face things sometimes. Get it over with. Ain't no use in living otherwise."

It took a few seconds before Camille could come up with a response. Was she really so distraught, it was evident to someone who barely knew her? "It will pass I'm sure, just silly everyday issues. Nothing of much importance."

The woman lifted a shoulder and pursed her lips. "If you say so. Just let me ask something." She let out a breath. "Don't hurt him."

Camille swallowed. "I would never hurt Lucas intentionally....I..."

"You love him. Yes, I know." Lacy's shiny eyes met hers for an instant before she rounded Camille and rushed away. The woman was in love with Lucas. Camille wanted to rush after Lacy, hug her to offer something, but all she could think about was how she was about to hurt Lucas. Confirm his fear of the possibility of a child who would grow up without him. She sagged and closed her eyes.

There was no choice. If she remained, it would mean she'd have to tell Lucas they could never marry. It was doubtful he'd agree to any other kind of assignation. A relationship of lovers was not something she wanted either.

When she reached the back of her shop where her horse and wagon waited, all choices were gone.

Her husband's brother stood next to the wagon, a gun pointed at her.


"Someone's been here," one of the men called out, signaling to a small area. "Campfire's been put out not too long ago."

Brogan rode up alongside Lucas and studied the area. "Doesn't mean it was outlaws. I suppose we won't know until we come upon them."

Two days of riding in circles and Lucas was ready to head back to town. He couldn't stop the nagging feeling something was wrong.

In the back of his mind, he kept picturing the look on Camille's face when he was leaving. There was something in her expression that didn't sit well. The more he dwelled on it, the more he felt as if she tried to convey something.

"What do you think?" Bronson studied him and he realized he'd not heard the question.

"About what?"

"Heading back to town but splitting up and coming from the west so we scout out a different area."

His heart lightened. "Good plan."

It was dusk and they were still half a day's ride away. The rain poured so heavy it was barely possible to see more than a few yards. Lucas guided his horse to where trees would give some shelter. Drenched and tired, the others followed suit.

He looked around to the other haggard faces. "We need to find shelter. The storm is not going to let up."

"My horse is getting spooked by the lightning," one of the men replied.

"There's a cave not too far from here."

An hour later, they were ensconced inside a huge cave. Men and horses warmed up with the help of a large fire they'd managed to start with dry branches near the mouth of the cave.

"The most uncomfortable feeling: wet drawers," one of the men said, causing the others to chuckle.

Although Lucas was anxious to return, there wasn't much that could be done. They'd spend the night in the cave and hope for a break in the weather at sunrise.

Before long, they all lay around the fire sleeping.

At first Lucas was not quite aware of the noise, but then a loud bang startled him awake.

Shots rang out and he realized two of his men were just outside the cave shooting. He pulled his gun and ran. He bent low to see what happened. His heart thumped hard against his chest.

"What's going on?" he asked Brogan, who looked out over a rock.

Brogan shook his head. "Not sure. I think someone considers the cave theirs and shot at Marcus when he went to take a piss."

Marcus was unhurt, cussing as he walked past. "A shame when a man shoots at you in the middle of it, too.” He continued grumbling as he headed to the horses. "Let’s get out of here."

Victoria Vane & Sabrina York & Lynne Connolly & Eliza Lloyd & Suzi Love & Maggi Andersen & Hildie McQueen's books