Savage Things (Chaos & Ruin Book 2)

She doesn’t need to tell me twice. I’m literally speechless as I take in her naked form. She’s flawless. Fucking flawless. She wouldn’t need airbrushing if she was on the cover of a magazine. Her tits are phenomenal. They’re not huge, less than a handful, but they’re perky and so perfectly formed, her nipples a soft subtle color of pink that reminds me of the inside of a seashell. I place my hands on her hips, arguing with myself in my head. I want to take her. I want to pick her up and throw her down on this couch, so I can devour her piece by piece.

“You are…” Shit. There are no words to describe how amazing she is. I leave my mouth hanging open as I shake my head, scrambling to think of a compliment that will do her justice. It doesn’t exist, though.

She blushes. Kaya Rayne has never blushed in my presence. She’s always seemed too fiery and self-assured for something as girl-next-door as blushing, but the evidence is right in front of me. Her lips look swollen and plump, delectable, ready for me to bite. “Carry me to my bed, Mason?” she whispers. “I want you naked, too.”

I fold her up in my arms, my brain screaming like fucking crazy when her tits press up against my chest, and I lift her from the couch. She wraps her legs around my waist tight enough that I could let go of her and she wouldn’t fall; I don’t let go, though. I cup my hands under her perfect ass and her perfect thighs, groaning a little when my fingers skate over her pussy and I feel wetness there.

She wants me. She wants me already, and we haven’t even begun. Her body is unfamiliar and new, hiding so many secrets. I have no idea yet where she likes to be kissed, or touched, or licked, and the prospect of discovering all of those places one at a time, slowly, is beyond fucking thrilling.

In her room, I lie her down on her back, climbing up onto the mattress so I’m hovering over her. “Open your legs for me, Kaya.” My voice is ragged with desire, and she reacts to the sound of it, her lips parting, a soft gasp working its way out of her. “Do it,” I tell her. “ I want to see. I want to see all of you.”

I sit back so she can drop her knees apart, baring her pussy to me, giving me a very clear view of what I’ve been daydreaming about all these weeks since we met. Her pussy is the same fragile pink color as her nipples, glistening and wet. Fuck, I want to bury my face in there right now. I want to lose myself in her as I make her come with my tongue. I can almost taste her sweet, slick flesh. I can almost feel her legs tightening around my head as I bring her closer and closer, until she’s tumbling over the precipice of her orgasm, screaming my fucking name.

I wait, though. Instead, I unbutton my jeans and slip them off, kicking my shoes off and losing my socks at the same time. I stand naked in front of her, readying myself mentally for what’s about to happen. I’m about to go to war.

Kaya is such as strong-willed girl. She wants what she wants, and she knows how to get it. Thing is, she’s never been fucked by a guy like me before. She may have slept with strong, masculine guys, yes, but I’m betting she’s had them bending over backwards, willing to snap their spines to please her in every way. I want to make her come. I want tonight to be the most mind-blowing sex of her life, but I know this experience will fade into the history of her sexual conquests, never to stand out from the rest, if I give her exactly what she wants.

She needs someone who will take her in hand. She needs someone to tell her no. And fair enough. She can tell me no, too. I’m not going to make her do anything she doesn’t want to. But she’s not the one in control here. Is she going to be into that? Who knows. I guess I’m about to find out, though.

“Have you watched me in the cage before, Kaya?” I ask.

She squirms a little, her hands rubbing along the lengths of her thighs. “Yes. I’ve seen all of your fights.”

“Good. Then this will make sense to you. I fuck like I fight, Kaya. I take no prisoners. I dominate, and I take control. I hate to lose. Are you sure you still want to play with me?”

Slowly, carefully, she inches her right hand toward her pussy, until the very tips of her fingers are teasing her clit. She arches her back, her eyes still locked on mine. “I want to play. Doesn’t mean I won’t get my way, though, Mason. Do you want to risk losing? Just this once?”

I shake my head. Taking my dick in my hand, I squeeze, shivering a little in anticipation. Her glance flickers down, settling on the sight of my palm slowly working up and down my hard cock. I can’t help but enjoy the look of expectation in her eyes. “I like taking risks,” I say. “But this, in the underground fighting circuit, is what we like to call a one sided match, Kaya Rayne. Now roll over and show me that ass.”

Kaya smirks. Ten seconds pass by, and I’m getting ready to grab my shit and leave. If she doesn’t do as I’ve told her, that’s exactly what’s going to happen, and I think she knows it. I think she can see it in my eyes. At the eleventh second, she shrugs, propping herself up on her elbows. “Power is a dangerous thing. Make sure it doesn’t go to your head, okay?”