Seven Nights Of Sin: Seven Sensuous Stories by Bestselling Historical Romance Authors

Gently, he laid her on the bed and eased down beside her, running his hand over her silken skin and reveling in the touch, the form of her.

“You are beautiful,” he whispered, as he bent his head to sup on a nipple. He loved the way it swelled, incited him, and he toyed with it with his tongue. He tasted her everywhere, in fact, or nearly so, nibbling on her neck, her belly, her breasts, enjoying her response—even when she fisted her fingers in his hair and cursed him.

At this, he lifted his head and grinned. “You are a demanding wench,” he said.

“And you are a selfish lover.”

He lurched back. “I am not.”

“You keep things to yourself.”

“Such as?”

She gestured to his breeches, which were still fastened, though rather snug.

“I was saving that for last.”

“Hardly fair.”

“Trust me, dearest. Once that beast is unleashed, it will all be over far too soon.”

“Will it?” Her eyes danced.

“You have me aroused beyond sanity.”

“Well, I think I should be able to explore it, just as you explored me.” She batted her lashes. “It seems only fair.”

It was not fair in the slightest. “Darling, if you so much as blow on me at this point, I am undone.”

There was no reason for her eyes to brighten, for her to coo, “Oooh. I want to see you undone.”

He should have said nothing.

But it was too late. His enthusiastic partner, who was not selfish in the slightest, dove for the fastening of his breeches, opened it and stared.

It was, he had to admit, a magnificent sight. His cock was hard and thick and angry.

She reached out a finger, and though he dreaded her touch, he allowed it.

But then, he’d had no idea how heinous she was.

She began to do to him exactly what he had done to her in the bath. Teasing the tip, circling the engorged head and exploring him at length until his toes curled.

At the moment, he was unsure exactly who was getting revenge of any sort.

He had to grab her hand, holding it in—what he hoped was—a gentle cuff.

“Tildy. You’re driving me mad.”

She tipped her head to the side. “Mad enough to beg?”

He narrowed his eyes and growled at her, though it was a playful offering. Well, sort of. “It doesn’t take much for you to make me beg, so don’t torment me.”

“Does this torment you?”

Egads. She wriggled free and gave him a squeeze.

“Tildy.” Surely his warning glare was enough to make it clear to her that he was near the end of his tether.

It was not.

“Why is it so hard?”


“And what is this?” She traced the vein throbbing along his length. “And why is it wet? Can I taste it?”

Enough. E-bloody-nough.

He pushed her back onto the towel and levered over her, forcing her legs wide, and positioning himself at her entrance. As he slid in, he said, “I’m sorry, Tildy, I wanted to go slow. Really I did. But I simply cannot—”Ah God. She was tight.

He stared down at her as he eased deeper. Her features froze and he felt a sudden stinging guilt but damn it all, she had driven him over the edge.

But then, the tightness changed into something else, something dazed and delighted. “Oh,” she murmured. “Oh.”

And he knew.

He knew he’d done his job well. She was ready for this.

In fact, she wanted more. Craved it.

And, by God, so did he.


It was beyond anything she had ever experienced, this strange fullness, the heat of him, the surge of his pulse—inside her. He seemed to touch her everywhere, stroke newly awakened nerves that wanted only more and more of him.

Tildy wrapped her legs around his hips and attempted to ride him as he rode her. She didn’t know if she was doing it right, but then again, a part of her simply didn’t care. Pleasure did that, she supposed. Made one selfish.

But it didn’t feel selfish, not when he groaned and whispered her name each time she closed on him.

His slow strokes, in and out, picked up speed, and with that, her delirium rose. He held on to her, pinning her in place as he began to move faster, plunge deeper, as his control—his damnable control—began to slip.

And she loved it.

His pace increased, a wild tumult as he worked her, sucking and nipping on her nipples, thumbing that nub between her legs, driving her higher and higher into that glory she’d known before…but this was more. So much more.

“Yes,” she cried in time to his lunges. “Yes, yes.”

“God,” he growled. “God, Tildy. God.”

And then, even as the cataclysm claimed her, flinging her back into that glorious whirlwind of bliss, his cock swelled, filling her further.

With a harsh huff, he pulled out and sank deep, hard, kissing the core of her soul, it seemed, and sending her spinning into the well of rapture even as heat flooded her body.

Victoria Vane & Sabrina York & Lynne Connolly & Eliza Lloyd & Suzi Love & Maggi Andersen & Hildie McQueen's books