Savage Collision: A Hawke Family Novel (Hawke Family #1)

She sighs and I know she’s rolling her eyes at me. “Ugh, yes, of course, I just wanted to know what you were wearing. Very important information, you know.”

“Well, I wore the skirt and that sparkly top.” Which I just realized I left at Savage’s when I ran out of there this morning.

Caroline whistles. “Damn, you were really going for it.”

“I was, and, it worked. I spent the night with him.”

Her squeal is so high-pitched and shockingly loud, I have to hold the phone away from my ear so I don’t lose my hearing.

“Was it totally amazing? Was his cock as beautiful in person as it was in the videos?”

I wish I knew.

I turn on speakerphone and drop it on the bed so I can change while talking. “Uh, yeah, it was.”


I hate lying, but she wouldn’t understand. I’m not sure I understand, but I’m not going to complain after what he did to me.

FUCK, he has an amazing mouth. And a man who only worries about my pleasure is certainly something new and intriguing.

“You don’t sound very excited.”

I hate that she knows me so well, and that I’m such a shitty liar. This calls for my best dodging skills. “I’m just in the middle of something, Care. I have to change and go meet a source and I don’t have much time.”

“Fine, but call me when you’re done. I want a detailed play-by-play. You know I live vicariously through your escapades, and after all the shit you and Savage have gone through to finally get here, I’m entitled to some deets.”

Now I’m the one rolling my eyes while I pull out a pair of jeans and yank them on. “Okay, I’ll call you later.”

By the time I’m changed and on my way to meet Paul, I’m already fifteen minutes late.

Shit, shit, shit. I hope he’s still there.

He chose the meeting place and Louis Armstrong Park is another ten minutes from me. When he’s already so nervous about what he’s doing, keeping him waiting is the last thing I want to do, but when I try to call him to tell him I’m running late, it goes straight to voicemail. I try several more times before I finally pull into the parking lot and take off toward the remote corner of the park he indicated.

Please be here. Please be here.

I arrive a full half-hour after our meeting time and don’t see him anywhere. In fact, I don’t see anyone. This area of the park is deserted at this hour, and I can see why he would choose it as a safe location. The chances of us being seen together here are slim.

My heart sinks. I fucking blew it! All because I wanted to blow Savage…and that didn’t even happen!

I’m not prepared to sacrifice my career to put his worries at ease. He overreacted this morning and, for a minute, I was tempted to storm out still pissed at him. But, the genuine concern in his eyes broke my will to remain defiant and I can’t really say I blame him for being apprehensive about me meeting a mysterious (to him) source.

He doesn’t know Paul. I do. I trust him. Paul is the guy; I know he can get me what I need. He’s been working for Abello for ten years in various capacities. As far as I can tell, he never dirties his hands with anything too bad; Abello has a few right-hand goons who take care of his truly filthy work. But Paul is trusted, and that’s exactly what I need, someone on the inside.

A loud cough off to my left draws my attention to a stand of trees. I wander over there, trying to look as casual as possible just in case anyone is watching. Paul is leaning against a large tree, smoking a cigarette and looking around nervously.

“You’re late.”

“I’m sorry. I got hung up. I tried to call.”

He drops the butt and smashes it under his boot. “Turned my phone off. Don’t want to be tracked.”


“You think he can do that?” A shrug is his only response. Silence lingers between us and I finally break it. The less time we are out here, the safer we will be. “Do you have something for me?” He was supposed to be looking for contracts, messages, anything that would confirm meetings and deals between Dunne and Abello.

Please have it. I really fucking need this.

He looks to the ground briefly and he shakes his head. “No, couldn’t get into the office without being noticed.”

“Shit.” Why did he need to meet with me if he doesn’t have anything? I glance around again, suddenly wary of being out here alone with a member of the mob. “Um, so why did you want to meet?”

He paces in front of me and pulls a slip of paper from his jacket pocket, holding it out to me. I reach out and grab it.

It’s a Post-it note…with my name on it.

My throat constricts and my knees wobble slightly. “Where did you get this?”

His concern-laced eyes find mine. “It was on the floor outside the office. It must have been stuck to something and fallen off.”

“Christ…did you hear anyone mention my name?”

He shakes his head but the worry in his gaze tells me it doesn’t matter. The fact my name is there at all is enough for me to essentially have a target on my back.

Gwyn McNamee's books