Rushing the Goal (Assassins #8)

She rolled her eyes. “Oh, hush. I told you last night, or, er, this morning, that all that doesn’t change anything.”

Pulling back, he looked down at her, his thumbs moving lazily along her cheekbones. “Still, I was worried.”

“Well, don’t be.”

“Okay,” he said roughly and she smiled. “Are you okay? You seem nervous.”

Was she? She was. Crap. “I hate lying to my family. To Angie. She asked me where I was last night.”

“Oh. I’m sorry.”

“Please. I came speeding over, literally.”

He chuckled against her lips, but then he stopped, his eyes searching hers. God, she loved his eyes. They were so beautiful, so compellingly gray. Kissing her nose, he asked, “What else?” She made a face and he smiled. “Tell me.”

“I’m worried Rick won’t show up. She really wants him here.”

He nodded, his grin dropping. “Have you texted him?”

“Not yet,” she said, lacing her hands behind his neck. “I’m a little occupied at the moment.”

His lips curved, his eyes darkening as he leaned closer. “Oh yeah, we have some kissing to do.”

“We do.”

“You look really hot,” he murmured against her lips, his hands falling to her ass as she sucked in a breath.



“Angie says you stare at me.”

“Oh, I do.”

“Do you?”

“Every chance I get,” he murmured before taking her mouth with his. Her eyes fell shut as her heart pounded into her ribs. When she leaned into him, he deepened the kiss, his tongue moving against hers with heated need. She couldn’t just kiss this guy. No, she had to consume him. Or he was consuming her, whatever, lots of consuming was going on, and it was freaking fantastic. When his hand squeezed her ass, his hard cock pressing into her stomach, she pulled back.

“Whoa, killer. We’ve got a game to go to.”

“Hey, not fair. Come back,” he muttered, but she shook her head.

“A kiss—one kiss—and you’re two seconds from doing me right here.”

He thought that over and then shrugged. “Am I supposed to be sorry for that?”

She laughed, rolling her eyes as she pulled away, fixing her shirt. “Give me a good three minutes before you follow.”

He rolled his eyes in an exaggerated fashion and then grinned. “Or I can stick my hand in the pocket of those naughty jeans and walk out there with you.”

She side-eyed him. “Want to piss on my leg instead?”

He scoffed at that as she shook her head, going to walk away. But of course, he pulled her in for one more kiss. A long, delicious one that she felt in her toes. She could kiss this man for the rest of her life and be completely fine with it.

Shit, did she just think that?


This time, he was the one to pull back, kissing her nose and then the side of her mouth before waggling his brows at her. “I think your mom likes me.”

“Good Lord,” she complained before pulling out of his arms and walking away. But she was smiling.


Rushing to where her family sat just before Angie took the ice, she climbed the bleachers as Jayden yelled out, “Jeez, did you have to take a shit?”

She stuck her tongue out at him as all the parents around them laughed, and their mother smacked him hard on the arm. He, of course, was laughing like a hyena as their mom complained. “Jayden! Goodness!”

Rolling her eyes, she sat down beside her mother, crossing her legs, and pulling her phone out to text Rick.

“Honey,” her mother said as she typed quickly.

Hitting send, she looked up. “Yeah?”

“Honey, your lipstick is smeared.”

Her eyes widened as she wiped the side of her mouth quickly while her mother eyed her suspiciously. But of course, that wasn’t the end of her embarrassment.

“Hey, Paxton, that red looks good on you, buddy,” Jayden called out. And when she glanced up to see Benji coming up to them, her eyes closed.

Fucking hell.

His brow rose. “What?”

“You have lipstick all over your mouth,” Jayden said dryly as Benji fell into the seat beside him.

“Do I?” he asked, wiping his mouth as Jayden chuckled.

“Yeah, jeez, who were you kissing?” Baylor laughed as Lucy died a slow and humiliating death.

“Funny, the same red that’s on his lips is the same red that was on your lips, well, now the side of your mouth,” her mother mumbled. But Lucy just kept facing forward, praying to God the subject would get dropped. “Wonder why that is?”

Still, she said nothing as Benji asked, “Did I get it all off?”

“Yup,” Baylor said, then leaned forward to Lucy. “Did you want a napkin? Since yours was smeared?”

Pressing her lips together, she wanted to die. “Nope, good.”

When her phone dinged with a text, she thanked God before looking down at her phone.

Rick: I’ll be there when I get there. Don’t rush me. I do have a life.

“Motherfucker,” she murmured as Benji leaned forward.

“Ignore him,” he said, shaking his head. “His life should be his daughter.”

“I know,” she said under her breath.

“You left—”