Seven Nights Of Sin: Seven Sensuous Stories by Bestselling Historical Romance Authors

Brent groaned, and then nodded. “But only if I get to kneel before you as well.’

They laughed and kissed and Brent was wondering if he Lillian could be quiet enough to make love in this room, with her family breakfasting not far from them. He slid her gown up and over her knees and then dropped to kneel before her. He inhaled deeply. Oranges and lemons and sweet Lillian. He parted her nest of hair with his thumbs and then licked up though her folds. Lillian gave a small scream so he knew she was enjoying his ministrations.

The door handle rattled and she screamed again. He popped up from between Lillian’s thighs to come face to face with Maggie and Michael, and with Candace poking her head between them. ‘Damn master keys,’ Brent moaned, but when Lillian laughed aloud and the other joined her, he had no choice but to join their madness. He swung Lillian up into his arms and twirled her around, throwing back his head and laughing until his sides ached.

He slid a smiling Lillian down his body and onto her feet. ‘I love you.’

To his amusement, the rest of Lillian’s family flooded into the room and surrounded them. Maggie clapped and the others joined in.

‘And I love you,’ she said as they moved as one to sink into a long kiss.



The shadows of the past fall over Silver City, Idaho casting its darkness over a man and a woman attempting to start anew.

When US Marshal Lucas McKade and new deputy of Silver City decided to settle down, he didn't consider how his presence could bring complications to the townspeople of his new home. Against every instinct he seeks out apothecary owner Camille Johnston, a woman who calls to his basic nature to protect and to make his.

Camille Johnston knows that eventually the secrets of her past will come to haunt, yet she hopes to keep things hidden as long as possible and enjoy her lonely but peaceful existence in Silver City. The new deputy brings with him desires she'd thought firmly shut away. A relationship of any kind comes with very dangerous consequences.

A story of Lucas and Camille, who attempt to leave a past behind only to find true happiness, comes when they face it.

Under a Silver Moon

Hildie McQueen

Pink Door Publishing

Cover Artist: Robin Ludwig Design Inc.

Sr. Editor: Scott Moreland

Copyright Hildie McQueen 2016

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Silver City, Idaho 1865

THE BULL KICKED BACK WITH ITS HIND LEGS as if preparing to charge the tree again, not a good thing at the moment since the branch Camille sat on cracked under her weight.

She wasn't sure what the best thing to do at the moment was. Should she shoo it away or play dead? Of course, if she played dead it meant movement, which in turn could cause the tree branch to break and then she'd not have to pretend.

Beneath her, the animal snorted and kicked at the herb basket she'd filled just moments earlier.

In the distance, a lone horseman appeared. Whoever it was rode at a lazy pace. Through squinted eyes, she could make out that he seemed to be looking up at the sky. Camille did not have the time or the inclination to admire the scenery at the moment.

Admittedly, the entire reason she'd come out for a walk had been the beautiful, warm day. Summer arrived in Silver City with bursts of color, clear, blue skies and an occasional light shower. Herbs of every kind sprouted around the base of trees and between thickets in the wooded area where she'd foraged.

The bull stomped on the ground. "Don't lose your temper with me or the tree," Camille told it in a quavering voice. "It’s not like I'm forcing you to be here. Why don't you go on back to whatever you were doing?"

The animal didn't listen. Instead, it charged the tree again with force. Its massive head collided with the trunk, shaking the entire thing. The branch she'd climbed up to cracked just a bit more and Camille screamed.

Victoria Vane & Sabrina York & Lynne Connolly & Eliza Lloyd & Suzi Love & Maggi Andersen & Hildie McQueen's books