Savage Collision: A Hawke Family Novel (Hawke Family #1)

“No, Michael, thank you.”

Michael disappears and I’m left staring at a plate of fra diavolo with linguine and shrimp piled high. I grab my fork and twist it in the pasta, trying to get a manageable bite so I don’t end up shoveling dangling pasta and spraying red sauce all over myself.

Just as I am about to slide my first bite into my mouth, Savage clears his throat. I look up at him and melt under his wicked grin.

“I hope you like things spicy.”

You have no fucking idea, Savage. No idea.

Our dessert arrives and we both dig in, my hard cock throbbing when she moans at her first bite of tiramisu. She wraps her lips around her fork and pulls it out slowly, her eyes closed and head tilted slightly back. “Oh, my God, this is absolutely amazing.”

She’s doing it intentionally. She has to be. No woman can be this overtly sexual without trying.

I clear my throat and take a sip of water to wet my suddenly parched throat. “I’m glad you like it.”

Dinner has been both exhilarating and excruciating. Every word out of her mouth has me more convinced she’s absofuckinglutely perfect for me. She’s brilliant, sarcastic, funny—even when she isn’t trying to be—and sexy as hell. Watching her lips while she eats and talks is like watching porn two feet in front of me.

The constant hard-on I’ve had for the last two hours will definitely need some attention later, but it’s worth it. Asking Danika to dinner is the best decision I’ve ever made—even if my cock might not currently agree. It’s like I stepped back in time to freshman year of high school when every look, smile, or giggle from a girl had me sporting wood. Under any other circumstances, I might be embarrassed by my body’s reaction to her, but I’m not. I just wish there were a way to control my raging hard-on so I could make it through dessert a bit easier.

Three bottles of wine aren’t helping me keep my desires in check. I’ve barely been able to restrain myself from pulling her onto my lap and letting her ride me right here in Angelo’s. I’ve never been into public sex, but with her, I can’t even imagine the restraint it would require to sit next to her in a car all the way home before getting her naked and plunging into her.

Danika drains the last of the wine from her glass and sets it on the table before looking around the restaurant. I follow her gaze and realize the rest of the place has emptied out; we’re the only table left.

Her eyes meet mine, and that adorable blush races up her neck from her chest. “Damn, I didn’t realize it was so late.”

“I don’t mind.” I smile at her and reach out to take her hand in mine across the table. I gently run my thumb across her knuckles and she shudders, sending quivers down my arm and straight to my already-strained cock.

She bites her bottom lip and glances away. “I hope you don’t have to get up early. I would feel awful keeping you up.”

Christ, if she only knew.

“Actually,” I say, pulling her hand to my mouth and pressing my lips to her knuckles, “I do. I have to catch a plane to San Diego in the morning for my brother’s law school graduation ceremony. It isn’t until next Friday, but my whole family will be flying out for it, and we have a lot planned this week.”

“Oh.” She casts her eyes down, then away again.


As horrible as it sounds, I’m pleased to see the disappointment in her eyes at learning I’ll be gone for the next week. That’s a really fucking good sign, the best I can really ask for right now.

I wait for her eyes to return to mine. “But, I would love to see you when I get back. I get in late Friday night, so maybe dinner on Saturday?” I brush my lips over her hand, and she shudders again.

She smiles at me and squeezes my hand gently. “Yeah, that sounds great.”

“Good.” I release her hand and motion for Michael to come over to the table. “Michael, can you please tell Gabe I need him to drive Ms. Eriksson home?”

Gabe usually joins me for dinner on Friday nights, but tonight, he spent his time at the bar talking with Stephanie, one of his go-to girls. I’m sure I’ll be seeing her leave his condo tomorrow morning while I’m on my way to the airport.

Lucky bastard.

Danika glances around in confusion. “Oh no, I can take a cab. I took one here.”

“Please, it’s no trouble at all. I insist. Gabe is already here anyway. This way, I know you got home safely and won’t be worrying about you all night.” The thought of her taking a cab, alone, dressed like that makes my skin crawl. I know exactly what every man who sees her will be thinking; the exact same thing I am. And while I may have some self-control when it comes to Danika, I don’t trust any other man to get within ten feet of her, except Gabe. He may be a player, but he’s also loyal as fuck and would never do anything to interfere with a woman I’m interested in.

Gwyn McNamee's books