Safe from Harm (Protect & Serve #2)

Jeremy nodded. “Yes, sir.”

“Then you give me a name, boy,” Jeb ordered. “You tell me who it was your sister was meeting in town.”

“I saw her talking with someone,” Jeremy admitted. “But I don’t think… I mean, I’m not sure anymore… She said nothing happened.”

“And you’re going believe her?” Jeb demanded. “When she lied to me about why she wanted to go to town? When she was planning on lying down with devils?”

Jeremy flinched at a tremendous thud that sounded like Sandra was trying to batter down her door. “Please, sir,” he said, his voice breaking. “Please let her go. She’s going to hurt herself.”

Jeb pulled out a chair and sat down across the table from his son. He kept his voice low, even, when he said, “You tell me the man’s name, boy, and I’ll let her go.”

Jeremy licked his lips, still looking torn, but then rasped, “Gabe Dawson.”

Jeb nodded slowly. He should’ve known. It was the ultimate betrayal. Mac Dawson had already stolen Jeb’s land for the government. Had taken two of his sons. It only made sense that the sheriff would send his favorite son to steal away Jeb’s only daughter too.

“I saw them talking,” Jeremy added. “I don’t know if he’s the one she’s been meeting, though, Dad.”

Jeb slowly got to his feet. “You did the right thing telling me, boy.”

“What’re you gonna do?” Jeremy asked, his voice quaking. “You’re gonna let Sandra out now, right?”

Before Jeb could answer, he heard hurried footsteps behind him and turned to see his youngest standing in the kitchen doorway. “I told you to go to your room!”

“It’s Mom,” Brian said. “I can’t wake her up.”

Jeb heaved an irritated sigh and strode back into the living room. As if he didn’t have enough to deal with. “Get up, woman,” he ordered. “Your son’s convinced something’s wrong with you.” When she didn’t respond, Jeb grumbled under his breath and strode to the sofa, grabbing her shoulder and roughly shoving her back. “I said—”

He bit off his words when her head lolled, her mouth agape. He dropped to his knees to put an ear to her chest.

“What’s wrong with her?” Brian demanded, frantic. “What’s wrong? Mom, wake up!”

Jeb lifted his wife’s limp body from the sofa. “Look what they made me do,” he growled, carrying her to their bedroom, his sons in tow. “Look what those bastards made me do!”

Brian was sobbing, screaming for his mother.

“Stop crying, boy,” Jeb snapped as he put his wife on the bed. “She’s alive.”

He smoothed her hair. “They did this. You see that, don’t you? They made me do this.”

Jeremy shook his head, backing out of the room, dragging his little brother with him. “Who, Dad? Who the hell made you do anything? You’re totally fucking crazy!”

Jeb was on his feet in an instant, storming after his sons as they rushed down the hall. “Don’t you talk to me that way in my own house, boy! I’ll tan your hide!” Through the haze of his anger, Jeb heard Jeremy pressing buttons on his phone. “Hang up that phone. Jeremy! Hang up the phone!”

Jeremy halted and turned back to face him, his face twisted with anger of his own. “Mom needs an ambulance. I’m calling the police.”

Jeb snatched the phone from his son’s hand and flung it against the wall. “Like hell you are.”

Jeremy shook his head. “I’m not doing this anymore.”

When Jeb took a step toward his son, Jeremy shoved his younger brother behind him and lifted his chin in defiance.

So it had come to this, then.

“You do what I say, boy,” Jeb hissed. “Don’t make me tell you twice.”

Jeremy adjusted his stance like he was spoilin’ for a fight. “No. What are you going to do if I don’t? Kill me too?”

Jeb narrowed his eyes. “I should’ve known you couldn’t take your brothers’ places at my side. You’re useless. I’ll handle this myself.”

“After you let Sandra go, right?” Jeremy said as Jeb strode from the room.

Jeb scoffed. “She’s not going anywhere. And if I catch either one of you boys trying to get her out of her room or sneaking food to her, you’ll end up the same way.” He glared at his youngest son. “Brian, go use the kitchen phone and call your uncles. Tell them I’m calling a family meeting.”


Elle rested her head on Gabe’s chest and grinned as his fingers lightly smoothed up and down her spine. “That was incredible.”

He pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “Incredible is an understatement.”

She took a deep breath and let it out slowly on a long, contented sigh. “Why didn’t we do this sooner?”

He chuckled. “It wasn’t for lack of trying on my part, let me tell ya.”

Kate SeRine's books