Savage Collision: A Hawke Family Novel (Hawke Family #1)

Deep breaths.

I manage to plaster a smile on my face before he leans in to kiss me. When our lips meet, I remember why I decided to show up at his club last weekend. The electricity between us is palpable and I melt when his tongue slides along my bottom lip. The memory of our ride here and his expert hands has me squirming for the second time since we sat down.

How Savage can affect me like this is a mystery. No man has been able to hold my attention for this long, certainly not without sex. Despite my mother and Nora’s best efforts, they have been unable to get me to want anything more than a good bang. Maybe my logic for avoiding commitment is flawed, but when my dad died, my mom fell apart, and I was left caring for Nora while mom spent weeks on end in bed. I can’t say I blame her. My father was an amazing man, father, and husband. She didn’t know how to function without him.

I can’t imagine loving someone that much. I can’t say I’ve even been with anyone I remotely missed when we weren’t together—unless it was missing the orgasms they gave me. But Savage has me second-guessing my stance.

His tongue tangles with mine and a thousand ideas of how we can make use of the five-hour drive back flash through my mind. Images of me straddling him and riding him until his head explodes have me gasping against his mouth.

He pulls away and his eyebrow quirks up. “Dani, we’re in public, remember?”

A cheer from the crowd reminds me we are very much in public. I need to keep my libido in check, at least for the time being.

I glare at him for his chastisement. He knew what he was doing when he kissed me. He knows exactly what he does to me. He’s been doing it since the moment we met. This week has been no exception. Even though we’ve only seen each other once, the memory of the multiple orgasms he gave me on the couch while we were “watching” NCIS is still very fresh in my mind.

God, it had to be at least five times.

I clench my thighs together against my pulsing clit at the memory and grin to myself like a fucking idiot.

He is so damn talented with his mouth, I swear, it’s like a drug and I’m already addicted to this man.

It’s not just the sexual attraction either—if that was it, the fact he hasn’t fucked me or barely let me touch him would have sent me running, again—he’s generous, caring, and makes me laugh. Nora was right, although I refuse to admit it to her.

At dinner on Sunday, Nora called me out in front of our mom about me spending the night at Savage’s the night before. I don’t remember her seeing me at the club, but then again, I don’t remember a whole lot considering the amount I drank. Apparently, being carried out completely passed out did not go unnoticed by my little sister.

“So, are you and Savage a thing now?” she’d asked, looking at me with a strange mix of trepidation and interest.

I hissed at her to shut up, but it was too late. Mom heard and immediately jumped on the interrogate-Dani bandwagon. “Oh, a new guy? Who is this Savage?”

With a not-so-subtle eye roll toward Nora as thanks, I decided the best way to answer was with the truth. “He’s Nora’s new boss.”

The fuck-you glare I got from Nora could have frozen molten lava.

“You have a new job?” my mom had asked, innocently enough.

Talk about awkward.

Nora managed to dodge the truth by explaining she’s working part time and redirecting the attention to my love life. My mom has no idea Nora quit school, let alone what she’s doing for a living now. I had to bite my tongue about a thousand times when Nora answered Mom’s questions about her classes. Who knows how long she plans on lying to her, but the truth will come out sooner or later. She will have to face the consequences of her deception.

I only shut my mom up after I finally told her things were too new with Savage to know where they were going. She just smiled and said, “I’m just happy you are giving someone a chance.” She feels guilty and responsible for the way I live my life. I don’t hide things from her, so she knows my interactions with men aren’t designed to lead to love and marriage.

We’d left it at that, along with a note from Nora that she doesn’t need me leading Savage on and then breaking his heart. I can’t say I blame her; that would make work pretty damn awkward for her. And, as much as I hate that she’s stripping, the faith I have in Savage makes the reality of it a little more bearable. I don’t want her to have to deal with an angry ex of mine as a boss.

At the same time, I can’t let what might happen to Nora affect how I handle the Savage situation. It’s new and unusual enough as it is. Looking at him now, with that smug smile on his face, I know I don’t regret taking this chance.

It’s worth it.

Gwyn McNamee's books