Rushing the Goal (Assassins #8)

Her lips turned up as she shook her head, watching him. “You stole it and I’m still not sure how I feel about that.”

He laughed. “Hey, what’s the worst that can happen?”

Her eyes said it all.

She could fall for him.

While he really didn’t see a problem with that, it was damn apparent it was a huge deal for her, and that worried him.

Was he, in fact, setting himself up for heartache?

He wasn’t sure. But one thing was for sure.

He wasn’t turning back.

What’s the worst that can happen?



Lucy could like him.

She could miss him.

She could fucking fall for him.

There was so much that could go wrong, but she’d be lying if she said she wasn’t giddy walking back to the house, cuddled in Benji’s jacket.

“Shit,” she said, pulling out her phone to call him. When she went to her call list, the last number she had dialed was listed as “My Sexy Dork.”


This guy.

She hit the number, and Benji answered, laughing. “That was quick. I was convinced you wouldn’t text or call till Wednesday.”

“Shut up. You forgot your jacket.”

“Eh, keep it. Looks better on you.”

She made a face. “It’s huge on me.”

“Yeah, but I like seeing you in it. I feel you should have to wear it all the time.”

“You’re insane,” she laughed, reaching for the door.

“Yeah, but maybe it will inspire you to do something crazy and text me later. When you’re lying in bed, naked—”

“I don’t sleep naked,” she said dryly, a grin pulling at her lips.

“No? Hm, you should. It would be hot.”


“Okay, but text me tonight when you’re wanting someone to wrap their arms around you. Just a hug, of course.”

“Of course.”

“But then, maybe when you want someone between your—”

“Goodbye, Benji,” she said, hanging up to his laughter.

Sucking in a deep breath, she closed her eyes.

Be still, heart.

And behave, vagina.

But, good Lord, that man was a big ball of hotness and he drove her absolutely senseless. She would never let anyone talk to her like that, but when he did it, it was playful, silly. He was a dork. A big sexy one, but he had her number, which meant he’d call her or text her and then she’d have to talk to him, and then… Shit, were they dating?



“Fuck,” she complained as she pushed the door open and went inside. She found the living room was empty, that was until Baylor came limping through, a plate in her hand. Lucy went to her, taking it despite her protest.

“Just go sit down,” Lucy said with more force, and Baylor took notice.

“Jesus, for someone who just got the stuffing kissed out of her, you’d think you would be a little nicer,” she teased in a whisper as she sat down.

Lucy glared and almost threw the plate at her. “I want to throw this at you.”

“Yeah, I know,” she said, taking it and winking. “But I’m hurt. You can’t.”

Lucy rolled her eyes and then fell into the other chair beside her. Slouching down in it, she glared over at her sister-in-law. “You saw it all?”

Baylor scoffed as she grinned around the bite of sandwich she had just taken. “You mean Benji almost doing you against his truck? Yeah, I saw it, and I put two and two together.”

“Hellfire,” she cried out, covering her face with her hands as her cheeks turned deep red.

“I didn’t think it was like you to leave a whole bag over there, but if you were doing a walk of shame, you just might.”

Peeking through her hands at her grinning sister-in-law, she said, “Have I told you lately I don’t like you?”

Baylor feigned hurt. “Me? I thought I was your favorite.”

Lucy covered her face back up and then shook her head. “What am I doing?”

She said it more to herself, but Baylor took it upon herself to answer. “I think you should go with it. He had those sex eyes and it was kind of hot. Usually, I look at him like he’s kinda goofy, but with those sex eyes… Rawr.”

Sliding her hands down her face, she set Baylor with a look. “Please don’t ever say that about him again.”

Baylor giggled as she shrugged. “Aw, how sweet, you’re jealous.”

Lucy glared because there was no way in hell she would give that sentence life. Ignoring it because it was silly to even think about it, she said, “I’m a mom.”

Baylor shrugged. “Yeah, who needs a hot dude to spice up her life. I say go for it.”

Closing her eyes, she let out a long breath. “Where are Jayden and Angie?”

Baylor took another bite. “Upstairs.”

“Okay,” she said, standing up. “I hope you choke on that sandwich.”

Baylor sputtered with laughter, and Lucy grinned back at her as she headed for the stairs. “They didn’t see anything,” she called back at her and Lucy’s grin disappeared.

Should she tell them?

Tell them what?

They weren’t even, really, kind of dating.

Like, kind of. But not really.

She did sleep with him, though, and he did hang out with Angie, but that didn’t matter. It was nothing. Nothing to even speak about.

Yeah, she’d wait.

For what, she wasn’t sure, because this was going nowhere.

He probably wouldn’t even call her.