Rushing the Goal (Assassins #8)

“Do you know you sound like a toddler right now?” Lucy bit out, her eyes flashing, and Rick stepped toward her, pulling up short when Benji came up beside her.

“All she cared about was—” he stopped and pointed to Benji “—this douche. Who are you? Why are you even here? You like little girls or something?”

“Rick! That’s enough,” Lucy yelled and the blonde behind him put her hand on his arm.

“Let’s go say bye to Angie. People are watching,” she said and Rick glared back at her, which made her snap her mouth shut.

“Buddy, you don’t know me, but I’d watch it,” Benji said sternly and Rick laughed.

“You aren’t even on my radar, dude. You don’t even matter. You’re nothing, you don’t know my kid, so go on somewhere else. This slut may be fucking you, but believe me, she’ll be done soon. She doesn’t last long. That door on her bedroom is revolving.”

“Whoa, now,” River yelled, pointing to Rick’s daughter. “You are disgusting to talk like that in front of your child.”

“He’s worthless,” Baylor mumbled, but Benji’s gaze never left Rick’s.

“What, big boy? Got something to say? That’s what I thought,” Rick said, and then his gaze went to Lucy. “Keep this dude away from my kid.”

Before Lucy could speak, Benji said, “Not gonna happen, dude.”

“What?” he roared, taking a step toward Benji. He went toe-to-toe with him, his hands shaking at his thighs. Rick was a good foot shorter than Benji, but he’d give it to him, the guy didn’t back down. “What did you say to me?”

“I said, not going to happen. I not only coach Angie, but I’m friends with her mother.”

“You mean, the fuck of the week? Listen, she’s a whore—”

He was cut short when Benji’s nose came toward his. “One more time. One more time, you disrespect the mother of your child, and I swear you’ll never speak another word a day in your life.”

“Benji,” Lucy urged as she pulled on his arm.

“Rick, that’s enough,” his wife complained, pulling at him, but he shook her off.

“You think you’re winning, dude? I had her before you. I know what that is. You’re wasting your time fighting for her.”

“You son of a bitch, you are a piece—” River pulled Autumn away as she kept screaming, Baylor going with them.

Lucy pleaded, “Please, Benji, he isn’t worth it. You’re only making it worse.”

He nodded slowly. “You heard me. Don’t ever disrespect her again.”

Rick scoffed, backing away and shaking his head. “Got you a big ol’ boyfriend. Think he can protect you? I’m already talking to lawyers, Lucy. This is going down.”

She was shaking, her hands digging into Benji’s skin as she glared back at her ex. “I don’t know why you are messing with what we have. It’s sound. Angie is happy.”

“No, you have my daughter subjected to filth between that River bastard and this guy. She needs stability, and Lord knows that ain’t you. We’re done talking.”

He stomped off, but his wife stayed behind, embarrassment all over her face. She looked to her husband and then back to Lucy. Leaning in, she said, “I’m so sorry, Lucy. I’ll talk to him.”

Lucy’s lip trembled as she shook her head. “It’s whatever. Did he tell you about dance?”

“Yeah, I pulled her.”

“Thank you,” she said, looking to Nina. “Hey, Nina.”

“Hi, Miss Lucy,” the little girl said in a small voice.

“Okay, well, sorry. See you guys later,” Heidi said, walking away with Nina.

He could feel the anger and the embarrassment pouring off Lucy. When he looked over at her, she was fighting back tears as she slowly shook her head. Clearing his throat, he reached for her, but she put her hands up. His stomach dropped.


“No, I need a minute,” she said, sucking in a deep breath and letting it back out. When a tear slowly slid down her face, he wiped it away and ignored her flinching, wrapping his arms around her and kissing her temple.

“It’s okay. He’s scum, baby, calm down,” he said because she was shaking so badly.

“No, you shouldn’t have done that,” she breathed against his chest, her body shaking. “Damn it, Benji.”

“He won’t talk to you like that,” he choked out as she pressed her nose into his chest. “I won’t stand for it.”

Slamming her fist into his chest, she shook her head before pulling out of his arms. “Yeah, well, thanks.”

She turned on her heel, but he was right behind her. “What, you want me to stand by and not stand up for you?”

“I don’t need anyone to stand up for me,” she snapped back at him. “I’ve got this. I can deal with him. Just, shit!”

She opened the door but he pushed it closed, pulling her to the side. “No, don’t walk away from me.”

“I have to get to my daughter,” she bit out, her eyes flooding with tears. “Before my family makes this even worse.”

“Lucy, look at me,” he demanded, but she shook her head.

“I can’t. I just can’t, okay?” she said, pulling out of his grip. He didn’t want to let her go, but when he looked in the direction of her gaze, Angie was watching, her brows together. “I need some time.”