Seven Nights Of Sin: Seven Sensuous Stories by Bestselling Historical Romance Authors

He and Lillian were marrying and nothing would stop them, not her growling father or the gossiping peers who delighted in destroying people’s reputations and watching their prey scurry away form London to hide. They’d both endured enough gossip and seclusion and today was a new beginning.

A hand in the middle of his back reminded him that Michael stood behind, demonstrating that their family supported each other and were displaying a united public front. Seeing Maggie and Michael waiting outside the duke’s house had been a surprise, but when his cousin explained their presence, Brent had been overcome by emotion. Michael and Maggie had expected Brent to present himself before Lillian’s father and had decided to stand beside him, as Maggie’s father was one of the duke’s closest cohorts and she’d know the family all her life. Later, Brent decided, he’d get to the bottom of Maggie’s identity and why mystery surrounded her, but for now he was grateful that there were four people in the room in support of a short engagement and, hopefully, their long marriage.

Lillian tucked her arm though Brent’s and smiled up at him. ‘Papa, Lord Mallory is doing the proper thing by speaking to you, but hear this, we will marry, with or without your permission.’

The duchess pushed back her chair and rushed to hug her daughter and Brent looked down at Lillian and smiled. “You should be pleased, your Grace, that your daughter is so much like you. Strong, intelligent, and loyal.’

The duke’s face was red and his fists clenched as he pondered Brent’s praise, but when the duchess moved and slid her hand around her husband’s elbow and leaned into him, his bluster dissipated. ‘Very well, you may court my daughter for six months and if, at that time, I consider you an appropriate husband, you will have my permission to marry.’

‘One week,’ Brent announced with a smile for everyone in the room. ‘I shall procure a special license this morning and Lillian will be married in my local church on Saturday.’

The duke shouted, the duchess patted his arm soothingly, and Lillian’s sister raced to embrace her and offer excited congratulations. Beside him, Michael used the hand not holding Maggie’s to thump Brent on the back. ‘Well done. Expected a bigger battle but you’ve made your point and robbed the duke of speech, which is a first. Can’t wait until he hears your views on law reforms. That’s sure to cause a war.’ Michael’s chuckle was cut off when the duke roared again. ‘Law reforms?’ He shook his fist at Brent and Michael. ‘Over my dead body.’

The duchess spoke and, although her tone was mild, her voice was laced with steel. ‘If you don’t calm yourself, we’ll be laid out in a coffin before the wedding on Saturday. Now, congratulate your daughter and her betrothed and finish your breakfast.’

‘Yes, my dear,’ the duke muttered, lowering himself into the chair rescued by a smirking footman. He pointed to them. ‘Sit down, all of you. Have some tea.’ He scowled at Maggie. ‘And then you can explain your part in this so I can decide if I need to write to you father and tell him he needs to take better control of his daughter.’ He glared at Brent. ‘Daughters are the very devil, Mallory, and I hope yours is better behaved than this unruly lot.’ He glared at each of his daughters in turn, lingering on Candace who was unable to hide her excitement. ‘Give a man gray hairs, they do.’

“My daughter is only six, Your Grace, and yet she seems to bend my entire household to her will with extraordinary ease.’

His Grace snorted, and then took up his cutlery and returned to his meal. Maggie and Michael seated themselves at the table and joined the conversation, while Lillian’s sisters talked over the top of one another about their sisters wedding and what gowns they would wear. Brent seized the opportunity to slip outside, urging Lillian with him. Once in the corridor, Lillian took charge and led him to a small room at the very back of the house, locking the door behind them.

They smiled at each other, and then kissed.

‘That went far better than I expected,’ Brent said. ‘You father didn’t even send for his gun.’

“I was surprised too, though I think my family has always known how much I admired you and how much I valued your friendship.’

‘I love you, Lillian, and I’m sorry that it took me so long to realize how much you meant to me.’

She out a finger to his lips. “No, you have nothing to apologize for. I’m pleased that we’ve finally found each other, my love.’

‘I promise that I’ll do anything to make you happy, Lillian. Anything you want.’


He nodded, though the look in her eyes worried him a little.

She lifted to her toes and whispered in his ear. ‘I want to kneel before you, my darling, and worship your body that way. Will you let me?’

Victoria Vane & Sabrina York & Lynne Connolly & Eliza Lloyd & Suzi Love & Maggi Andersen & Hildie McQueen's books