Sebring (Unfinished Heroes #5)

He just was.

“You,” she moaned, and his hand was forced from between him as she drove down and started fucking herself hard.


He took over.

She arched her back and let him.

Even better.

Grunting, whimpering and groaning, they fucked, they did it hard, Nick took her there and then Olivia took Nick there.

She was cleaned up, the lights out and he was drifting to sleep when his woman murmured against the skin of his chest.

“Do you, um…have a crop?”

He grinned through the dark at the ceiling.

He’d been wrong.

She was not the woman of his dreams.

She was the woman beyond even a dream.

“I so own you,” he muttered back.

“Whatever,” she returned, sounding disgruntled but doing it snuggling closer.

“Tie you too,” he declared.

She made a noncommittal noise but her body pressed closer to him.

“Blindfold,” he went on.

“Whatever,” she repeated with added emphasis.

“Gag as well. Plug your ass. Go all out.”

Liv shifted against him. “Whatever, Nicky. Now shut up.”

“You just came hard for me after I paddled your ass then fucked it and you’re getting turned on just talking about getting more,” he pointed out.

She lifted her head and snapped, “Shut up, Nicky.”

He aimed a hand and cupped her face.

“You gotta know, baby, you own me too.”

She melted into him again, pressing her cheek to his palm.

He leaned to her, touching his mouth to hers.

“Now go to sleep,” he ordered when he was done.

She bent in, brushed her mouth along his jaw and then settled back into him.

Liv snuggled close.

Nick held her as she did.

And they fell asleep.


9:25 – Sunday Night

They were belted into the plane, prepared for landing, and Olivia had fallen to the side, her head on his shoulder. Their forearms were up on the armrest and they were holding hands.

“Can we do that again?” Nick heard her ask.

He turned his head and kissed the top of hers.

“Yeah,” he answered and shared, “Take you to the mountains, maybe next month.”

“That’d be nice,” she murmured, tightening her fingers in his hand.

He didn’t reply, just watched the flight attendant going about her business.

“I wanna be safe.”

He again turned his head, this time to look down at her as she lifted hers from his shoulder and looked up at him.

“I wanna be free,” she went on.

“I’ll get you there,” he promised.

“No, I mean, I…it’s…” She shook her head but kept at it. “It’s not your job. I need to sort it out. I don’t know how I’m gonna manage that…the last time I tried to leave the family, it didn’t go too well—”

Nick cut her off, “Babe, it is my job.”

Her gaze grew confused. “It’s my life, Nick.”

“Not anymore.”

She continued to look confused with the addition of mildly annoyed. “So now that you’ve decided where we’re heading, my life is yours?”

She’d had enough of her life being anyone’s.

But she was sort of right.

“No,” he answered. “Now that we’re on the same page about where we’re heading, that future is ours. It’s not just you anymore, Liv. And it’s not just me. It’s us. That future, our future, is about the both of us. I want you to be safe and free and have your own life, but if I’m not wrong, we’re both agreed that life is gonna have me in it. If that’s the case, it’s my job to look out for you. There’ll be times and ways you’ll look out for me. But now, with this, with what happened the last time you tried, I want you safe while I pull it off. So this time, it’s my turn.”

“You’re not wrong,” she said softly, something new he liked a helluva lot shining from her eyes. “We’re both agreed.”

He grinned. “I know.”

She grinned back, it was small but it came easy.

He still felt it in his gut.

He hoped he made it so her happiness came at him so much, that feeling stopped, at the same time he hoped it didn’t.

“Just so you know, I love Vail, but my favorite is Winter Park,” she announced. “It’s fun and beautiful and not as hoity-toity.”

His grin got bigger. “So noted.”

“You want me to find a VRBO?” she asked.

“Knock yourself out,” he answered.

“You’ll have to give me some dates,” she told him.

“I get to the office, I’ll get them.”

She gave him bright, happy eyes and a hand squeeze before she dropped her head on his shoulder again and fell quiet.

He held her hand.

They landed.

Nick hung back so she disembarked before he did.

He knew (and didn’t like) that she’d have to get her bag alone and lug it to her car alone.

He simply went to his car alone, something he also didn’t like.

Twenty-five minutes later, he slid through the back gate of her house and let himself in one of her pool doors with the key she’d given him. He also turned off her alarm with the code she’d given him.

She joined him fifteen minutes later.

When she did, they shared a drink in front of the TV. Olivia conked out during the news. Nick woke her and helped her to bed.