Sebring (Unfinished Heroes #5)

“Ooo, sweetheart,” she cooed. “That’s a good one.”

It wasn’t, she was wrong. The first picture of them wasn’t good.

It was brilliant.

Olivia tucked tight to his side, her head tipped back, her cheek resting along the underside of his jaw, a big smile on her face you couldn’t miss even if you could only see half of it.

Nick had his arm around his girl, looking at the camera, smiling right at it.

They looked carefree. They looked happy.

She looked carefree.

She looked happy.

Yes. It was brilliant.

The waitress delivered her cocktail.

“Awesome,” she murmured, leaning toward it.

Nick nodded at the waitress.

Having nabbed her drink, Liv leaned back and caught Nick’s eye.

“I think it’s time to gamble,” she declared before taking a sip.

He grinned. “Whatever you want, Livvie.”

She grinned too before she swung her drink to the side, reached her mouth up to his and touched it.

Her eyes a hint away, she whispered, “Let’s go, Nicky.”

They went. He took her exactly where she wanted to go. He did anything she wanted to do.

He gave her everything it was in his power to give.

And he’d keep doing it, in Vegas, in Denver, on the moon if they landed there.

Just to keep his girl carefree.

And happy.


3:32 – Sunday Morning

The Do Not Disturb sign was again on the door.

Nick was slightly inebriated.

Livvie was smashed.

After dinner and then after dinner cocktails, Nick had lost three thousand dollars at craps.

After Nick dropped that load, Liv had won three hundred dollars at the slots.

She crowed.

She also rubbed it in.

So when the door to their room closed behind them, Nick set about evening out their night’s score.

In took him a while, and as usual, she didn’t play fair.

This time, he didn’t either.

But it was a game he knew she didn’t want to win.

So when he got her naked on her belly in their bed, he shoved a hand between her legs, cupping her pubic bone. Kneeling at her side, he yanked her up to her knees, ass in the air, as he held her down with a firm but gentle hand wrapped around the back of her neck.

He then moved his hand from between her legs and reached to the nightstand, pulling open the drawer.

In it was a short-handled paddle made of cushioned, soft brown leather that he’d brought with him and put there when she wasn’t looking.

He took it out and rubbed it along her ass.

He heard her soft gasp, but she didn’t move nor did she protest.

He buried a grin.

Fuck, she was so his.

Time for her to admit it.

“Who do you belong to?” he asked.

She pushed against his hand at her neck and pressed her ass into the paddle.

He landed it across her cheeks. The crack rent the air. Her hips jerked then her legs locked but Nick could still see them trembling.

“Who do you belong to?” he repeated.

She didn’t move.

He bent over her.

“Olivia, who do you belong to?”

Sneak attack, she reached out a hand and cupped his balls.

That felt so fucking good, he bit his lip to bite back his groan and again smacked her ass with the paddle.

He heard her whimper into the covers. The good kind of whimper. The kind of whimper she made that he felt in his cock.

“Who do you belong to, baby?” he asked.

She gently massaged his balls.


“Who do you belong to, Livvie?”

She slid her knees farther out on the bed.


He ran the edge of the paddle between her legs.

Her entire bottom half started trembling.

“Who do you belong to?” he pushed, still stroking her.

She strained her ass up farther.

He gave her what she was asking for and again paddled it.

“Yes,” she whispered.

Fuck yes.

“Who do you belong to?”


He swatted her.

She slid her hand up, wrapping her fingers around his cock.

No, she didn’t play fair and he fucking loved it.

“Who do you belong to, baby?”

She stroked him.

He gritted his teeth and spanked her. And again. And again.

She twisted her head around in his hold, lifting her eyes to his.

“You, Nicky, I belong to you.”

“Cock, Liv, now,” he grunted, letting her neck go.

She twisted at the waist instantly. Keeping her ass in the air, she swallowed his cock whole.



He growled before dropping the paddle and sucked his thumb into his mouth. He shifted it to her hole, pressing the pad in.

She whispered, “Please, Nicky,” against the head of his dick.

He fucked her ass as he watched her suck him off.

Right before he would come in her mouth, he slid his thumb out and ordered gruffly, “Up, baby. Face the headboard, hold on and give me your *.”

She wasted no time, slid him out and positioned.

He wrapped an arm around her belly, took hold of his cock and positioned the head.

“Who do you belong to, Livvie?” he whispered in her ear.

She twisted her neck and caught his eyes.

Hers were shining green so bright and burning, he felt branded.


Not felt.