Seven Nights Of Sin: Seven Sensuous Stories by Bestselling Historical Romance Authors


His grin was wicked. “Please? Are you begging?”

She thrust out a lip. “What are you doing to me?”

“Bringing you pleasure.”

“It is not pleasurable in the least!”

His face fell. Tragically, he removed his hand. “It is not?”

“No! You are driving me mad!”

She had no idea why he beamed. “So you do like this?” He resumed his evil torture. With his mouth, he tormented her nipples as well.

A storm took her. It was wild and windy and buffeted her around, twined in pleasure and some form of insanity. She cared about nothing but this. His hands, his mouth on her. The scrape of his beard over her skin, his breath, his scent, his whispered urgings.

Her tension grew and shifted, sank deep to the core of her being. It was unbearable and tantalizing at the same time.

She writhed beneath his touch, sloshing water onto the floor and not caring in the least. It was manic and mad, delightful and daring. She felt free and confined at the same time.

And then, something claimed her. Some bliss she had never imagined, some rapture no one had dared tell her about, because if they had, she would have done this before, and often.

And when she thought the pleasure could not be more exquisite, he did something. Something that burned a bit, but only in the most dazzling way. He thrust two fingers into her. Deep.

He touched her there, some sacred spot. Some arcane confluence of all that was holy and profane. And she imploded. Her body moved of its own accord, closing on him and arching into him and dancing in a delirium all of its own.

As for her mind, she seemed to have lost it for that instant, that eternity.

She floated on the water and on the ether, wreathed in pleasure as he stroked her gently and brought her back to earth.

She probably would have sunk beneath the bathwater, had he not held her up. With those two fingers. Still buried in her.

She blinked the tears from her eyes and stared at him. He stared back, his eyes reddened, a muscle working in his cheek.

“That was lovely,” he said.

Her laugh was nearly a wail. “It was for me. Why was it for you?”

“It was a delight for me to watch.”

She did not know how to respond, so she asked, “What was that?”

“A climax.” He winked. “That is what you get when your partner takes his time.”

“Oooh. I enjoyed that very much.”

“I noticed.” He moved his fingers, those deep inside her, once more and new ribbons of excitement danced along every nerve.

“Oooh. There’s more?”

He grinned. “Most definitely more. Are you ready to come out of the water?”

She pouted. “No. I want to do that again.”

“You’re starting to wrinkle.” He lifted her hand and kissed her fingers which were, in point of fact, a little wrinkly. “Besides, we can do this again…in the bed.” His voice cracked a little.

“Oh, all right.” She huffed a sigh and lifted herself from the water. He was there with a towel and, after taking a minute to study her form, he wrapped her in it and lifted her against his chest.

She curled her arms around his neck and nestled her nose there. Unable to resist his scent, she licked him and then nibbled.

He almost tripped.


WHAT ON GOD’S GREEN EARTH had he been thinking, promising to take it slow?

Oh certainly, she had been perfection in her passion. He had enjoyed watching and teasing her very much.

But his cock was stiff as a pike and aching beyond bearing.

He wanted nothing more than to toss her on the bed and take her. Savagely.

He knew he could not. Should he become a rutting beast at this point, it would ruin all he had done before to reassure her. And, even though he had prepared her for his entry, if he were mad with lust, he could not ensure she would not still feel pain.

He was rather large and she was a tiny thing. He’d noticed how tight she was when he’d breached her maidenhead. Oh, yeah. He’d noticed. It had nearly killed him, feeling the manic clenches of her body on him, her feral passion. Her responses…each and every one of them.

Yes, he was close to losing control, but he could not. He not only needed to make this wonderful for her, he wanted to.

He’d expected this to be a one-time seduction. One night, doing her a favor by relieving her of her chastity while gaining some measure of satisfaction by denying her brother the betrothal he sought.

But one night didn’t seem like enough anymore.

Maybe he would keep her for longer.

Yes. That was an excellent idea.

He glanced down at her lovely face, glowing with contentment, and he kissed her. He couldn’t not.

And, as he had come to expect, her response was immediate and warm. She threaded her fingers in his hair and held him tightly as she returned his passion kiss by kiss.

Victoria Vane & Sabrina York & Lynne Connolly & Eliza Lloyd & Suzi Love & Maggi Andersen & Hildie McQueen's books