Say You Love Me

“Kinda,” she said.

“Let’s go, Cody,” Mila said, frowning as she looked at me. “We’ve watched enough people riding bulls. I don’t think we need to watch people dancing now.”

“I don’t want to watch people dancing. I want to dance. With Sally.” I pulled her towards me and spun her around. “We can two-step, or salsa, or even bump-n-grind. I’m not picky.”

“You can’t even dance.” Mila rolled her eyes at me.

“I can dance when I’m drunk enough.” I started moving slowly and pulled Sally closer to me. She stumbled slightly against me and I held her close to me for a few seconds. “You okay?”

“Yeah.” She blinked up at me and grinned. “I’m fine.”

“Good,” I said softly, gazing down into her big, beautiful, brown eyes.

“So show me your dance moves, then,” she said softly, not moving back.

“Is that a challenge?” I stared at her lips for a few seconds, enjoying the feel of her body next to mine.

“I just want to see your moves,” she said and started moving back and forth slowly. “Can you keep up with me?”

“Hmm, let me see.” I put my hands on her waist and started moving my hips against her.

“Okay, guys. I think we’re going to go.” TJ looked over at me and I could see him smiling at me slightly. “You guys okay to get home?”

“Yeah, we’ll catch a cab. I’ll make sure Sally gets home safely.”

“You sure you want to stay and dance, Sally?” Mila asked her friend, and I felt myself waiting with bated breath to see what she was going to say.

“Sure, why not?” She laughed, throwing her head back, her hair flying past my face as she moved. I grinned at her and pulled her closer to me.

“You two boring folks go home, we’re going to continue having fun.”

“I guess,” Mila said, chewing her lower lip, looking slightly nervous. “Sally, we can all ride together, if you want?”

“I’m cool,” Sally said as she looked at Mila. “I’m just going to enjoy the night.”

“Okay.” Mila nodded, then turned towards TJ. “Let’s go, then. I’m tired. I’ll see you both in a few days, yeah?”

“Sounds good. Bye, sis.” I smiled at her and then watched as she and TJ left. I leaned down and whispered in Sally’s ear as we moved to the beat of the rock music that was playing in the bar. “Wanna grab another drink here or do you want to hit a different bar?”

“I don’t mind.” She shrugged, looking up at me with a small smile. “What do you want to do?” she asked me softly. I stared down at her face and at her lips again and pulled her towards me roughly, enjoying the feel of her breasts against my chest.

“I want to do whatever you want me to do,” I said, leaning down so that my lips were a mere centimeter from hers. My hands fell to her ass and I squeezed her butt-cheeks as I brought her closer towards me. She gasped then, her lips falling open as her eyes widened and I pressed my lips down against hers for a brief second before alarm bells started going off in my head. What was I doing? I was making a huge mistake and I could see from Sally’s eyes that she was feeling confused as well. I pulled back from her abruptly and let go of her. She stumbled back slightly, looking confused, and I started laughing to lighten the mood. “Gotcha.” I grinned at her. “Let’s go find a cab. I think I need to go home and sleep.” I looked at my watch. “I have to get up early tomorrow.”

“Oh, okay.” She looked at me with more confusion and maybe a hint of disappointment. I knew I wasn’t making sense to her and I knew I was being slightly rude, but I didn’t know what else to do. I was too drunk to make smart decisions and Sally wasn’t the girl to be making bad decisions with tonight.

“Come.” I grabbed her hand. “Let’s go,” I said and pulled her towards the entrance. “I promise I will get you home safely.”

“Thanks,” she said softly. “I appreciate it.” Her voice trailed off as we pushed past the crowds of people and I could feel my body burning up as we exited the bar.

Chapter 5


“So is Mila here yet?” I looked around the living room and gave Cody a questioning look. It was 9 a.m. and I’d just arrived at his house according to the plan that Mila and I had come up with. I felt like a bit of a fool and I was really hoping that my acting job was going to work out well. Especially after our near kiss from a few nights ago. I didn’t want him figuring out that I wanted him any way that I could have him.

“Nope, not yet.” He shook his head and yawned, stretching his arms up, and I tried not to stare at his naked chest.

“I guess she and TJ are running behind?” I said again, pretending like I didn’t know that they weren’t even going to show up. I felt my face warming up as I stood there lying my ass off. Who knew that this was going to be so hard?

“Yeah, you know Mila.” He nodded and then pointed towards the couch. “You can sit down, if you want.”