Seven Nights Of Sin: Seven Sensuous Stories by Bestselling Historical Romance Authors

A lone wagon piled high with hay rolled at a leisurely pace toward the stables. It was the time of day she usually enjoyed, but today, apprehension gripped her.

The man she'd seen the day before was an acquaintance of Bill Burns. More of an adversary than friend. Williams owned some land near where she grew up, land Burns had taken from him after the man lost a gambling debt. Since then, they'd feuded for years, unlike her own uncle who'd sold out to Bill Burns and counted him as a friend.

Although she didn't figure he'd remember her, it was a chance she was not willing to take. Somehow, she'd find a way to speak to Lucas and find out if the man remained in town.

"Good morning." Lucas McKade appeared on the other side of the window and she jumped back. His lazy smile put her instantly at ease.

She unlocked the door and opened it. "You startled me. How did you sneak up without me seeing you?"

"I caught sight of you and came from the side. You scare easily.” He chuckled in mirth at his antics.

Camille pressed her lips together to keep from smiling. "That's not very gentlemanly of you."

"I apologize." His trembling lips told he wasn't at all sorry. But she let it pass.

"Good morning, Mr. McKade. What brings you about so early?"

Something in his gaze changed and Camille instantly felt a pang of fear. "Something is happening isn't it?"

His wide shoulders lifted and lowered. "The usual. Outlaws and danger. The life of a lawman."

"It is not a romantic thing, Mr. McKade. I know it's very dangerous." When his brows lowered in thought, she decided it was time to change the subject. "Would you like some tea? I just brewed a pot."

"Sure.” He moved away from the door and sat in one of two chairs she kept in the corner along with a small round table. The sitting area seemed too small for him, but she liked the picture of him sitting there waiting for whatever she'd serve.

She poured two cups of tea and sweetened both without asking his preference. Then she sat on the other chair. "Tell me Mr. McKade, what happened to that poor man who became ill yesterday. I saw from the window, looked like he was in a bad way."

Lucas took a tentative sip of the tea, then after tasting it, took a larger swallow. "I haven't had tea since my mother made me some. It's good."

She waited in silence hoping he would answer her question. If the man remained in town, she'd have to pretend to be ill and remain in her upstairs apartment. It was not worth taking a chance the man would come into her shop. As little of a chance it could happen, Camille wasn't about to risk him recognizing her and word getting back to her family of her whereabouts. Although she doubted he'd come after her, there was another person. Someone she'd rather die than face again.

"He's recovering at the clinic. Was in pretty bad shape. He was shot. Doc says he'll recover and be on his way in a couple days."

She let out a breath in an attempt to stay calm. "Is he from here?"

"Not sure where he's from, name is Frederick Williams. Not the good sort, so stay clear."

The warning wasn't needed. Now she had to figure out how to hide out for a few days. If she stood behind the counter, she had a clear view through the window. She'd keep the door locked. Hopefully, he'd leave town as soon as he recovered.

Lucas cleared his throat. "I'm going to be away for a few days. Wanted to stop by and make sure you knew."

Something about the timbre of his voice took her attention. "Where?" God, she didn't want to care. Least of all, it was not a good idea to let him know what he did affected her. "I'm sorry. It’s none of my business."

He gave her an easy grin. "Work, checking on some troublemakers. It's nice that you ask." His blue eyes met hers and Camille found it impossible to look away. Finally, she let out a breath and focused on her teacup, taking a sip of the sweet drink into her suddenly dry throat.

"You interest me, Camille. I want you to know that."

The declaration took her by surprise. Of all the things, this was not what she expected to hear from him. If only she could lose herself in romantic stirrings.

A man like Lucas McKade could never be hers, no matter how much she wanted it. If anything, he was a danger. Not only that, by being interested in her, it would be perilous for him.

"I don't know what to say." Camille was honest. In that moment, the last thing she could do was formulate a coherent reply. How nice would it be to pretend to be someone else and allow a relationship with him?

"No need to say anything.” He stood and looked down at her, his eyes soft. "Can I please escort you to dinner this evening? I leave tomorrow."

Camille nodded, already planning to feign illness. "That would be lovely."

As the day continued, Camille became more nervous. She considered what to say to Lucas when he came to collect her. How to pretend to have a headache.

She couldn't stop thinking that whatever it was that took him away was dangerous. If he never returned, would she regret spending this evening with him?

Victoria Vane & Sabrina York & Lynne Connolly & Eliza Lloyd & Suzi Love & Maggi Andersen & Hildie McQueen's books