Safe from Harm (Protect & Serve #2)

Forcing himself to get his shit together, Gabe got into the Charger and headed back to Elle’s office to pick her up, using the two-minute drive to shake off the apprehension worming its way under his skin.

When he pulled up to the curb, Elle’s smile was exactly what he needed. As soon as she slid into the seat, he leaned over and captured her lips in a long, slow kiss.

“Is that an apology for taking longer than five minutes?” she murmured with a grin. “If so, you can be late as often as you’d like.”

He kissed her again, briefly, then pulled away from the curb and reached over, clasping her fingers and giving them a squeeze. “Sorry. Took a bit longer than expected.”

“What happened?” she asked, reading him better than he liked at the moment.

He opened his mouth to tell her about Sandra Monroe, about what she’d been trying to tell him before her brother’s sudden arrival, but his gut twisted with dread. He’d taken it on faith that Sandra’s story was genuine, that she’d reached out to him in a genuine cry for help. But even if that was the case, he hated to think how her father would react if—hell, he might as well be honest—when he found out she’d spoken to someone he considered an enemy.

But Sandra’s warning echoed in his head, making him bite back the truth. Instead, he shrugged and forced a smile. “Nothing. Just trying to help somebody who was lost. But promise me you’ll be careful, okay? If you see one of the Monroes, just walk the other direction.”

She frowned at him. “Yeah, okay. What’s going on with you?”

“Seriously, Elle, promise me,” he demanded. “I’m worried as hell about what Monroe’s up to. If anything were to happen to you…”

She nodded and squeezed his hand. “Okay. I promise.”

Chapter 19


Jeb Monroe’s fury stoked a fire in his veins that threatened to burst forth at any moment and blaze brighter than the pits of Hell. He charged toward his daughter where she cowered on the sofa, wrapped in her mother’s embrace, tempted to smash her pretty face with the hand he’d balled into a fist.

“Who is he?” he roared, throwing the box of condoms at her. He’d been waiting for her to return and had forced her to empty her pockets and show him what she’d purchased. Her cheek was still red and swollen where he’d struck her. “Who’s the boy you’re spreading your legs for, you filthy little whore!”

“No one!” she cried through her sobs. “I’ve not been with anyone yet!”

“Yet!” he shouted, seizing upon the word. He grabbed her hair and wrenched her head up, forcing her to look him in the eyes. Through clenched teeth he demanded, “You give me a name, girl. You tell me right now or I will take a strap to you until you bleed.”

“Leave her be, Jeb!” his wife screamed at him, digging her nails into his hand, trying to pry his grip loose. “She’s done nothing wrong.”

Tired of his wife’s interference and coddling, he swung his free arm, catching her in the temple, barely sparing her a glance when she fell to the side with a groan. He pulled Sandra to her feet, dragging her out of the room. She flailed and punched at him, screaming at him to let her go, which only increased his rage. Didn’t she realize what he’d done to protect her over the years? What lengths he’d gone to to keep her safe from the lascivious eyes of the corrupt and sinful who would defile her innocence?

Society had grown too lax. The government had ruined the youth of today with their interference. All he had ever done was try to keep his daughter safe from these modern-day Sodomites. And the ungrateful little bitch thanked him by running headlong into the arms of the very sinners he was trying to protect her from.

He opened her bedroom door and shoved her in, locking her inside. “You’re staying in there until you’re ready to give me a name. You hear me, girl?”

The only answer was incoherent screaming as she pounded her fists on the door.

His chest heaving, Jeb strode back into the living room to deal with his traitorous wife. She was lying on the sofa where he’d left her, not moving. He felt a slight twinge of guilt at having knocked her unconscious, but he shoved it aside. She’d brought it upon herself. If she’d just shut her mouth and let him handle things instead of coddling Sandra when her sins were laid bare, then the woman wouldn’t be in such a state now.

He left her where she was and stormed into the kitchen, where he’d banished the boys. Brian made a swipe at his eyes, trying to hide the fact that he’d been crying. Jeb made a mental note that he’d need to toughen that boy up if he was going to carry on the cause. But right now, he had a bone to pick with his other son.

“Brian, get to your room,” Jeb ordered. “I need to talk to your brother.”

Without a word, Brian launched to his feet and ran from the room. As soon as he was gone, Jeb pegged his son with a pointed glare. “Give me a name, boy.”

Jeremy swallowed hard and glanced in the direction of Sandra’s screams, his eyes wide with fear.

“You want to help your sister?” Jeb asked. “You want to keep her safe from harm?”

Kate SeRine's books