Savage Things (Chaos & Ruin Book 2)

“I can believe it.”

Kaya glances at me out of the side of her eye—a cool blue laser pointer, suddenly burning right into me. “I don’t want to talk about my brother, Mason. And I’m assuming you’d rather not talk about your sister, too. What I’d really like to discuss is the matter of you fucking me, and whether you’re finally going to do it tonight.” She smiles sweetly.

I can’t really get my head around the direct, straight-to-the-point way she says this. She must be able to tell I’m shocked even though I try and hide it, because she laughs softly down her nose. “If you’re not into it, it’s okay, Mase. It just seems like the next step in this particular relationship.”

“But not in the emotional relationship you share with Richard?”

She shakes her head, trying to conceal a smile. “No, not with Richard. Would you prefer that we have an emotional relationship instead of a physical one?”

“You say that like the two are mutually exclusive.”

“They usually are with guys. Don’t you think so?”


“You didn’t answer my question. If you’d like to go out to dinner and discuss Proust, I’d be more than happy to split the bill with you.” She scrunches up her nose, pouting those glossy lips of hers. “Personally, I think you’re more of a strip down naked and fuck kind of guy, though. Correct me if I’m wrong.”

My dick is harder than granite again. All she had to do was say the words strip down naked and fuck and I’m ready to go. Hearing her say such things, the way she says them, is probably the hottest thing I’ve experienced in a long time. I shift on the couch, trying to disguise the fact that my jeans are tenting in the crotch. “You’re not wrong,” I tell her.

“I know. I like to study people, Mase. I like figuring them out, working out what makes them tick. You might like the idea of being emotionally involved with me, but the reality of your day-to-day life makes date night, grabbing dinner, hitting the movies, and weekends away in the mountains an impossibility. I know that. I respect that. But I still want to ride your dick.”

God damn it. There’s no point in pretending this isn’t going to happen anymore. I came here for a reason, and Kaya knows it. I scan her features one last time, reviewing the way her Cupid’s bow mouth lifts a little at the corners, the way her sharp blue eyes fizzle with an intelligence that makes me even more turned on for some reason.

“Fuck it.” I grab for her, cupping the back of her neck with my right hand, and our mouths crash together as she leans in at the same time. She kisses me just as aggressively as I kiss her, our tongues both licking and teasing at each other. Jesus, she’s good.

My left hand finds its way up her shirt all by itself. Kaya moans into my mouth as I cup and squeeze her breast through her bra, rolling the swollen bud of her nipple that I can feel straining against the lacy fabric. Her hands have a mind of their own, too. She takes hold of my shirt and lifts it up, pausing our kiss for a split second so she can rip it off over my head. “My god, Mason.” She digs her fingernails into my chest, glancing down at my bare skin in awe. “All that fighting and working out really has paid off.”

She’s seen me without a shirt on at the fights many times, I’m sure. I was barely dressed when she practically blew that Red Vine at French’s, sucking it into her mouth with an evil glint in her eye, fully conscious of what it would be doing to me in my head. And yet you’d think this is the first time by the way she’s staring at my abs, running her slender hands up and down my body like it’s something to truly be admired.

“Close your eyes,” she tells me. “I want to get naked for you.”

“But I’d very much like to see that,” I counter.

“Just close them until everything’s off. Stripping out of a tight dress is never sexy.”

She’s crazy if she thinks she could possibly do anything right now that would be unsexy, but I give her what she wants. I close my eyes shut, resisting the urge to crack my eyelids and peek. She gets up and starts rustling around, and I can feel the air moving on my skin as she throws one piece of clothing to the ground, followed by another two.

“Stay still,” she says.

I feel her skin, then, touching mine. She climbs up onto me, so that she’s straddling me, and places her hands over my face. “Open your eyes,” she whispers.