Savage Collision: A Hawke Family Novel (Hawke Family #1)

He’s why that word made my blood boil.

For the first time in my life, I wasn’t with a man just to get off. Despite my bone-deep aversion to romance and relationships, I fell in love with him and being separated from him—even though I know it’s the right thing—has been excruciating. If we can’t make this work, I don’t know how I can ever go back to my old life of meaningless sex. Because, let’s face it, Caroline wasn’t saying anything that wasn’t true before Savage.

I grab my phone again and reread the message. I take a moment debating my response. After not speaking for so long, there are a thousand things I want to say, but none of them seem appropriate via text message.

< I miss you, too. I’m not going anywhere. I love you. Tell me what you need. >

Those damn little dots appear, and knowing he has been waiting for my response warms my heart.

> You. I just need you. I need you to believe that we can figure this out. <

< I do. >

> I’m sorry I’m not ready yet. <

< It’s okay. >

A desperate desire to get home overwhelms me. Being in this place feels dirty, and guilt weighs heavy in the pit of my stomach.

What the fuck was I thinking? Why did I let Caroline talk me into coming here? This isn’t my life anymore.

I bolt out of the bathroom and make a beeline for the front door. I can’t get out of here fast enough. I hail a cab and don’t look back. My phone buzzes and I look down.

> I’ll talk to you soon, I promise. <

< You better. >

> I will. <

I smile and clutch my phone to my chest. Maybe there is a chance. Maybe there’s still hope for us. But maybe Caroline is right. I just don’t know.

This day won’t end. I stare at the words on my screen, but they all blur together. Relaxing back in my chair, I scrub my hands over my face and groan. Two more agonizing weeks, and still, nothing. No resolution of my story, no resolution of the Savage situation.

“What’s your problem?”

I spin my chair to face the door to my office and find Caroline leaning against the frame, arms crossed over her chest.

“Nothing, I just want to get the hell out of here.” She walks in and slides up onto my desk, crossing her legs and folding up like a pretzel.

She shrugs. “So leave.”

“I can’t yet. I just sent my article about the closing of the Spring Street Library to Doug and he hasn’t sent it back to me yet.”

She lets out an annoyed sigh and rolls her eyes. “What does it matter? You would just be going home to watch Netflix anyway, and you know it. Why don’t you hang around until I’m done and we can go grab dinner and some drinks instead?”

I hate to admit when Caroline is right, but she is. As soon as I walk in the door, I will be slipping into my sweatpants and returning to my White Collar marathon on Netflix. Matt Bomer is so damn hot. That dark, wavy hair, those piercing blue eyes…

Without even realizing it, the image of Matt morphs into Savage in my head.

“Hello? Earth to Danika…” Caroline waves her arms frantically in front of my face.

Knocking them down, I huff. “Stop it. I’ll go, okay?”

She grins and clasps her hands together. “All right, I should be done in about an hour. You want to go to Maxine’s?”

Maxine’s is a trendy martini bar and tapas restaurant right down the street from the paper. We used to frequent it before I started spending so much of my time with Savage. I haven’t been there in ages. Just thinking about their French onion soup has my mouth watering and stomach growling.

“Sounds good, now go finish up so we can get out of here.”

She smacks me upside the head as she slides off my desk.

“What the hell was that for?” I ask, watching her walk to the door.

“In case you were thinking about bailing, I feel like I need to remind you I have a very violent nature.” She grins and disappears around the corner into the hallway.

Things have been strained between us since that night at the club. We didn’t even talk for three days, which is an eternity for us. When I finally sucked it up and called her to apologize, she made me grovel and admit that she was just looking out for my best interests, even if I disagree with her.

Things aren’t the same, but they’re getting there. Slowly.

Spinning back to my desk, I check my email again for a reply from Doug. Nothing yet. I open my internet browser and start aimlessly reading celebrity gossip sites. Just because my life is boring as fuck doesn’t mean I can’t live vicariously and gain entertainment through their misguided life choices.

My phone beeps, indicating an incoming text.


> I’m ready to talk. Can I see you tonight? <

Gwyn McNamee's books