Saddle Up by Victoria Vane

“Maybe,” she said. “But one step at a time, right?”

“Yes, Aiwattsi.” He stroked the backs of his fingers over her cheek. “One baby step at a time.”

She caught his hand and held it there, searching his eyes. “You never answered my question.”

“I didn’t think it deserved an answer. Do you think I would have come all the way here if all I wanted was a fuck?”

“No,” she confessed, her heart racing. “You’d never have to drive six hours for that. You could have any woman you wanted.” She knew it was true. His sex appeal was undeniable.

He slid his hand down her cheek to cup her chin. “Is that what you think?”

“Yeah, I do,” she replied softly.

He dipped his head and murmured against her mouth, “Would it surprise you to know the only one I’ve ever really wanted was you?”


Jo-Jo was peeling apples for a pie when Miranda entered the kitchen, feeling much like a dog with its tail between its legs. “I’m sorry, Jo-Jo.”

“For what you did or for getting caught doing it?” Jo-Jo asked.

“For disappointing you. I was so very happy to see him again. One thing just led to another.”

Her grandmother replied with a sympathetic smile. “You don’t have to apologize to me. I was once young and horny too. Hell, I was once old and horny. Now I’m just plain old. At least I’m not dead. I admit I was a bit shocked, but I should have seen this coming.”

“What do you mean?”

“You’re in love with him. It’s plain as the nose on your face. I just hope you’re not making a mistake. It’s never a good idea to get involved with people who work for you.”

“But it’s not like that, Jo-Jo. He came here because he wanted to help. He won’t take our money.”

“That does put things in a slightly different light.” She handed Miranda the peeler. “Would you finish these for me? I need to sit down for just a spell.”

“Sure,” Miranda replied, taking up an apple. “Are you feeling okay, Jo-Jo?” Miranda asked, noting her grandmother’s pale color.

“Just a tad under the weather,” she replied. “I’ve been a bit light-headed off and on for the past few days. It’ll pass if I just sit down for a bit.”

“Do you want a drink of water?”

Jo-Jo waved away the offer. “I’ll be fine in a minute. It’s nothing to be concerned about.”

“Have you seen a doctor?”

“Sweetheart. I’m just old,” Jo-Jo insisted. “There’s no pills to cure that.” Jo-Jo turned the conversation back on topic. “I’ll admit Keith wouldn’t have been my first choice for you.”

“Why not?” Miranda asked.

“I had hoped you’d hit it off with my handsome young attorney, Wade Knowlton, but I’m not going to judge a man I don’t even know. I’ll give Keith the benefit of doubt, because I know you’re not a fool.”

“I’m not sure how to take that, Jo-Jo.”

“I mean, I trust your good sense. I don’t believe you’d take up with someone who wasn’t worthy. I can see for myself that’s he’s a straight shooter. I respect that at least. He fessed up right away and shouldered the blame. That shows a protective streak. Coming here also proves he’s loyal. There’s another point in his favor.” She rose to pull the rib roast out of the oven. “How long does he intend to stay with us?”

“I’m not sure. He’s said he plans to leave right after we bring the horses in.”

“If all goes according to schedule, that’ll be right before Thanksgiving,” Jo-Jo remarked. “Do you think he’ll want to stay here with us for the holiday or spend it with his family?”

“I don’t know,” Miranda said. “Come to think of it, I don’t even know if they observe Thanksgiving on the reservation, do you? The Pilgrims’ arrival and establishment in the New World hardly seem a reason for them to celebrate.”

“I guess you’re right,” Jo-Jo said dryly. “I never thought of it that way.”

“I never did either, but I look at a lot of things differently since I met him.”

“Whether he celebrates it or not, I’m sure he won’t want to be by himself,” Jo-Jo said. “Judith and Robert are coming up. Judith almost had a heifer when I told her I wasn’t moving to Phoenix. I think she’ll try to bully me into changing my mind.”

“Have you told her about the mustangs yet?” Miranda asked.

“I mentioned it only in passing, but haven’t told her the rest yet. I’d rather wait and do it in person. Speaking of that, I could use some reinforcements. You can tell Keith if he wants to stay, I’ll make him the best damned stuffed turkey and pumpkin pie he ever ate.”

Miranda bit her lip. “So you’re really okay with him and me?”

“Sweetheart, I don’t have to love it to accept it. You’re a grown woman. I only ask for a little discretion. Silver Star is a very small town, and people love to gossip.”

Miranda kissed her grandmother’s cheek. “You have my promise.”