Savage Collision: A Hawke Family Novel (Hawke Family #1)

“Danika, I did not invite you here to try to fuck you. You asked me why I had been thinking about you, and I answered you, truthfully. I’ll always do my best to respond honestly to everything you ask, but that doesn’t mean my motives in inviting you here were not pure.”

“Pure? I doubt you know the meaning of the word.” He flinches slightly at my retort, and I cringe inwardly.

Okay, maybe that was a little harsh.

He searches my face, contemplating something before he replies.

“Did you speak with your sister?”

Okay, hadn’t expected him to go there after I just insulted him…again.

“Yeah, actually, she showed up at my apartment the day after I came to see you.”

“You two talked?”

I nod, and he watches me, waiting for me to elaborate.

“Look, she told me she spoke with you, so thank you for getting her to come talk to me.”

Being beholden to him for anything irks me, but after chasing Nora for weeks, he was the one who finally got her to actually stop avoiding me. I have to give him credit for that, at least.

“You’re welcome. I can only imagine how worried you were for her. If I didn’t hear from my sisters for a couple weeks, I would be worried, too.”

“You have sisters?” I hadn’t intended that to come out so coarse, but for some reason, the thought of a strip club owner having sisters seems unthinkable.

He grins and sips his wine. “Yeah, I have three younger sisters and one younger brother.”

“And they know what you do for a living?”

Damn, there I go sounding like a judgmental bitch again.

He doesn’t take the bait, barely reacting to my snide comment. “Yes, they know, and so does my mother.”

I scowl at him. “And they are okay with it?”

Before he can answer, the waiter returns and asks if we’re ready to order. I scramble to open my menu and review it. Glancing up at Savage, I see he doesn’t even bother to open his. He must come here a lot.

“Everything looks so good. What do you recommend?” I ask the waiter.

“If you don’t mind, I would love to order for you,” Savage interjects. “I eat here all the time and I think I know what you might enjoy.”

I eye him skeptically for a moment before closing my menu and handing it to the waiter. Letting him make the decision for me feels like giving in to him somehow and I’ve already done that just by coming here tonight. Still, I have a feeling he may be right about knowing exactly what I want.

“Good, Michael, will both have the fra diavolo.”

“Very good, Mr. Hawke,” he says, retrieving Savage’s menu and backing away from the table.

I haven’t looked away from Savage once as I wait for an answer to my last question.

“My family understands that my business is just that, a business. I opened my first bar, Hawkeye’s Pub, after college, and now, eight years later, I have several bars, restaurants, and the club. The club seemed like a logical step a few years back, and I took it. I run it tight and I keep it legit. I don’t involve myself with my girls, and they know they will be gone immediately if I find out anything is going on behind the scenes.”

Doesn’t involve himself with the girls? Does that mean he doesn’t sleep with them? Was Nora right?

The question is on the tip of my tongue but, with some effort, I manage to bite it back. I really need to rein in the bitchiness tonight.

“Well, it certainly sounds like your run the club differently than most, but I still can’t imagine having a son, or a brother, running a strip club. You have to admit, it’s a little seedy.”

He smirks and leans back. “I guess you’re right. I just hope you can put aside what I do for a living and will make up your mind about what kind of man I am based on facts, not prejudices.”

Shit. That was a real chastisement. I must be acting like more of a bitch than I thought.

I drop my gaze to my wine glass momentarily before I look back at him, unwavering.

“I will be the first to admit that I may have misjudged you. After talking with Nora, I know you treat your employees well and everything you told me is true.”

A pleased grin spreads across his face. “And what did you find out when you researched me?”

I try to hide my surprise but sputter momentarily trying to answer him, “Uh, I…what makes you think I researched you?”

“Because I did the same thing, and you’re a reporter. Frankly, I would be disappointed if you hadn’t done some research on the scumbag your sister was shaking her ass and tits for.”

Laughter bubbles up and I cover my mouth with my hand. I watch Savage glance down at my chest and shift in his seat.

He’s uncomfortable. Good. It’s only fair he be in the same position I am.

“I’m sorry I said that,” I say, my face no doubt reddening in my embarrassment. “I did research you, but I couldn’t find very much information. You seem to keep a pretty low profile for someone in your business.”

Gwyn McNamee's books