Rushing the Goal (Assassins #8)

Benji: I know what you’re thinking.

Her brow rose as she typed him back. To her surprise, and proving her to be an idiot, he had texted her last night. It was only a “Good night, beautiful” text, but still, he took the time. And it was easy to say that Lucy slept with a grin on her face. It also made her think maybe she should give this relationship a try. She was still on the fence about the whole thing.

Lucy: What?

Benji: You’re wishing I was out there with Angie.

Lucy: I am not.

Benji: Didn’t I tell you about that lying stuff? I can see right through you, woman.

Lucy: Whatever. You don’t even know me.

Benji: Okay…

Lucy: And I haven’t even thought of you. Not once.

Benji: Is your nose growing?

Lucy laughed out loud and quickly covered it as she shook her head. He was crazy, or so she thought, because then her FaceTime started to ring.

It was him.

He was nuts!

Answering it, her face was puzzled as she said, “Hello?”

“Hello, it’s me,” he sang like Adele did in her song, which made Lucy sputter with laughter.

“Oh my God, dork,” she giggled and he smiled. He was in a locker room or something, his jersey hanging above his head. Her smile dropped and her eyes went wide. “Are you in the locker room with my brother?” she screeched and he laughed.

“No, I’m in here alone. Everyone is in the hall playing soccer. Plus, I have my earbuds in. No one can hear you, so please proceed to tell me what you want to do to me naked.”

She closed her eyes, laughter bubbling from the base of her throat. When she noticed one of the moms looking at her, an offended look on her face, Lucy’s face burned as she dug her earbuds out of her purse and put them in. “I did not have mine in, and another mother just heard you,” she said into the phone, which made him laugh.

“Oh, well. She probably doesn’t get laid or she’s jealous of how hot you are,” he said simply and she rolled her eyes.

“Stop sucking up to me and tell me what you want,” she demanded and he grinned.

It took her breath away.

He was a little sweaty and his hair was pushed to the side, obviously by his hands. He wasn’t wearing a shirt, and his jaw was covered in hair. He hadn’t shaved, and she decided she liked him a little hairy. Yesterday, he was clean-shaven and he was adorable, but he looked sexier with a five-o’clock shadow.

“Well, if you must know, I still want you.”

Shaking her head, her face burning, she had a hard time not grinning. “Stop.”

“Fine, show me the ice. How’s Angie doing?”

Her heart grew in her chest as she hit the button to turn the camera so he could see the ice. She watched his face as he looked closer at the phone, finding Angie and then nodding as she ran the drills. “She looks good. Was she okay? Not nervous?”

Really? How was she supposed to be hard and cold around this dude?

“Eh, when she went on and did her laps, I could tell she missed you.”

“Yeah, I wish I was there. I was thinking about her all day, worried how she would do. Who’s out there with Adler?”

“I don’t know who they are, but he introduced them as his buddies.”

He looked closer. “Oh, I think they played with him his rookie season. I’m not sure. I trust Adler with my life, so I’m sure she’s in good hands.”

“Yeah, he offered me Elli’s house.”

“Put me on you,” he said and she did what he asked. “There you are,” he said, his eyes dark. “I think you get more beautiful by the second. Ooh, and today we get a peek of boobs. Why didn’t you wear that shirt last week?”

Covering her chest, she laughed as she looked away. “Stop, you’re making me blush.”

“Good, I like that color, along with the dimples. They’re my favorite.”

“Are you done?” she demanded and he shrugged.

“I can be, for now. But you’re fair game, Lucy Sinclair.” She looked at the screen, and when she saw herself in the little box at the top, she almost didn’t recognize who that person was. She looked different.



“So, Adler’s house is way out of the way. Like an hour. Could you pull that?”

She shook her head. “No, that’s why I said no.”

“Oh, okay. So what’s going on? Do you have an ETA?”

“No, he said it wouldn’t be Tuesday for sure. The more they got into it, the more problems they’ve found. My landlord’s daughter told me she thinks I should start looking for something else. That they might have to give me my money back for the month and my deposit. It’s a mess.”

“Shit, that sucks, babe. I’m sorry. Can I help?”

She smiled, shrugging. “Thanks, but not really. I’ve just got to find a place to live and an office building. Has to be by Angie’s school, not out of my price range, and will allow me to grow in it.”

He slowly nodded, watching her. “The offer still stands for my place.”

“Benji, be real. We’ve known each other a week.”

His face lit up. “Aw, it has been a whole week. I’ll send you some chocolates.”

Giggling, she rolled her eyes as she leaned back. “I’ll be okay. I always am.”